
Friday, June 6, 2008

Another CF Story

To look at her, you'd never know Meagan VanEngen is living with Cystic Fibrosis.

But the vibrant, happy and successful 18 year old takes 12 medications daily, underwent six surgeries in just six years, from 2001 to 2007, and is prone to four-week stints in the hospital with lung infections several times a year.

On Friday, May 31, the Maple Valley High School senior took to the stage — graduating with a 3.992 grade-point average as co-valedictorian of her class... (Read More)

Stories like Meagan's and Tricia's are becoming more and more common because of support for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation from people like you.

Have fun at LU, Meagan! Let us know if you need anything!



  1. Thanks for sharing Nate.. awesome story!! Go Meagan!!

  2. Tricia is looking amazing,what a insperation!
    I have 2 CF brothers,one whom past away last year,i miss him dearly.

    Stay well and enjoy everyday that comes :)


  3. That's a wonderful story! Thanks for sharing it.

  4. Wondering how long was the trip home from Duke?

  5. Great story! Way to go Meagan!

    it takes about 3 hours to get to the beach from the hospital. to the OBX, i don't know, but I would guess about another 1/2- 1 hour

  6. Not to take away from what the CFF foundation has done to promote awareness, or to you and Tricia, but as I read Meagan's story I saw something even cooler. I believe that because of your faith, as well as that of Meagan and her family, God is using all of you to change the lives of those that you touch. Because you cling to Him, He is the one using you to show others the miracles that He performs around us all of the time. He is using you to lead others to Him, and I think that it is so completely awesome. Glad to hear that you are back in the OBX.

  7. I will take a look. I love all the stories that you post! Following your journey and seeing what your family has gone through with God by your side has been amazing!!!
    I am so happy for the 3 of you!!
    Have a great weekend.
    God Bless you!

  8. Thanks for sharing another great story Nate. As a CFer myself, stories like these touch me on such a personal level and are extremly inspiring to me. I hope they have the same affect on others.

    God Bless!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Nate, as we know not all stories are happy ones. So on a different note, I would like to ask you and other blog readers to pray a family friend Melissa, a fellow CFer, who had a transplant, rejected the lungs and is now not doing so well. She is awaiting lungs for a re-transplant. It is evident from your story that prayer does work, so maybe some more prayers and she will get the lungs she needs and bounce back soon.

    Thank you!!

    To read more about Melissa's story, you can go to:

  11. thank you for your blog. I am the mom of a CF son who is 7. I have a blog when my son is sick or in the hospital i blog about it on there but when he is doing well (like now, just got off IV's) i just blog about our life etc. Your blog gives me inspiration and hope and encourages me to keep trusting God....thank you

  12. That is so inspirational! Thanks for posting Meagan's story as well!


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