
Sunday, June 29, 2008

Kirschner Family Vacation (Day 7)

I had to work all day/evening on Thursday and Friday, so I missed all of the fun, but here are a few pics from Saturday, the last full day at the beach house with everyone.



  1. Loving all these beach pictures over the past few days. What fun, especially welcome, week it must have been. Its almost palapable in the photos. : )

  2. There are a few pictures that your baby looks like mine. (Mine is just a bit bigger, even though she is younger)

  3. Oh my goodness! That dress! And that tongue! Little Miss G is getting so big! What a beautiful, big girl!!

    And on another front - those photos, the last two, father w/son on shoulders (I assume) and sweet little peanut looking into the distance, are BEAUTIFUL!!!

    Thanks for sharing your beach vacation, can't tell you how wonderful it was to live vicariously through your family, I'm don't get vacation until the end of August and the beach is my favorite vacation spot. Maybe one day I can even live on the beach.

  4. Oh my! Look at that little tongue and those aware eyes! She is getting quite the little personality going there!

  5. More fun family photos. And look at Ms. Gwyneth in the cutest little sundress. Thanks for sharing your family with us Nate.


  6. What great memories for all of you!
    Most of my favorite childhood memories were of our summer vacations to the Outer Banks...there is nothing like staying on the beach!

    I love the pictures of Gwyneth in her sun dress!

    Thank you for sharing with all of us!


  7. Thanks for sharing your vacation with us!! We are headed to the beach in September for our kids first experience at the ocean! I can't wait to see them in the water! Gwenyth is getting so big!! Love the sundress too.

  8. Vacation pics are terrific. I am so sad that it is over for everyone. What wonderful memories, trips just go too quickly! You made me very excited for our upcoming HIlton Head trip!

  9. I could hardly believe that was Gwyneth in the sun-dress. She has gotten so big!!!

  10. Gwyneth is beautiful! I know I'm not the first to tell you such, but really, she is beautiful!

  11. oh my goodness, i wasn't sure if that was gwyneth! she's so big! and boy, is she cute. i am so glad you had all this time together, i can't even imagine how great it has felt.


  12. Sorry you had to work. Gwyneth is adorable in her sundress. She looks so healthy.

  13. Thanks for sharing the beach pictures...brings back memories from our week at Nags Head 6/7-6/14. Gwyneth looks so precious, especially in that darling sundress. It is wonderful seeing a large family spending such wonderful time together. I thank God that you, Tricia and Gwyneth were able to be there, and not stuck in a hospital. I continue to pray for you all.

  14. Oh, I love Gwyneth in her little cute!

  15. Great Pictures! Hope yall continue to have a fun summer!

  16. Wow, look at Gwyneth! Who could guess the shaky start she had in life? She looks like a regular baby - in the nicest possible way of course!!!
    I see the tube has gone - is she oxygen free now

  17. First, that sundress is A.DORE.A.BUL!!!

    Second, go Phillies :)

  18. all th pics are beautiful and such adorable children, i am drawn to the last pic of father & son outside looking over the water facing away from camera..**i love it**
    it is so good when everyone can all be in one place at the same time (not easy to pull off eighter)and in such a beautiful place too...WOW.
    god bless
    patricia nelson

  19. What a BEAUTIFUL family you have!!!!

  20. Gwyneth is so cute in her sundress, awake or asleep. She has sure grown lately. Please could we have more details on her health and her weight and how she is doing? Also an update on Trish?
    Glad you've all had such a nice family holiday. It must be so good to do normal family stuff again.
    Prayers continue for all of you...

  21. Great pictures! I noticed Gwyneth's nose hose is gone. (That's what we called it when it was a daily thing in our life.) Glad to see her growing every day!

  22. Love the pictures!! What a beautiful family. So great to see everyone happy and having a great time! Gwyneth got so big and looks adorable in that little dress!! Sorry that the week had to come to an end, but I hope Tricia and you all enjoyed your time together as a family. You guys sure needed it!!


  23. What has that adorable little Miss Gwyneth done with her o2? Did she decide those nasal specs are sooo last season and didn't match her pretty dress or just giving them a break from working their magic on her lil lungs?

  24. Such great photos... :)

    I almost didn't recognize Gwyneth. She is getting so BIG!

