
Friday, June 13, 2008

Our CF/TX friend, Eva ( is helping her dad raise money for CF in a really cool way.

Bill Markvoort is joining GearUp4CF to raise money for the Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation by riding across BC, Canada. The 10 day ride begins in just a few days, so don't miss out on this opportunity to support CF research.

Eva put together the video below to help her dad raise as much money as possible to help find a cure for CF. Check it out, and please, consider Clicking Here and sponsoring Bill by donating the the CCFF today!



  1. the tears are flowing for sadness and joy at the same time!!!! Thank you for posting this....


  2. What a fantastic video! I love it! The end with the iceskating...that ROCKS!

  3. WOW...very moving video! Thanks for sharing.

  4. Wow! That was a wake up call. Thanks

  5. that was an incredibly powerful video...

  6. That was too close to home for me.
    First I read Haley's mom's update, then watched this video.

    It makes you realize a whole lot of things.

  7. Such a powerful, wonderful, sad, hopeful video! I loved it!

  8. Tricia wow, thanks for posting that. That video helped a lot of us really see. You are a truly blessed person but also truly a blessing for so many. Please know how much we appreciate you and care for you and pray for you.

  9. WOW! What a beautifully put-together video, it was very good, inspiring too. I am going to put it on my blog as well to raise more awareness for this charity.

  10. Wow! What an awesome video she has made! It is soooo exciting to see her skating at the end with just a zest for life! Thanks for sharing that!

  11. Wow; that was so incredibly touching and real!

    I posted a link on my blog also.

  12. Wow, she is a star! As is Trisha. You guys have to fight so hard to live... thank you for sharing the video. It helps put into perspective what life with CF is like. I can't imagine.
    My dd has a lot of special needs and sometimes she has respiratory issues related to her prematurity. Every time she is intubated my heart sinks a little deeper.
    I feel for the parents too... and for you Nate. As difficult as it is to suffer yourself, watching someone you love suffer is sometimes unbearable!
    Praying for you guys!

  13. Thanks for the good cry...What an amazing story!

    -Carrie (with CF)

  14. What a beautiful video of Hope. And the love that is written all over her fathers face for her is precious and amazing. Thank you for sharing this Tricia and my prayers are strong for you too sweetie.

    Love, Laurie in Ca.

  15. Beautifully put together! You truly shared pieces of your life, and thank you for that! I am so happy to see you skating, breathing in the good clean cold air!


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