
Saturday, June 7, 2008

Nags Head Church Live

This Sunday, 11am EST. You may need to refresh your screen if you arrive early. Can't promise this will work or sound/look good because it's our first shot, but it's worth a try. Leave a comment letting us know if it worked well or not. The faster your internet connection, the better it should work. If the streaming video below doesn't work, Click Here.

Broadcast powered by Ustream.TV


  1. Ahh.. so happy I can be part of this from miles away. Hope it works tomorrow. Looking forward to seeing it!!


  2. I'll be anxious to see it! Blessings on you as you re-join your church family!! Won't it be good to be "home" with your brothers & sisters in Him!

  3. Nate & Tricia, I just wanted to tell you....

    My 11yo daughter has been on vacation with her best friend's family on the OBX for the past 10 days. She left the OBX yesterday, and called me all excited because she had seen a sign welcoming your family home! (We have been praying as a family...for your family.)

    When she finally got home (we live in Atlanta) today, I showed her the signs you posted, and it was the sign at your church that she saw. I then showed her the header of your dad's blog, and she clearly remembers your church now, etc.

    I just wanted to tell you how deeply your family has touched mine, and that my 11yo was then able to share your story with her friend's family as they drove along.

    God Bless You!

  4. Does this mean we should all skip church and watch? ;) Wish we could air your service and let it be OUR service!!! But, since that's won't happen, would it be possible to get a video of it to show later? Let me know at WT. I had to make my blog private because of some inappropriate and creepy comments made by someone at WT. Thanks!

  5. Ah nuts! For some reason I can't open it up! Hopefully soon! :)

  6. How exciting! :)
    Will you have it available to watch later?

    Amy in Oregon

  7. Whoops... forgot that there's a 6-hour difference... timezone huh!

    I'm excited! I'm really looking forward to it :)
    People from all over the world will be watching!

  8. Yay it's working - can't wait!

  9. Looks good so far... I can read the words on the screen and I now know where the restrooms are located :-)

  10. You should know that there are over 220 people watching this service as I am and the numbers keep changing. Great Nate!

  11. It's working great so far. I'm enjoying the service. (And yes, I should be at my own. Arg.)

  12. The streaming video is running very smoothly, so it's a success! It's actually very nice since my husband has to work on Sundays for a while now and we only have 1 vehicle. So thanks!
    Always praying for your family.
    ~Kim in Ohio

  13. Working for me! Everything sounds great!

  14. Working for me... eveything sounds great!!! SO excited to be able to see it and be part of it.


  15. This is amazing! And what an awesome way the unchurched can "sit in" on worship! Hallelujah!

  16. Worked beautifully!

    Thank you!

  17. Thank you for sharing this with us. We know you didn't have to, but you did and I appreciate it! Very beautifully done!

    Jen in Illinois

  18. Cool! It's working...

  19. 405 viewers at this momment!

  20. It worked beautifully - the highest viewers I saw while watching was 406! May God be gorlified!!
    Julie (florida)

  21. Thanks for sharing! I am here in PA with tears - happy tears! It was amazing to watch the numbers of viewers climb and climb! You deserve this fame! Thanks for taking the time to make EVERYONE so aware of micro-preemies, CF, and organ donation!

  22. Thank you sooo much for allowing us to join you for this day. Even though I've followed your blog for months, it was truly amazing to hear the events come from you. I feel so blessed. I had laughed, cried and enjoyed the service more than I can say. Thank you Nate.

  23. It worked brilliantly - it was so good to see you Nate, and may i say taller and more handsome than in your photos!!

  24. We're looking forward to our vacation to OBX over the Fourth of July. I'm going to try to get to your church. Loved seeing this video. I'm just so thrilled for the health of your family. God be praised for all the blessings He has showered on you all!

  25. my prayers are with you as you face this next hurdle.
    thanks for the live stream!

  26. Thank you for sharing your AMAZING story!!!!!!!!!
    Prayers from Wilmington, NC!

  27. This worked well and I've been able to watch this from the UK! The quality is pretty good too. All the best when you return to Duke this week. Kelly

  28. I was able to watch perfectly in Tempe, AZ. Congrats Nate for being home and sharing your story with your "peoples".

  29. Thank you for sharing this with us. As ever I'm praying for you and your family especially as you travel back to Duke this week. I pray that this trip is short and that Trisha gets the treatment she needs.

