
Friday, May 2, 2008

That's How We Roll

When Gwyneth and I are chillin' near her crib...

We really like to look at the ceiling....

That's how we roll.



  1. Wow! She is so beautiful! It is so cool to see how much she has grown. And it even looks like she has some cute little pinchable cheeks! ;)

  2. I cannot believe how big she's getting. <3

  3. I love it! She looks so big now. I just cant get over how beautiful she is!

  4. Gwyneth is getting big!!! I loved the photos of Tricia in the garden looking so healthy and gorgeous :o) What a wonderful God we serve!!!

    Hugs to all of you!

  5. I find myself looking at the ceiling sometimes. Usually I'm looking for a misplaced thought.

  6. Just lovely...she is gorgeous! I'm so glad you are all doing well. My family continues to pray for you.

    Sarah in Gastonia, NC

  7. she's getting so big, and beautiful as always!
    on a side note, wow! look how long your hair is already! lol

  8. I really can't get over how much she has filled out and grown! God is SO good!
    ~ becky b

  9. She's getting so big! What a precious pumpkin! How on earth do you balance your Powerbook and Gwyneth at the same time??? :)

    Hugs from El Paso,

  10. oh, she is just precious! definitely can tell she's your girl, Nate. we're so thrilled for you all!

  11. She is so adorable!!

    I saw someone who asked how you balance your Mac---you had said you take the most pictures yourself because your arms are long--that is talent! I'd be afraid I'd drop my camera (Canon 30D)!!

  12. These are great pictures Dad. I can really see how she is filling out and growing so big for her little self. She is just beautiful and I could just chew her cheeks!:)

    Laurie in Ca.

  13. look how chubby she is getting! that is awesome.

  14. Awww... how adorable. Daddy and his little girl!!! Beautiful pictures!


  15. Oh my gosh! She is so completely yummy!

  16. Taking turns holding up the ceiling!

  17. Oh my goodness, how I would just love to pick her up and cuddle her! Such a precious gem. I am so happy for all of you, and give God the glory.


  18. What a little chub she is! So great:)

  19. What a little chub she is! So great:)

  20. Man, she has changed! WOW! She looks fantastic!

  21. WOW! I see a little double chin! You gotta love baby cheeks!! What a big girl! God is good!

  22. Awesome pics! She's a little cutie! Enjoy the ceiling. :-)

    ~Sara in MD

  23. Gwyneth is such an adorable baby. It's amazing to see how much she's grown!

  24. Wow she's really looking quite big and healthy. I'm imagining it will not be long before she joins you and Trisha at home.

  25. Did she get her feeding tube out??

    She looks amazing!!

  26. Seriously, what are you feeding that girl? She is getting HUGE! :) She looks great! It won't be long now til she goes home! Yeah!

    Keep on keeping on!

  27. Not sure she could be any cuter! You look adorable together.

  28. You guys roll BEAUTIFULLY together. She is getting so big. Thanks for sharing.

    Prayers still coming for all.


  29. She is absolutely beautiful! There is nothing like a father's love for his daughter...brings tears to my eyes.

  30. Awww, Nate & Tricia, Gwyneth is so precious! I love how chubby she's looking! Sweet!
    Thank you Jesus!

  31. Your story is amazing. Your girls look beautiful. Your blog has changed so many things in my mind about organ donation and even abortion. You have really made a difference with your blog. I cannot wait to see her first birthday pictures!

  32. You are such a fantastic dad!

  33. Great shots of dad and his little girl!

  34. You are such a nut Nate! Gwyneth is going to have fun with her Daddy!!!
    (Course you'll embarass the fire out of her when she reaches her teenage years. but remember when that time comes that's how teenagers roll! heh ;)
    Y'all make a cool pic to wake up to this morning!! Love G's outfit. She continues to get even cuter!
    Y'all have a great weekend.
    God bless you all
    Jamie in Texas

  35. Reading these comments tells me that in the dark recesses of our culture cannibalism lives.

  36. She's beautiful -- and she looks so alert! :-)

  37. She is so cute, I love her eyes. You two look great. I keep praying for you all and sharing your miracle story with everyone I know, what a testimony! God is good!!

  38. With all that you've been through in the past several months, my prayer for your family is normalcy when Gwyneth comes home. The blissful normalcy of 2:00 am feedings, leaky diapers what seems like every hour (because you're new at this too), changing a onesie for the 5th time in 1 day, experimenting with cereal and mashed pears... you name it! I could go on and on...

    Best wishes!

  39. You are so stinkin' cute!

    I love seeing her in wee little clothes. Awww. She's precious!


  40. Sounds like a typical "one-week-old" to me. :) Those little ones love them some ceilings. Wait until she gets a ceiling fan in her life. Boy, is that the life!

  41. look how cute!!!!! Love her little outfit.

  42. Gwyneth is getting so big! What a fun time you are going to have. Thank you again and again for sharing her with us. God's Peace!

  43. My Word! Look at how big she is getting!! Go Gwyneth!

  44. Nate and his Mini-me.... Adorable :)

  45. Look at that cute little pink onsie. She's adorable, Nate! So glad your girls are improving each and every day! God is GREAT!

