
Sunday, June 8, 2008

Watch This Morning's Video...

By Clicking Here and then scrolling down and clicking the "untitled video" under "addyouthpastor's Video Clips".

Thanks to the 400+ who watched it live!



  1. Oh!! I'm so excited! I was so bummed this morning when I saw the post that I could have watched it live...we were without power all yesterday and earlier today and so I missed it.
    Going to go call the children in right now to watch too :)
    The Lockwoods

  2. I bet you're all pooped from this morning. Maybe you can take a nap with Gwyneth this afternoon?

  3. Wonderful Testimony Nate! We will be praying as you travel back Tuesday to get the lumps on Tricia's lungs checked. I can only imagine how hard it must be to finally get home and have to turn around and head back so soon.
    But you said it right...The same God who has been so faithful and carried you through this far is with you and will see you through the days ahead.
    Each and every trial and difficulty He allows in our lives just serves to draw us closer to Him and causes us to love and trust Him all the more.
    Tell Tric that I pray for her each day and our children pray for you all and especially for Gwyneth many times a day. We were all so excited to hear how much weight she's gained the past couple weeks! God is so good and faithful.
    The Lockwoods

  4. Nathan,

    That's one of the best sermons I have seen. You are right we ALL do have a story. I am thankful that God saw us all worthy enough to hear yours....and to continue hearing the story of Tricia, you, and your baby girl.
    God Bless

  5. Awesome service and message! We're still so happy for you three... Nate, Tricia and Gwyneth!!! We'll be praying you find out positive news this week at Duke!


  6. Absolutely incredible testimony. Prayers for you and the girls always.

  7. Hello from Va Beach. Just watched the entire video from start to finish! Nate, thank you for allowing all of us "from a distance" to share in the experience, as well. We sang the same song in my church this morning! I heard it for the very first time this morning at my church and thought to myself, "Wow. I really like this song." Our worship pastor commented that even though we don't have physical "mountains" here in Va Beach, it really is amazing that our Saviour can move other "mountains" in our lives! What a great song! And, then for me to watch the video and for you to sing the same exact song! So cool! Oh, and one more comment about the music. I cried all over again when you played the clip of you holding Gwyneth for the first time. When I emailed you and sent you the "Safe & Sound" song by Matthew West so many months ago, I never imagined that I would be seeing it played to who knows how many hundreds of people over the internet and to the people in your congregation and to all of the people watching the "live" video! Incredible! P.S. - I got to see Matthew West in concert a few weeks back at Busch Gardens in Williamsburg and he was AWESOME! He again gave his testimony about when he had his "vocal chord" surgery and how he could NOT speak for months after the surgery. Had to use the dry erase board to communicate with his wife and how it broke his heart that he couldn't speak to or sing to his baby girl. But, in his moments of silence, God used him in BIGGER WAYS than he could ever imagine. I thought back to when Tricia was unable to speak for so many months. I pulled this from Matthew's website.

    "The core message of the entire album, he says, is “no matter how many mistakes we’ve made or trials we’ve faced, it’s the brokenness of our lives that God uses to give us something to say to the world. I was sitting in church one Sunday after my surgery when my pastor read a quote from C.S. Lewis: ‘God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but SHOUTS in our pains; it is his megaphone to rouse a deaf world.’ It’s easier to cover up the weakest moments in life, hoping no one sees, but that’s not God’s plan for us. ‘Offer it up to Me, let Me show you what new life is like, what I can do with your mistakes.’ He will amplify His voice through you in a huge way.”

    Nate, I thank God for giving you and Tricia such big "megaphones"!

    Rock on, brother!

    With MUCH love for you in Va Beach!


  8. Nate the broadcast came through beautifully this morning. I broke my pelvis in a fall this week and so was home to watch you live! What a testimony you continue to be.

    What translation did you read Jer. 29:11 from? I love the verse and LOVED that version of it!

    I will be praying as you go back for tests this week!



  9. Nate: what a testimony! I have smiles, tears, and more. God has used you in so many ways. I have a friend who has a baby that had that type of transplant malignancy. Let me encourage you it was over a year ago and she is doing very well! I will continue praying for you! Take care and thank you, once again, for being so open and sharing your story both via the video and the blog. You are blessed.

  10. I watched a tiny bit live but it was nearly over. I was running my kids here there and everywhere. However, I did take the time to watch it later and you were amazing. You are all amazing. God is amazing. I cried most of the way through it though, I will admit. Was there a dry eye in that church? There couldn't have been. Just know, that God has brought you this far and will be with you through the visit to Duke. We will continue as always to pray. I wish that I had your faith - it is certainly making me re-evaluate mine. Hang in there guys and thank you for sharing your story this way. It was awesome. I have to go and get another box of tissues now.
    With love, prayers and much hope,
    Tricia and Clan (N.VA)

  11. Nate- I am one of those "35000" who checks in on you daily. I am drawn to your story for so many reasons, but mostly for your shining testimony of faith. You and Tricia both are what we need more of in this world, people on fire and committed to serving God and going where he leads them. I'm so thrilled that the two of you are home and back with your church family. I watched the video, and you have such a compelling story. I hope you will continue to share it with others as a testament of God's goodness and grace to your family.