  30. To trust God SO completely with the most precious things in your life, like you and Tricia did, is such a beautiful testimony of faith.

    Thank you so much Nate for sharing that with us. I feel truly blessed!

  31. Wow - thank you for sharing this with us. God has certainly used and is continuing to use your family in a powerful way. We continue to hold your all in our prayers every day.

  32. Watching from rainy Calgary, Alberta, it worked perfectly. Definitely brightned my day but sad to hear you need to head back to Duke so soon. Will pray for Tricia.

  33. Man I wished they had zoomed in on you guys when you were on stage. It was a wonderful service Nate thanks for including us.

  34. OH and there is Trica and Gwen and a stand O!! Congrats again Nate and Tricia.

  35. How special for you all - thanks for posting this to allow those of us who follow your sotry from afar to "be there"

  36. I'm not usually a very emotional person, but I cried tears of joy the entire time I watch this.

  37. Thanks so much for allowing us to share in your church service. I would love to be there every week. Praying for your trip to Duke this week. What an awesome God!

  38. I slept in too late and missed church but then I was able to watch you in Nags Head!!!! How awesome!!! Thank you for sharing your story:) I will continue to pray for Tricia and the next chapter in your lives together.

  39. Nate & Tricia, just wanted to let you know that I just finished watching the service and my heart was so very touched! I have never posted before but I had to today! What an amazing story you have to share with the world! Thank you for making it possible for us to be able to be there with you all today! Beth

  40. Hi Nate, Tricia and Gwyneth,
    I have just witnessed an incredible testimony of strength, wisdom and faith in the powerful talk presented in Nags Head Church. It is now 1.38am Monday morning where I am in Australia. I'm so glad I waited up... I feel so blessed to have been part of this celebration of God at work in the lives of His people.

    How wonderful for you to be back amongst your church family too.

    I continue to pray for you all and will now add the 'new discoveries' and necessity for you to make the trip back to Duke this Tuesday to my prayers. God is faithful. You all know He has reasons for this. You just said so in your talk Nate. It doesn't mean it's easy for you and my heart goes out to you and your families and friends.

    May God give you the strength to continue this journey with Him in His way, and the comfort and peace of knowing that everything is in His capable hands.

    Praise God!
    Moonta, S Aust

  41. I watched almost all of your webcast from your service at obx!! Was great, felt like I was there. Thanks for doing this and making us a part of your day. Sending prayers from nebraska.
    Have a great day!!


  42. That was an awesome service, thanks for making it possible for those of us who live miles away to be part of it.

    (from AZ)

  43. Wonderful! I really enjoyed that.
    I will be praying for Tricia and your trip to Duke.
    God Bless

  44. What a wonderful service! It worked well and over 400 people tuned in to watch. I have to admit, I had to choke back the tears a couple of times. Our God is an awesome God. We will be praying for you when you head back to Duke this week.

  45. You did a great job, Nate. I enjoyed watching the entire service with my family.

  46. Thanks for taking the time to do this!

  47. Wow wow wow! To read your story is one thing but to listen to you tell your 'adventure' is another! Glad that the live broadcast worked. Thank you and your family for allowing us to take a glance at your lives. Bless you all !

  48. I went to church with you guys just now! What a lovely time. Thank you for giving such a quiet, peaceful, life-affirming sermon. I will never forget what I saw and heard today. Trisha and Ms Gwyneth were such a surprise!

    I was saddened to hear of the bump in the road, but know that you all and God walk together, and what more is there?

    God's Peace!

  49. Nathan it was amazing to be able to see the live stream here in Ontario Canada!
    It felt like I was right there with you and Tricia!
    And to see her walk out on stage with Gwyneth was so spectacular!!!!
    Your story has touched me in so many ways, I have a friend with CF who will be celebrating his 32nd birthday in December. His CF is severe but not as much as Tricia's.

    People living with CF and their families and friends are all strong, amazing, caring people who know the preciousness of life all to well!

    I continue to pray that your family makes it through every little hurdle and obstacle in the road! I don't know of a happier, more loving, outstanding group of people!!

    Toronto Ontario Canada

  50. Nate- Thanks for getting this set-up so that we could view it live. Even though I've read your story (over and over!) and have listened to your variuos interviews, there was nothing like hearing it from you live! Great to see Tricia and Gwyneth were able to attend. I think you better mark down today's attendance for your Dad's church- there were at one point 405 of us viewing it on UStream. WOW!!! Thanks again for sharing your story and your two beautiful girls with us!

