
Saturday, May 3, 2008



Seriously, though...for about ten seconds, she had her thumb firmly planted in her mouth sucking like a champ. I had turned away for a few seconds and actually heard it before I saw this pic just as she was pulling it out.

Can you say "genius"?



  1. That has got to be the cutest picture of her so far!!! I love it!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  4. I LOVE THIS PICTURE. Gwyneth looks amazing...i love the chubby cheeks. What a beautiful gift.

  5. Can you say she looks great?

    She no longer looks like a per term baby. She looks amazing.

  6. ADORABLE!!!!!!

    She looks SUPER! Oh how cute. I love the pics with you and her looking at eachother best. Can you say "Daddy's Little Girl?" She has a bond with you like no other. Way to go Daddy.


  7. Hey Nathan and Tricia...

    I rarely post only due to the fact that there are nearly a gazillion posts...however, I check in on y'all EVERYDAY. I am so tickled (first off) that Tricia is out of the hospital! YEAHHHHHHHHH! Tricia, you look coloring, your look awesome! No one would ever guess what you have endured! Praise God!!!! Now...that cute little miracle, Gwyneth...she looks AMAZING! She is filling out so much, becoming more and more animated each day! What a BEAUTIFUL little girl...just like momma. I am so thrilled for you all. We pray for you all often and, seriously, check up on you EVERYDAY. God bless you all. Continue to get stronger...praying for your continued health and for the day when Gwyneth can come home! GOD BLESS YOU ALL!

    San Diego

  8. Every time I see a new picture of your beautiful Gwyneth, I just thank the Lord for His wonderful answer to prayer! She is soooooooo cute! She has just the sweetest kissable looking cheeks!
    Praise the Lord for He is so good!
    love and prayers,
    The Lockwoods :)

  9. Precious and definitely brilliant

  10. I love this picture because of the little smirk on her face as if she is thinking haha everyone look at me!! PRICELESS!!

  11. So cute! I am curious how "old" she is? As in, how old do they expect her to act. I know premies are considered younger than they really is she technically only considered a few weeks old since she is just past her originally due date?

  12. Super cute picture! Too bad nothing yummy comes out of thumbs. (My baby wishes that too)

  13. awww. she is so sweet! it's so cute when they do these things for the first time (ok maybe the first 50x when youare a new parent!). wait until she laughs for the first time and says "dada!"!!!!

  14. and can you say, that is the cutest nose i have ever seen in my entire life?

  15. CUTE!!! She looks amazing! I can't believe how fast she is growing!

  16. Adorable! But be careful, this is a very, very difficult habit to break!

  17. I haven't commented in quite a long time but I still follow your story almost daily. The thing I have loved SO MUCH about your most recent posts, though, is that there has been an easygoing pride in their tone concerning your little girl. I love that things are settling to enough of a degree that you are just relishing in all those memorable milestones and enjoying your little girl doing what little girls do. I love you being the proud Momma and Daddy, bragging on all her latest accomplishments just because it makes you happy. God TRULY DOES give us the desires of our hearts and your latest posts are quite evident of it. Continued blessing on you all!

  18. That is an adorable picture. She is surely a beautiful little girl.

  19. Nathan and Tricia, I absolutely love that pic..she is adorable.

  20. She is both are so blessed..but you already know that.

  21. So adorable!! My youngest started sucking his thumb at about 4 weeks old. My husband hated it and wanted me to take his thumb out whenever I saw it, but he would spit his pacifier out and suck on his thumb. I'd wake up and he'd be asleep in his bassinet with his little thumb in his mouth. FInally we learned he would suck it even if we pulled it out of his mouth 1,000 times. He is two and is still a thumb sucker.

    All that to say--I have a soft spot for pics of babies sucking their thumbs!

  22. Gee. Cutest pic EVER!!! I have heard that thumbsucking IS a sign of genius!!
    (Um-well, my daddy said it was...I sucked my thumb so he must have been right! ;)
    She is absolutely adorable and looks so very healthy and good! What a miracle God has been giving us to watch. Thanks again for sharing Nate and Tricia. Hope you are having a great weekend.
    God Bless you all
    Jamie in Texas

  23. I love thumbsuckers. My two year old still sucks his thumb at nap and nite and it melts my heart. Suck away, Gwyneth, Daddy will pay for braces when the time comes:)

  24. That picture is SO cute! My cousin had twins in December - and one of them has found their thumb - the other is still looking for his - ha! ha! It's so cool to watch them discover new things!

    Hope Tricia is doing well....

  25. I've never noticed what a cute nose she has til I saw it at this angle. So sweet!

  26. I love the picture of her sucking her thumb! I have a 14 week old little boy that has also found his cute!

  27. Perfect! An amazing creation of a God of miracles! This pic says it all! Absolutely priceless!

  28. that is the sweetest picture and she looks like she just about got away with it, lol.

  29. I must agree, it doesn't get much cuter than that! I am still so in love with her pudgy little cheeks!

  30. How adorable!!Yes she is a genius in her father's eyes like every daughter should.

    Wait until she discovers her toes!

