
Monday, May 26, 2008

the Gwyneth Rose Necklace


  1. Goodday!
    The first time ever that I can be the first one to leave a comment! Yeah!
    The necklace is beautiful!
    Glad that the 3 of you are doing so well and praying that it will only get better!
    Greetings from SA!

  2. That's really beautiful! And I love the new look on the blog. Great job!

  3. Beautiful necklace, gorgeous new pic on the blog header, smashing baby!

  4. Glad you did a pic of the necklace. We were trying to figure out what was on it before.

    I'm sure Mish is having a great time holding Baby Rose. I don't think Ty realizes momma won't be here when he wakes up.

    Gwyneth's Great Uncle Andy

  5. i love all her pieces, no wonder you picked her for such a special treasure for "mommy". happy memorial day!

  6. Wow, I love the new pic at the top of the blog! We head back to Florida today. We are praying for you guys daily. It won't be long you'll be heading to the OBX as a family!

  7. That is really a nice thing that Lisa is doing for the CFF, much appreciated! The necklace is beautiful.. I'm going on the website now to see what I can buy! :)

    Hugs to you all!!

  8. Love the necklace and the new header on the blog - it actually took my breath away when I loaded your page!

  9. The jewelry is beautiful! I also wanted to let you know that your new header is just wonderful. What a great progression to go from just
    Tricia to the three of you, a complete family!
    I've been reading forever and I find so much inspiration from your story. Thank you for sharing it!
    Hugs to you all!

  10. It is wonderful of Lisa Leonard to do this, I am heading to her site now to see what I can buy.

    By the way, I LOVE the new header!!!

  11. Very cool! I love the new pic on the top of the blog. So sweet!

  12. Love the new layout pic and Gwyneth's neckalce is great. What a lucky little lady!

  13. so precious! love the new header on your blog too!

  14. That's beautiful! I'm fighting off the urge to buy a necklace.

  15. The necklace is beautiful. I think I will send the link to her website to my husband so he can (hopefully) order one for me for my birthday.
    Oh and I love the new heading on your blog. Its a perfect photo of the three of you.

  16. That's so cute!!! It's beautiful :)

  17. Gorgeous necklace!

    Love the new header, BTW.

  18. I love the new picture of the three of you on the blog title! It's such a joy to see Gwenyth getting chubby little cheeks and hands :) Tricia looks wonderful too, and so happy. What a precious miracle your family is.

  19. You new banner made me totally tear up. It's so beautiful. <3

  20. Beautiful necklace!

    I participated in the fundraiser by ordering a necklace for my mother and my sister who recently had a baby!

  21. What a beautiful necklace! I could not resist the urge and bought one with my daughter's name on it. I love that I could give to CFF in this way. Thanks!

  22. for my birthday last year I got the dog tags with my 4 kids names on them, plus matching earings. Love her stuff!


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