
Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Did You Catch This?

A comment from a wise blog reader under My Last Post:

"After reading some of the comments, I do want to point out, posting negative things here does not mean a person does or does not believe in God, just as posting positive things does not mean a person does or does not believe in God."

So true...the meanest people I have ever met in my entire life have been a few who called themselves "Christian", and some of the nicest people I've ever met have wanted nothing to do with religion. It's amazing how we who call ourselves "Christian" (myself included) think a cruel person (like the few I mentioned in the last post) must automatically also be someone who does not believe in God...

I know I can be a real jerk sometimes (probably more than I'm willing to admit).

I don't like to shove faith and God down your throat, but this is something to think about...
