
Thursday, June 12, 2008

Killing Time

When Tricia's original PET Scan was rescheduled yesterday morning, we had some time to kill, so we walked over to the Duke Gardens for an hour.

I've posted some more pics of the gardens over on my Photo Blog!



  1. BEAUTIFUL!!!! Our prayers in WV are with you three. You are such a beautiful family!

  2. Gwyneth has such a beautiful mommy...inside and out. And a wonderful Daddy too! What fun pictures!
    Eleven little Lockwoods just finished praying with their mommy and daddy for you a few minutes ago. You'll be in our thoughts and prayers today.
    The Lockwoods

  3. You two continue to amaze me, your strength is amazing, I think of you daily and pray that all your prayers will be answered!

  4. pics of y'all together always make me smile. we continue praying for the three of you, and can't wait to hear some more great news!!

  5. Ya both look great! Tricia looks wonderful! Glad you both enjoyed this beautiful outing.

    Thanks for sharing,

  6. Lovely pictures! I really do love Tricia's hair cut and highlights. Rockin', Tricia!
    Continuing to pray for a positive outcome today. You 2 take care of each other. Hope last night that you got some good rest.
    ((((Hugs to you both and to Gwyneth)))
    God Bless you all
    Jamie in Texas

  7. I'm having positive thoughts and keeping on praying. Tricia looks so healthy and beautiful, I just can't believe that they are going to find anything bad!

  8. Tricia looks so beautiful! You would never know all she is going through.

    Praying for positive test results!

  9. Gorgeous pics! You and Tric make such a beautiful couple. :)

    Praying that the biopsy is successful and no surgery is needed.

    Love to y'all!

  10. Still praying Tricia's test comes back with no serious problems. She is a beautiful and strong woman and deserves only the best. Also praying that Gwyneth's lungs continue to get stronger.
    Special prayers to all 3 of you from MT

  11. precious! I'm praying for Tricia now as she goes in for the biopsy.

  12. I LOVE tricia's shirt - so cute! It's so good to see that you were able to enjoy your time there - despite the fact that you'd much rather be home. An answer to prayer!

  13. BEAUTIFUL!!! You both continue to amaze me, even through the hardships you continue to smile!!

    God Bless!

  14. Your wife is so pretty! You are quite the talent with that camera!


    William's Mom

  15. You guys are so awesome! Nate you really take great photos. It helps that you have such beautiful subjects!

  16. Tricia is so pretty and so photogenic!

  17. that picture of her smiling that "cheesy" smile is so cute. She's an amazing person, to have gone through everything she's gone through, to be able to smile like that. I'm not sure I could.

  18. I love looking at these pictures while praying.
    you are a beautiful couple..a beautiful family.


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