  51. We'll be praying for you all as you go back and pray that everything will go smoothly with the treatment, etc.

  52. I just watched your service. The picture was fine and the sound only interrupted when a lot of viewers came on at the same time.

    It was very emotional to hear your journey, in your own voice.
    Continued prayers from Florida

  53. i'm so bummed i missed it. it will be up on your church site this week?

  54. Thank you for sharing this with us. As many times as I've heard/read parts of your story, it moved me so much to hear it again.

    I'll be praying for you all as you head back to Duke for Tricia's tests.

    Hugs and prayers to you all,


    P.S. The part just before the last song? Awwww! ::: sniffle, snort, sob :::

  55. Just wanted to say thanks for the service Nate. I was having a bad day as a young mom with the beginnings of Rhumatoid Arthritis but this really helped me to see that God has a plan. Our pastor preached today on "Hearing Gods Voice" so instead of focusing on my pain I'm going focus on Him instead. Thanks.

  56. Awesome service! Worked perfectly here in Colorado! Praying for Tricia as you jump through one more hurdle!!

    Beautiful, wonderful, amazing job!!

  57. Thanks for setting that up, it was very cool to watch a service from your church.

    Your family's story never ceases to amaze me. God is good!

  58. Thanks so much. That was such a very moving testimony. Like others, I am saddened that y'all have to go back to Duke. We'll continue to pray for y'all.
    (By the way, I watched from 10:55 to 12:15. It was perfect! So however ya'll did it, it worked out great)
    Hang in there.
    God Bless you all
    Jamie in Texas

  59. Absolutly Amazing to hear it in your voice! I've been a reader since January, and have read and re-read your story, and listened to interviews, I have to say it was purely amazing being able to sit in your service today! Prayers for the trip to Duke this week!

  60. Thank you so much for sharing Nate! How awesome God is! We will continue to pray for you and your family!

    PS If you click on the part that says click here, you can rewatch it!

  61. It worked well. We couldn't see the faces on the stage well but we could read the words on the screen. We saw that over 400 other viewers were watching the service. What a way to spread the Gospel!

    Thanks for setting that up and sharing it with everyone.

  62. It worked and was fantastic!!!

  63. I wasn't able to watch =(

    what's wrong with Tric though? I think I missed something. In any case I hope whatever it is is nothing. Sorry to her you are headed back to Duke, but you are in good hands! Look how far both your girls have come!

  64. Hello!
    Unfortunately because of a time difference, I was not able to view the live cast. Will there be a link where I can view it at a later time?
    Thank you!

  65. Hearing your story, even though I read your blog multiple times a day, is incredible.

    Thank you so much for taking the time to share this with your blog friends!!

  66. It worked beautifully and it was such a blessing to watch! You truly have a gift, a way with words! Thank you and Tricia for sharing this part of your life with us & being willing to let God use you to minister to millions of other people! I will be praying for you and Tricia as you go back to Duke and I pray the results are positive!

  67. Great service! We skipped church to watch it...don't tell anyone. :)

  68. WOW! What an amazing praise team/worship music at the start! Im so glad I got to watch the service. My 2 year old rarely gets to watch tv but he watched about 5 episodes of curious george just so I wouldn't miss it! Thnaks for sharing, it was wonderful

  69. Nate,
    Thanks once again for sharing a part of your life with your internet friends. Your service made me cry more than once. I will be praying for Tricia this week.

  70. Nate,
    It was so powerful to hear you speak about your experiences live this Sunday morning (afternoon in Scotland). Thank you for your transparent honesty and strong testimony. Continuing to pray!

  71. I was so excited to watch the live feed this morning. I have to say, I was very moved by your testimony. It was awesome to hear your voice after all of these months of reading on the internet. You and your family are constantly in my thoughts and prayers.

  72. Thank you, thank you for making it possible for all of us to join you in worship this morning! I could only see a few minutes of it live this morning, but just had a chance to sit and watch the whole thing. Absolutely awesome from start to finish! I will continue to pray for all of you in the days ahead as you travel back to Duke for further eval and potentially more treatments. In the meantime, my prayer is that God will use the events of this day to continue to draw people to Him! He can, He has, and He will continue to move mountains. I LOVE that song...He IS mighty to save! All praise and honor and glory and power to Him who sits on the throne!

  73. loved it! thanks for posting it so quickly.


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