
Friday, June 27, 2008

Happy Anniversary! (02)

I originally posted this video on Valentine's Day, and I thought today would be a good day to show it again...

Although you are beautiful every day before and since, this was your day to shine...I'm very certain that nobody even noticed how much time and energy it had taken me too look as good as I did.

You were the perfect bride in every way, and God gave you the perfect day to show off His creation in you to the world. Everyone tells us it was the most memorable and beautiful wedding ever, and it was all because of you. Most weddings are put on to make the bride look made this wedding day look and sound and feel spectacular.

I cried that day as I vowed my life to you, and I cried again as I put this gift together for you, remembering how happy we were that day, and how happy you have made me every day since.

Thank you for loving me.

("Breathe In Breathe Out" by Mat Kerney)



  1. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Beautiful videos and songs. May God continue to bless your lives together as you continue to seek and do His will. Praying for you all.
    Love through Christ Jesus
    Betty Ann

  2. SIMPLY BEAUTIFUL!!! The video brought tears to my eyes the first time you posted it and again just now! The happiness shines through both of you smiles! You are blessed to have eachother. Hope you guys are enjoying your anniversary!


  3. I hope that your lovely wife and you have a wonderful anniversary. Enjoy your time together, as well as with your beautiful baby girl!

    What a wonderful gift for you...that both of your girls are doing so well.

  4. Happy Anniversary! I have been following your blog for a while but I don't think I have ever posted a comment. I just want to say that I can't wait to visit each time to see the progress made by all. Amazing story to follow and I am so happy to see that everyone is continuing to do well. I was so excited the day I read that you guys were leaving the hospital to go home. Thanks for sharing your wonderful story.

  5. Happy Anniversary! That's a beautiful tribute to the special love you share. May all marriages everywhere find the happiness that comes from God. You two are a blessing!

    Hugs from El Paso,

  6. Gorgeous! Simply gorgeous! Happy anniversary!

  7. Happy Anniversary! I pray that God blesses you with many more!

  8. I cried when I watched this...your love is so inspirational! Happy Anniversary!

  9. i am lovin these videos, what a great way to celebrate this very special day. Hope this day has been enjoyable for the two of you.

  10. I've never posted a response before, but I've been following the blog for about 6 months now - the love the two of you share is so special (I should now say "the three of you!"), and is definitely inspiring to me.
    You've got 4 people in Richfield Minnesota who are praying for you every day.

  11. Happy, that is what comes to mind. I wish you many more happy anniversaries to come.

  12. that was beautiful! happy anniversary! God bless you three!

  13. Loved it then and i loved it again!

  14. Happy Anniversary, you are quite the romantic! You are both blessed to have each other.

  15. You all amaze me. What a beautiful day, and a beautiful life you all are sharing together. I'm proud of you.

  16. Beautiful video. Happy Anniversary! Continue to enjoy one another!! We will continue to pray for your family.

  17. So beautiful!!! Happy Anniversary!!

  18. Happy Anniversary!

    Same day as my Mum and Dad - there's was 33 years ago though!

    Praying that God will bless you both richly though the next 4 years...

    love and prayers.

  19. Happy Anniversary! Wonderful tributes ... all of them:) Thank you for sharing.

  20. Happy anniversary. Any chance you're going to finish the story of your courtship and engagement? Any chance Tricia will add more commentary too?

  21. Happy Anniversary:)! What a beautiful video.

  22. Happy anniversary! I am catching up from a few days of blogging posts and I love the family pics on the beach!



  23. That is so beautiful and the song, wow!

  24. Happy Anniversary Tricia and Nate!

    Thank you for sharing your love story with us!

    Praying for this year to bring more joy, love and peace into your hearts and lives!


  25. WOW..... Nate, you are amazing. The second the song and video started.... I got chills, and tears came out of my eyes! The love you have for your bride- was and IS amazing. Keep up the good work!!!

  26. Happy, Happy Anniversary!! May God bless you with many, many more!

  27. ahh that was a great song and great pics

  28. This is one of the most beautiful videos I've ever watched...I cried a little bit...

  29. Wow. Nate, your posts and your love and devotion for your family continue to amaze me! Happy Anniversary (we share the same one - 6.27.08 was our 10th). Many more to you!


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