
Thursday, June 12, 2008

Bronch Scheduled

2:30pm today. As far as we know, the biopsy will also take place then.

The transplant doctor just came in and hasn't heard back about the PET Scan yet.



  1. Thanks, Nate. It's nice to be able to pray at a specific time...

  2. Thanks Nate! I hope everything goes well today. Let Tricia know that we are praying for her.

  3. I hope and pray and have faith that everything will go well with your family. You guys deserve abreak and to breath easy for awhile and enjoy your baby.

  4. I hope everything goes well today. Many prayers!

  5. Praying for everything to go perfectly today and that you will have the answers you need and be headed back home soon. So thankful to hear that Gwyneth is doing good. Asking for healing for your girls and for you to feel His peace surround you all.

    Love, Laurie in Ca.

  6. I hope everything goes well and this is a false alarm! Hopefully, soon, you'll be getting back to your new normal as parents. I'd say I'm praying, but I've never seen you mention whether you'd be offended by prayer to non-Christian deities. So I'll just hold you in my positive thoughts.

  7. Praying and thinking of you often while I am at work here in Corolla.

  8. Praying for peace and more astonishing news to show that God truly is a God of miracles! We'll be praying at 12:30PM MST for you, Tricia. May God's peace be very real for all of you today.

    Hugs from El Paso,
    Karla and family

  9. My thoughts and prayers are with all three of you! Please keep us posted!

  10. My thoughts and prayers are with all three of you! Keep us posted...

  11. Thinking of you all in Wichita, Kansas...

  12. Big prayers for all of you. Hoping you got a good report on Gwyneth.
    Christy in KY

  13. Nate & Trish,
    You have alot of people praying for you in Gates County!~ We are praying for good news! God has it all planned out...

    Our thoughts and prayers are with you today, as they have been for along while now. Thanks for sharing your life with us and letting us lift your family up to the One that Created us!

  14. I just found the other post about Gwyneth. THank you Lord!!!

  15. Our prayers are with you,Tricia, and Gwyneth. We love you all Nathan. What a blessing to live in a country where we have the medical resources we have. I will carry your family in my heart.
    Hope to see everyone back home,safe,soon.

  16. Praying for you, in central Illinois.

  17. Thinking about you guys from Thailand

  18. Thank you for updating. Will continue to pray for the tests today and for God's peace to envelope you!

  19. thank you for the heads up Nate.
    continuing the covering in cali...

  20. You don't know me, but I came across your blog. I always like to hear about people living with a spouse with CF. ODD, I know. However, being that my best friend & the love of my LIFE has CF, it's not so ODD at all. There are many things I'm having to learn and just in general WANTING to learn. I guess you can't ever really learn to "expect" certain things, no matter HOW MUCH YOU TRY, but I'm most definitely doing my best. I do plan to marry him and trials and tribulations others go through with the disease, makes me feel even MORE comfortable going through the circumstances.

    I would just like to say, THANK YOU!! Thank you for being so self-less & courageous.

    God Bless you and the family.
    Ya'll are in my thoughts and prayers.

  21. i'm praying that it's nothing. i know what this feeling is like, waiting for PET scan husband had Hodgkins 2 years ago and he's had more PET scans than i can count. anyways, i also pray that you find out soon...waiting stinks! i hope that you guys are back home with your adorable baby with all of this behind you very soon. ~s

  22. I know what its like to wait for those result.
    Still praying for your Family.

  23. I will be praying for all of you! Staci

  24. Thank you for the updates...checking in and still praying.
    Faith Clark
    mom to transplant patient Brenna

  25. Praying for you and thanks for the updates.Just hang in there with your already positve attitude.

  26. Still praying for everything to come back normal. It must be frustrating being back there, especially after you just left. Hopefully this stay will be short.

  27. I have been reading for awhile, and I just want you to know, that you are always in my thoughts and prayers.

  28. Praying for all of you.

    Maria in Fairfax, VA

  29. continued prayers being said for you all.

  30. Chin up ,,

    you have all come so far that God surly would not let you fall now.

  31. You're in my thoughts and prayers as always. Sorry you've had such a difficult setback.

  32. I am praying for you and your beautiful family here in Delaware. xxoo

  33. Nate and Tricia-
    Praying for peace as you deal with the hospital stay and time away form your sweet Gwyneth.
    Praying they don't have to do the surgical biopsy on Tricia and that she gets good results and is soon out of that hospital and back in the OBX.
    Hugs and Prayers for all three of you
    Rachel in PA

  34. Praying for Good News today!

    Myra in Fl

  35. I'll be praying that everything goes well. Also praying for continued strength for you all, and that this is just a false alarm!


  36. Still praying!! Lit a candle for Trisha, of anyone else wants to they can go to the special group I set up here... (just copy and paste URL)

  37. I'm sorry that I haven't been able to read up on your blog for a few days and I missed your blog asking for prayer for the tests. I am praying for God to grant another miracle here.

  38. I'm praying for you guys. I've also posted it on my blog.
    Thanks for the update.

  39. Praying.
    God Bless you all
    Jamie in Texas

  40. Good luck, all of you. I'll be thinking of you this afternoon.

  41. By now she is probably having the procedure. Stopped by with some extra prayers.


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