
Monday, June 30, 2008

Consult This Morning

Duke agreed to allow Tricia to receive the remainder of her treatments here on the beach, so this morning at 11am, we have a consult at the cancer center in Nags Head. Hopefully, they'll have her meds ordered so that she can receive her second round of chemo tomorrow.

On a side note, my grandparents are driving in today all the way from OK. Despite the fact that the real reason for their trip was to attend the funeral of my Pop Pop's sister, one of my cousins near Raleigh just had a new baby boy, and Gwyneth was about 2lbs the last time her great-grandparents saw her, so this will be an exciting trip for them.

BTW, I uploaded several more of our beach family pics over on my Photo Blog, if you're interested.




  1. Well, such a relief that you will not have the drive to DUKE!
    Enjoy your visit with Pop-Pop, they will be amazed at how much your girls have improved!
    Will be thinking of Trish as she has her second round of chemo.
    The beach photos are fab! Looks like everyone had a joyful time!
    Thanks again, for sharing your journey!
    Vancouver, BC

  2. Hugs to Trish with the 2nd round of Chemo... hope you have a good time though with the visit of your family... take care

  3. That is great that Tricia can receive the remaing treatments close to home & not have the long drive to Duke. Nate those are adorable pictures of the family at the beach. Thanks so much for sharing those with us.I'm so sorry for the loss of your grandpa's but am so delighted that they are able to come for a visit & see precious Gwyneth.
    Bonnie Meyer
    Washington, Missouri

  4. I hpe all works out as planned so she can get her treatments started up again. I know how hospitals can be.

    So glad your grandparents are coming out,what a drive all the away from Oklahoma. I wasn't aware they were from my great state! What a "small world" LOL.

    You are all still in our prayers, and I think will probably remain there always!

    (Emma's Mom)

  5. That is great news! So happy you don't have to drive all the way back to Duke and Tricia can receive her treatments close to home. Im sure its a relief for both of you and easier being close to the family. Praying all goes well with Tricia's second treatment tomorrow.

    Sorry to hear about your loss but I'm sure your granparents are excited to see how big Gwyneth has gotten. Enjoy your time with them!! And by the way, the pictures are amazing, as usual! I love them all! You guys have such a beautiful and fun loving family! Not everyone is so blessed!


  6. That is great to hear that about Tricia not having to drive to Duke!
    Will be praying for those appt times.
    What a wonderful summer you are having with family, that truly is the best form of medicine isn't it?!
    Bless your precious hearts,

  7. Praying now that the consultation has been without surprises, and that they treatment plan closer to home goes smoothly!

  8. Oh, So happy that Tricia can stay home and receive treatment. What a relief for all of you.
    I so very happy that you are home with family and friends. It feels good when your "HOME"

    Continouse prayers,


  9. Praying that all goes well with the consult today, and that the family has a safe trip!!

  10. Nate, I'll be praying for your grandparents safety while they drive all that way. And for your pop-pop's heart with the death of his sister.

    And PRAISE GOD that Tricia will be receiving the remainder of her treatments near's ALWAYS good to be home. Still praying for remission...FAST, and long term too!

  11. I'm so glad you guys can stay close to home. I'm sure it's a burden lifted not to have to drive so far for treatments. Tricia, we're still praying for you. I'm heading over to see more photos!


  12. Continued prayers for all 3 of you.

  13. I am so happy that you don't have to do the drive to Duke weekly! Safe travels to your Grandparents! I am sure they are excitted to see all of you!

  14. Well that surely is a relief to be able to get treatment closer to home. Always a good thing. Glad you don't have to go in to Duke more then needed.
    Praying for a safe trip for your Parents and for a visit helps perk the spirits with the babies.
    Prayer as well while Tricia continues treatment. For both of you.

  15. You are so fortunate to have your grandparents! I really envious of that, I miss mine so much. What a blessing that they are driving to see you--praise God for your Grands!

  16. So glad you can do the chemo at home. I'm sure you've had quite enough of hospitals for awhile. Blessings and prayers from Michigan.

  17. was so good to see you Sunday. Man you guys rocked on stage and really had the crowd into to it. Best wishes for Tricia and hope you have a great time with your grandparents. Continued prayers.

  18. Yea that you get to stay close to home! Hope your visit goes well with your grandparents.

  19. I'm so glad you guys don't have to travel back and forth to Duke!

    Hope your family has a safe trip!

  20. I've really enjoyed the pictures of you and your family this week. That is what life is all about!

    Have you and Tricia heard the song "Healer" by Planetshakers? It's a powerful song that has ministered to me since the first time I heard it. The story behind how the song was written is incredibly moving. I think it would really touch you and Tricia. You can check it out on youtube.

    Praying for healing for you!

  21. I'm so glad Tricia can get her treatments at home! What a relief, save some gas too. We are praying.


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