
Friday, June 6, 2008

In Case You Missed It

Tricia has been blogging again!



  1. Yeah! I actually noticed that! :) Oh random question too! Do you guys actually know Jeremy Camp personally? Or did he hear about your story and take a picture holding the sign up?! I mean, I know he has quite a testimony as well...

  2. Great! I'm glad to hear you feel up to blogging again.

    I wanted to tell you something quick. My son who is five was standing here as I clicked to the Confessions blog and he says to me "hey look, the girl with the rose isn't on there anymore". Lol! It just goes to show how much I read your blog!

    Amy from

  3. Thanks for the heads up, Nate. :)

    ::: waving at you, Tricia, and Gwyneth :::

  4. I'm going over there right now to read!!! We are sooo happy for you! The children asked almost first thing this morning about you. We're about 6 hours south of our house getting Eliseo's passport and we just found an internet signal...of course we had to check here first :)
    Praying for you everyday...especially that the Lord will provide you with the PERFECT home to bring up your precious daughter.
    The Lockwoods

  5. i clicked right on over!!! i love reading what she writes. she has a joyful, sweet wit that is fun to read! keep on blogging, Mama! love seeing pictures of you guys! such a great reminder of miracles all around us! Praying for you all as you settle back into "normal", jen in al

  6. I've read her blogs too, but for some reason can't leave comments because there is no comment thing to click on. ??

    I love the picture of her with a big beautiful smile, holding a crying Gwyneth!


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