
Thursday, June 12, 2008


Got our communication crossed...I have to be at the hospital at 6:45am for a consult with the won't be until 2pm (if it doesn't get bumped).




  1. Praying for a good nights rest for both of you and tons of prayers tomorrow..

  2. i've never posted before but I have been reading your blog daily for months. I think of you guys constantly. You are being prayed for from Maine. We're crossing fingers and toes too for a good result tomorrow. you inspire me.

  3. Oh, I'm so relieved for you both that you don't have to sit and wait all weekend for the biopsy. That is just miserable. I will be continuing to pray that the results are NOT cancer. I will also be praying that the surgery does not get bumped and that it is a very quick and easy recovery.

  4. Praying with you!

  5. OK. Am praying for Tricia to get GREAT restorative sleep. and a peaceful heart. For you too Nate. aaannd for the surgery to take place as early as they can possibly do it tomorrow. Keep the faith you two.
    Love and hugs to all 3 of you.

    God Bless you all
    Jamie in Texas

  6. Prayers, as always..... I was in the same position a few months ago....God be with you, as always.

  7. What's the deal with everything being at around 2:00 for you this week? :) Sleep well tonight, knowing that your prayer team around the world is working 24/7 for you!

  8. Praying like crazy! Good luck Tricia. You have God's army on your side.

  9. Your father was right,I hope you can get some sleep.

    I hope where you the smoke isn''t coming near you from the wild fires.

  10. Praying for all of you. I hope you all rest well and that Tricia is able to have the procedure tomorrow.

    Kelly Brown

  11. Praying hard for Tricia to get a good nights sleep and some peace.


  12. praying like crazy...lots on my list and heart, so God won't let me stop communicating with Him.

  13. First time to comment, but a regular reader since January when we discovered your blog while living in California. Now we're in Pennsylvania and we're still praying. Thank you for sharing your incredible journey; you inspire us with your faith. My husband has shared your story via an international internet prayer site he has, and I know you are getting lots of prayers from all over the world.

  14. Will be praying tonight into tomorrow. Hopes for some rest and all goes well during the surgery. Please keep us updated as much as you can!!

    Good Night!!

  15. we will be praying! Thanks for all of the updates! Sunshine

  16. Nate...I read almost daily and can't remember that you have posted how Tricia is feeling. When they found a problem, was it a routine check-up or was Tricia feeling ucky?! Just praying the news tomorrow is something that can be treated with an antibiotic! I also pray Tricia is feeling GREAT being able to enjoy that precious child...oh, and you too! cheri

  17. Praying for a good nights rest (for you both) and favorable test results...

  18. I have been praying for you and your beautiful family for months. Tonight I will pray harder. Take care of yourself.

  19. your blog is so touching! very nice... :)

  20. Praying for you--we think of you often here in San Diego and are praying that this God brings you back home soon. Your faith and grace in adversity is such an ispiration.

  21. Thanks for the updates. I know you're probably so very tired, so taking the time to update all of your blogger buddies means a lot to me. :) Prayers for all of you.

    Hugs from El Paso,
    Karla and family

  22. I'll be praying for Tricia tonight, and again in the morning. I will also be praying specifically at 2:00!

  23. Praying peace for you tonight from Dallas...Hope Tricia gets a good night sleep and Nate, I hope you and Gwyneth have a nice evening at the hotel. Will be thinking of ya'll tomorrow and pray her surgery doesn't get bumped and everything goes smoothly.

  24. I pray for sweet rest tonight, that the meeting will go well with the surgeon tomorrow morning (and all is understood that will take place, etc...), and that the surgery goes smoothly and Tricia heals quickly!

    I will pray often for you tonight and tomorrow, setting my phone alarm to go off at 1:30pm Friday to be able to pray you into and through all of this.

    The concern amongst the family is felt when reading your posts lately. Praying for good results...negative know what I mean! :)

    ~ becky b

  25. We are praying that this is not the cancer and that the result of the biopsy will discover something easily treatable.