  25. Love the pictures! Gwyneth is going to have such a wonderful childhood with all her cousins. What a blessing!

    BTW, I noticed that Gwyneth does not have the nasal cannula on in the pictures. Way to go Gwyneth! :)

  26. What a great week! My favorite pic is of all the families on the beach together!! Those were awesome! Is Gwenyth off of her oxygen? I noticed she didn't have it on in a few of the pics!!

  27. Lack of cannula? a permanent thing I hope? she's so big! the other kids in Tricia's family are cute as bugs as well. I hope the smoke hasn't bothered everyone during their fun week too much!

  28. OMG...she is getting SOOO big!! She is a beauty!!

  29. Just have to love all of those chubby little arms and legs on Gwyneth!! What a picture of wonderful health!!!!

  30. what great memories you will have through pictures to share with G. when she gets older! I love the children pictures. They are so precious. And your little white rose is getting so big! God Bless

  31. Gwyneth is growing and growing! Glad all the family get to get together.

  32. I'm glad to see that your nephew is being outfitted in the appropriate Philadelphia Sports attire :)

    The picture of Gwenyth asleep in her sundress is amazing! If someone didn't know your story they would never guess that she was a micropremie. Awesome :)

  33. I just found your blog and what an amazing story. I will be adding your BLOG to my frequent reading list. As a former NICU nurse and someone who is truly inspired by stories like yours, I will keep you guys close to my heart and in my prayers. You are an amazing family! Hugs.......

  34. you seem to have a perfect family!=)

  35. What gorgeous kids in your family. I loooove Gwyneth's summer dress. She is so chunky-cute. She's adorable!

    Heidi Reed

  36. That last picture is just so sweet! I went over to your photo blog and looked at everything and the Lord has certainly given you a talent in photography...the poses, angles and everything you catch on's great!
    We are traveling to the USA for a couple of weeks! :) I think we'll have internet access where we are staying so we'll keep checking in!
    Gwyneth is just so cute and bigger each picture you take...we pray for her and you and Tric each day.
    The Lockwoods

  37. Looks like so much fun! I love all the beautiful pictures. You deserve moments of relaxation with everything you go through!

  38. So nice to see Gwyneth in a cute dress in the summer warmth.

    Your pics remind me of our summer weeks on Oak Island, NC where we rented beach houses every year my whole childhood. Lovely.

    Still thinking of you in Maine.

  39. I'm so glad you guys could have the big vacation with your families. Gwyneth is getting so big! We are still praying for you all everyday!

  40. Hi Tricia and Nate :) Just wanted to say that our hearts are glad that you got some quality time together with family - nothing quite like it. My family lives in five different countries and our get togethers are rare but always memorable. Last time was in Ireland three years ago. Treasure these times, as I'm sure you already do. There is nothing like having a loving, supportive family when you are going through something like you guys have gone through. Nothing in life can replace it. We continue to pray for all of you and Gwyneth is so beautiful - she looks so content. Take care on the next part of your journey.
    With love, prayer and hope,
    Tricia and Family xoxoxox

  41. Looks like the family vacation was a complete success! Love the great pictures!

  42. Okay...I think Gwyneth has got to be one of the cutest babies in the world - and I am not even related to you - LOL. Anyway - great pictures, Nate. I think you could truly have another career on your hands - if you ever wanted to!


    Southern CA

  43. Hey Nate, where in Nags Head were you guys on the beach? My husband and I were just down there until Sunday for vacation and rented a beach house in nags head across from applebees on Mall Rd (or st, or something like that HAHA)...When we were leaving yesterday we drive by the Nags head church by jockies ridge and I thought instantly of you guys!! I wonder how close I was to you all when we were there!

  44. Wow, your baby looks so big and healthy! And no more oxygen? She is adorable!!!

  45. Ok, that dress that Gwyneth is wearing is absolutely TOO CUTE! Glad to see everyone's having fun!

  46. Absolutely beautiful family! Thanks for sharing something so personal with us. I bumped into your BIL J (NJ) at the food store with my 2 boys and he looks great. It has been at least 7 yrs since I sat with his wife J watching our husbands play basketball. Little did I know that she had a wonderful sister Tricia that I didn't meet or know about but now I know so much about. we might steal that photo on the beach idea if I can only get my 2 brothers together. If you can do it with more siblings we should be able to with 2. :)

  47. Gwyneth is growing so fast!!! :) I just love that dress!


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