  31. Simply adorable!! Love this picture! She is such a cutie!

  32. How precious!! I love those up close shots. Babies are so incredibly sweet & this little baby is such a miracle on top of being especially adorable!!!

  33. That is the most precious picture!

  34. Precious picture. She is such a beauty.

  35. I got to meet Tricia yesterday. She looks even better in person than in the pictures. Tricia .. you kick some serious butt.

    SO I bet that Gwyneth is even cuter in person.

  36. So cute :) Two of my kids were thumb suckers (one still is) and I just think it is so sweet :) Thanks for the cute photo

  37. How cute! Aren't thumb suckers the cutest little things??? Gwyneth is adorable! <3

  38. it has been so fun and such a blessing to watch her grow. before you know it you are gonna post. "i cant believe she said dada"!!

  39. that is so cute!! my one year old sucks her thumb, too. It sure makes life easier! :) you've got such an adorable little girl!

  40. So sweet! She has filled out so much lately and while she is still tiny, she has that plump look of newborns now. So thankful to our Lord for all the wonderful things He is doing in your lives!

  41. genius and soooo cute :)

    as a fellow once upon a time thumb sucker, i was thrilled when beans started sucking her thumb!!

  42. I lovethat picture~!!!! Your baby is a genius!!!!

  43. Her new nickname will have to be....CHEEKS!

    What a doll......

  44. Hey Nate, just wait until a finger finds its way up her nose - LOL! That day will be here before you know it.

  45. A baby who sucks the thumb is a happy and contented baby. AND YES, very , very smart!! This is an unbiased and professional opinion.

  46. Aww that is precious. Both my daughter were thumb suckers. I have a ultrasound picture of my first daughter sucking her thumb before she was even born....

    She is growing like a champ!

  47. I love the picture! Simply Precious!

  48. That is one of my most favorite pictures of her so far on the blog. How adorable!!

  49. Nate... I don't usually comment on your blog, but I certainly read it every day.

    Love the picture! My little girl started sucking her thumb as soon as we stopped swaddling her at 3 months.

    It's amazing to see how huge Gwyneth is getting now! She'll be rockin' and rollin' soon enough!

  50. Just to let you all know! She can suck her thumb until her teeth come in and in most cases until about 2-3 without fear of braces. Ask your pediatricians. That is an old wives tail from Dr. Spoks era. She looks cute and happy let her be. I think she is so beautiful. GOod Job guys!

  51. Adorable, and she's getting so big!!

  52. Heavens, that is the most beautiful picture ever! You have yourself a looker there!

  53. yes... i can say it, genius! :) and adorable, mircaculous, precious,beautiful, she is all that and more...
    sweet Gwyneth,how amazed we are at your life!

  54. My absolute favorite picture of her to date. She is such a smiley little one - must be lovin her life.

  55. Wow, that is awesome! She is getting close to 4 months old and that is the age when my daughter started sucking her fingers. I'm so excited about the progress Gwyneth is making and she is so cute. I can't believe how big she is getting. I can't wait for her to be big enough to take home.
    Carolyn's sister

  56. Too funny! Gwyneth is so adorable! I love that picture.

  57. I find babies are so cute when they suck their thumb. Wonderful, absolutely wonderful. :D

  58. Awww! A thumb-sucker! Sweet! She's so cute doing that! I was a thumb-sucker for a looooonnnnngggg time and stopped really late... (think 9 years old...good thing I finally was able to quit with the help of some bitter nail polish for thumb-suckers...the first night of sleep was so restless, I remember). I'm sure Gwyn won't be sucking her thumb that long! :-)

    Thanks for sharing,

  59. How cute. I hate when people yank their thumb out of their mouth. They work so hard to get that thumb in there and finally....ahh..nirvana...and then some heartless adult rips it right out. Or paints it with bitter stuff. So mean. Gwyneth is looking great!

  60. I check in on your blog regularly and this is by far the sweetest picture you have posted thus far! Go Gwyneth, and Congrats Mom and Dad!

  61. Adorable! What a great shot...great timing!

  62. Oh, so baby girl that waits to come home in Haiti is a little thumbsucker too, and so was her mama..... :) I agree with the genius comment...

  63. I love when babies suck their thumbs! It's so cute!

  64. Seriously, thumb-suckers are the best babies...not like yours isn't already astounding! Our 3rd was a thumb-man, and occassionally still is when under the weather, and he always seemed to be so self-contented & pacified. We never had to worry about losing him thumb or finding the right, color-coordinated pacifier clip, congrats & don't mind the old wives tales about thumb-suckers, instead praise the Lord for her healthy thumb! He'll take care of the rest. I'm so happy that you caught the picture in time! Very precious!! By the way, can't help but to notice as Gwyneth fills out, she seems to be looking a little more like a Kershner...but still undeniably a true Lawrenson! Still praying for you all daily!
    Love & prayers,
    Jo & the guys


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