  46. Too cute - she's getting so big!

  47. and seriously, you two could be twins...

  48. How cute is that!

    Carey from MI

  49. So cute! And she's getting huge!! WOW!!

  50. Goodness, she really looks like a little newborn now! Quite the cutie!

  51. She is just Beautiful, how shes grown too way to go Gwyeneth!

  52. Praying for many more things for you, Tricia and Gwyneth to look at! She is looking so well.
    Cathy & Annabel

  53. The first thing I noticed is the size of her left hand on your finger. I remember the pictures from a few months ago and what a difference!

    Continued prayers from Florida.

  54. What a sweet little girl! I can't imagine how happy y'all are that everyone is doing so well!

  55. she is so beautiful!!! you can tell she has such a cute personality by her expressions. so amazing to see how big she is getting!!! thank you so much for the update! so fun to see pictures of your girls! continuing to pray, jen in al

  56. that's just the kind of things daddies and thier daughters should do...staring at celings together, right on! and you both look content doing it too :)

    p.s. nate just how fast does your hair grow :))

  57. What a cutie!!! She looks so much like her Dad. I can't believe how big she is getting....

  58. Wow, does she look like Daddy or what? Beautiful baby!!!!

  59. She is getting to be so big - WOW!!

  60. You never finished telling the story of how you and Tricia fell in love!

  61. Gosh, she just looks so great! What a beautiful little girl. She has filled out so much!

  62. Ceiling fans were a big hit with my baby. In fact, I would refer to it as his "best friend" because he would stare for what seemed like hours. So funny what babies find interesting! Gwyneth is really beautiful!

  63. She's looking at her guardian angel! All my babies did the same thing.

    Precious! She is definitely Daddy's little girl!

  64. She looks fantastic! I can't believe how plump her legs look in that photo!

    Still praying in NY!

  65. Maybe it's the angle of the shot but that little girl doesn't look just over 4 pounds. She's really starting to look BIG.

    And boy is she a beauty.

  66. She is just breathtaking.

    What a little miracle.

  67. I hadn't looked at your blog in a while, and when I saw the pictures of your little girl it made me so happy! She looks so chubby and cute and perfect--absolutely beautiful.

  68. Lol...Such a sweet picture. I love how ya'll are both looking up...Too sweet. That look she's making, she's just laughing at you on the inside of how goofy her daddy is being! : )

  69. Wow, if her eyes and chubby cheeks didn't give her away, I'd almost think it wasn't her. She's so big! I love that you two roll with the homies, in style.

  70. She is so cute I could eat her up! You know what I mean. I hope. :)

  71. Exactly how it should girls and their daddies...there's something magical about that.
    We have 2 little daddy's girls here...

  72. Awwwwwww!!! Gwyneth is such a doll! :) What fun pictures of you two "chillin'" together! :)

    Amy in Oregon

  73. Oh! I just realized that Gwyneth and our baby, Katie, are wearing matching onesies today. :) How fun! ;)

    Amy in Oregon

  74. Totally funny! You look alot alike.

  75. such a sweetie Gwyneth is! Look how far she has come. wow. I bet you guys have her home next weekend! (or close to it)

  76. That is awesome! She looks just like you, Nate. :)It's so great to see both of your girls looking so healthy and radiant!

  77. wait until she dicovers ceiling fans! All my babies liked looking at them :)

  78. Wow - Look at her! She's just getting so big. God's little miracle!

  79. Wow...she looks so big now! Just curious...has she outgrown your wedding ring? he he

  80. I came back to look a second time :) I just want to pinch her chubby little cheeks!!!!! :D

  81. oh wow! De-lurking to say...she's beautiful!

  82. Every time I visit (which is almost daily...sometimes multiple times a day!) I am awestruck! Your girls are BEAUTIFUL and radiate health, beauty, and love!! Still praying and so very thankful for your sharing. God is indeed good!!

  83. When I look at these photos, I can't help picturing you and Gwynneth, for years to come, being partners in!

  84. I can not believe how much she has filled out so quickly with her little double chins-what a cutie!

  85. hee hee hee! this post made me laugh ...

  86. I can see how she has grown in these pictures. Wearing a onesie and wide awake, she looks so healthy and "ordinary" to my eyes now. How wonderful that she is doing so well! God is blessing your family in so many ways, every day.

  87. Nate, too cute. I am not sure if the look of amazement is better from her face or yours. How blessed you all three are. And that little Rose....all I can say is she gets more precious everyday.

    Tell you what.....I like the way you guys Roll.....keep it up!

  88. Wow! Look how big she is getting! She's just like any other newborn now :) I am so happy for all of you. Next step...take her home!

  89. She is such a beautiful baby, and is really getting filled out. Love the chipmunk cheeks! :-)

  90. Hey guys...
    I read your blog all the time and am so happy that things are looking good.
    This was by far one of my favorite posts yet. It made me smile!
    You are a great Dad. This is a wonderful way to document what your family has been through. Some day your daughter will be grateful for it.
    Keep on hangin' in there...
    love from NH

  91. She's going to be headed home in no time!

    My daughter (who is one month old today) fixates her eyes to the ceiling and to the side all the time. I always wonder what she sees and what she is thinking about.


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