    I posted yesterday in the midst of the 800 or so posts you got and wanted to put in again, just in case anyone else reads this: Haley Palmer, 13 year old Cystic Fibrosis Ambassador from Oklahoma is in ICU in St Louis trying to get well enough for a lung transplant. Her CO2 is 3 times the normal limit and blood pressure is WAY too low. Her kidneys are starting to fail so her hope is a miracle. We know her so we know that she's a fighter and if anyone can beat these odds, she can. She sedated and on a vent but she needs all the prayer she can get. Her site is where we found out about yours so I hope you will pray and pass it on to others who would also pray. She got well enough a few months ago to make her profession of faith public through baptism. We know that God is still in the miracle business - just look at your family. We're praying for a miracle for little Haley too. Her site is:


  26. Your entire family is in my prayers. I placed your names on our church prayer list. Please feel the calming hand of our Father on your heads at this time.

  27. I haven't been online much this past week and am finally catching up. I am so sorry to hear that you are all going through this. I am praying hard for Tricia and for your family.

    Sending you all hugs!
    Amy in Oregon

  28. praying for sleep to come over all of you and for peace to be with you tomorrow... you will be in our prayers for the next few days and will be heavy in our thoughts in the afternoon.

  29. Praying Tricia sleeps well tonight, and that tomorrow goes well!

  30. Storming Heaven's gates tonight and asking the Lord to give you peace enough to dream tonight.

  31. Praying you will all be going back home to OBX as soon as possible!!! covering you all in prayer, jen in al

  32. Even though I haven't posted a comment in a while, we have been praying here in MD! We will continue to do so--good days & bad.

    ~Sara in MD

  33. Nate,
    my name is Violet, and I haven't looked around your blog too much but, you and your family will be in my prayers.
    I lost my first love/ first boyfriend who was also my best friend to CF when I was 14 and he was 15. Andrew was amazing and I miss him every day. We just celebrated 8 years that Andrew has been partying it up with the Lord on May 5th.


  34. Good luck and refuah shlemah (complete recovery). Am praying for you guys right now.

  35. Nate,
    I woke up WIDE AWAKE at 5 ish this morning and could not figure out why! Now I know..... I am praying now!


  36. Praying for Tricia.
    Steph/stl mo

  37. Keep up your courage dear Tricia!

    We love you and we think of you...

  38. Praying without ceasing this morning!!

  39. It is interesting not being on here for 24 hours how much changes moment by moment. Reading over all the posts at once from the last day spoke to me about how I need to trust God for my own life because I don't know what is going on! We are praying for you, Nate, Tricia, Gwyneth, extended family and donor's family still.

  40. You are all constantly in my thoughts and prayers.

    Judy from Philadelphia
    (Agnes's old friend)

  41. Praying for nothing but good results for you Tricia.....I am worried for you and your family. I haven't posted before, but I felt the need to let you know, you are thought about often and are in my prayers. You all are such an inspiration to me, that I am just wishing I could do something for you....Keeping you in my heart and prayers....Melissa from GA

  42. We'll pray that it doesn't get bumped.

  43. I hope you all were able to get some restful sleep last night. I will keep my prayers goign today!

  44. I am praying in Nashville, TN for a successful surgery!

  45. praying today goes well for all of you.

  46. YAY for the moved up schedule!

    Praying for a successful and minimal pain procedure.

    We all "heart" you guys!

  47. Prayers sent up to Good Lord up above, that you will get good results. Many (((HUGS))) to each one of you!

  48. I'm praying that everything goes well today and that God guides the surgeons hands and hearts, and that He helps put peace in the minds of you, Trisha and your families.

  49. I will be praying for everything to go good during surgery today. Praying for Tricia to be calm and not to fear. This must be so hard and I am so thankful you do not have to wait over the weekend. Praying all day.

    Laurie in Ca.

  50. Oh Nate, I'm bummed right along with you and Tric. I'm trusting, though, as I know you both are that God has a plan in this and that He'll reveal it to you in time. I'm praying for good results from the PET scan, good results from the biopsy and peace and rest for you and Tric. I can't imagine what it's like to be pushed backward like this, but I've watched God perform miracles in your lives and I'm ready and waiting to see more. :)

    Love to you both from TX


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