
Monday, May 26, 2008

(Bump) Monday, Monday, Monday!

This Monday (May 26/TODAY!), our friend and personal jeweler (haha), Lisa Leonard is going to be donating 20% of all sales ordered from her website today to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation!!!

If you're looking for something different and very cool, Check It Out! Below is the piece that she helped me design for Tricia a few months ago!

Thanks, Lisa!!!



  1. wow- first to comment! :D I like the jewelry that you and Lisa made for Tricia. That's very sweet of Lisa to donate money from her business for CF! :D
    Praying for you guys still- hope you guys are enjoying being together again with Gwyneth. :)

  2. The Gwyneth Rose necklace she created is gorgeous!

    Who doesn't love jewelry! I'm heading to Lisa Leonard's website now to check out her stuff...

  3. Aw man! I just bought something for a friend a few days ago from Lisa (thanks to your great props). I should have waited. :( The family tree necklace is great!

  4. I will go check out her stuff:)

  5. Thanks for the info. I just found out about this jewelry a couple of weeks ago from a friend. Great job designing something special for Tricia. toodles, Sheila, NV

  6. Beautiful necklace! But, what does it say on it? Hard to see from the photo.

  7. WOW. I just got caught up!!

    Fisrt off..CONGRATS on having everyone together! WOOOOOOOOO HOOOO

    I'm so happy for you guys.

    Also I love the jewelry. How cute is that!!!

    I hope you all have a great weekend:)

    Hugs and love!!!!!!!!!!

  8. oh cool. i was on her site the other day and couldn't make up my mind. now i will wait until monday!

  9. Hmm. Megan will need something. I mean. It's for a good cause and all.

  10. Love special jewelry like this.
    I will check out the site.

    Tricia, You look great!

  11. Lisa's jewelry is gorgeous.. love the May necklace!! So awesome that she's donating the CF foundation.. Go Lisa!

  12. WoW!! Beautiful AND generous!! I'm heading over right now!!

  13. Trisha is lookin good! Hope you have a great weekend. I'm enjoying being back in the Tidewater Area for a few days!

  14. Gosh I wish I had money to buy a beautiful necklace. The other day one popped right to my attention.

    It's so beautiful.

  15. ah way to go lisa. Thats very cool of you :)

  16. I have a necklace from Lisa Leonard and I LOOOVE it!

    I may just have to buy something else...

  17. i just bought two necklaces on friday. i emailed her and told her that i have cf and asked if she would be willing to make my puchases part of the donation. it is so generous of her to do this for us!!! i'm so glad you led me to the sight. i just hope my sister doesn't check out her jewelry because i ordered one for her.

    can we see a close up of tricia's necklace???

    take care :)

  18. Ooooh I LOVE the new banner!

  19. Wow. I have been blown away by the story of your family. I am all at once humbled into silencing any complaints that I might have and propelled to send many prayers your way. I am incredibly lucky to have crossed paths with your lives and story (thanks Lisa Leonard). I will be back often to see how you all are. Enjoy your new daughter and each other.

  20. My husband and boys gave me a Lisa Leonard necklace for Mother's Day this year with both boys names stamped in two individual circles. It's beautiful and I have yet to take it off! Love the one she created for Gwyneth!

    First time commenting but have been thrilled to see the progress both of your girls have made. Praise God for bestowing such bountiful blessing upon your family!


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