  12. Watched it all the way in the Netherlands (that's right, one of the many drawn to your story) and went straight for the Bible afterwards to read Jeremiah... That hit home, we are going through some hard times here as well. Thanks for hooking me up with that passage, it made me cry and gave me hope!

  13. That was great. You spoke very well. It was still hard to hear even, after reading it and knowing the outcome. I am praying that when you go back this week, that they can't find any trace of anything on Tricia's lungs. We serve a God that can do that. Thanks for allowing us to pray, love and care about your family. It is as if we are part of the family in a way. Thanks for letting God use your life to be a blessing to countless individuals. You are a blessing to me. I just wish I had words to tell you what this story means to me.

  14. Nate...Our family watched, in between baling hay....we have the worst internet ever and had no problems. thank you

  15. Watched part of the story live and then came back and watched the taped version.... you did a great job - I will keep you in my prayers this week and with the future tests....

  16. Nate, I want to thank you for letting us to share in with you from miles away. You did a wonderful job this morning, your testimony was amazing. I have read your story and watched your video a hundred times over again and hearing it again this morning had the same affect it did the first time. You and a your family have inspired me as a CFer and I'm sure so many others. There is NO story like yours out there. I am so happy and gratful that you let us share on this journey with you. I am so happy you all have come this far. I pray that all goes well with Tricia this week. Think about and pray for you all always.

    God Bless!

  17. I feel like there is a reason I was drawn to your story. My husband has a very serious health condition and sometimes I can't help but wonder "why us?". By following your story I have learned to trust in God and that He has a plan for us. I have to trust that everything is going to work out. I pray for all three of you everyday. I wish that I could meet you, you have been such an inspiration to me, but since I live on the west coast that probably will never happen. You gave a wonderful testimony today and I am so glad that I was able to view it. Thank you for the opportunity to get to "know" you.

  18. So far it's AMAZING! It's so great to hear a testimony of God's faithfulness and grace and awesomeness.

    I'm 52 minutes in and it just stopped, I'm not sure if it's my browser or what. I'll try again.

  19. SOrry about that, it's working again.

    Thanks for sharing Nate!!!

  20. Nate-
    Thanks for sharing your message and by the way- you did an amazing job putting 4 months together in a message. I will be praying for a good report on Tuesday!

  21. I really enjoyed watching the service via the web. It was so neat to see the reactions of the people in the congregation. You could see so much love in their faces. You guys are blessed with such a wonderful church. We are so glad that you guys are home and enjoying life as parents without nurses! :) Is there any place that the videos from the service this morning are located (web, blog, etc)? I couldn't really see them in the streaming because it was so dark. I'd love to watch them though. :)

  22. I knew you could write; but I think we all learned today what a well spoken individual you are. Watching your testimony has brought such joy to my heart. God has truly blessed you; but what's the best part, is that you've let him.

    As a young child, I watched my mothers best friend lose her "journey" to cancer, but never once question it, and a week before she passed away she begged to come to church and give her testimony....she had such a great love and trust in the Lord, and often found herself using Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ which strengthen me" as a way to get her through the troubled times...while its been 21 yrs since she passed..when I need that inspiration I recall her and the verse that she lived her life by... And now that verse is how I have come to describe you, Tricia and Gwyneth Rose.

  23. WOW, thanks so much for sharing that. It must have been wonderful to have been "home" again. You have reached so many with your testimony. May your family continue to grow in health and may your days be long and joyous.

  24. OK....I'm about 30 seconds into the clip and I HAVE to say that "Break Free" is my FAVORITE song!!! I love, love, LOVE it! We usually sing it at church at least once. (We uaually have two hours of worship before the teaching.)

  25. What a wonderful message. Even though I have followed your story for months I could not stop hearing it again. My prayer will be with you as you return to Duke. God is good and your faith will continue to give you the strength you both need to go forward in your amazing love story. The love story of your faith in God and in each other.

  26. That video was amazing! My husband and I were truly touched! I've been reading the blog since January, but for some reason nothing ever got to me as much as that video--WOW, you are a GOOD speaker!

  27. Nate...just watched the service. You did a great job! (your church rocks!)

    How awesome that Tricia and Gwyneth were able to attend...very special day, as I'm sure Tricia has REALLY missed being there.

    We'll be praying about your trip back to Durham on Tuesday, the tests and the results.

  28. Thank you so much for sharing your story. Though I've been following your family for a while now, my tissue box still got a work out this morning. Oh, and when Tricia and Gwyneth walked out onto the stage...WOW!...that was an amazing moment. I wasn't expecting them to be there...just thinking about it gives me goose bumps all over again! Truly incredible. I only wish we could have heard your words in person.
    Please know that our prayers are with you this week, as always! Thank you for touching me and so many others with your lives, your words, and your strength. You are all an inspiration.
    God bless you,

  29. Great job Nate. I have been following your story for some time now. It was so fun seeing you and hearing you tell your story on the video clip instead of just reading it. Your story is so amazing. I am praying that your travels back to Duke will be short and that the news will be good. You guys have already been through so much. Praying for you.

  30. I watched the video on Sunday. That was the first time I'd ever watched anything LIVE. It was really cool. It was especially neat to watch it since I am in Moldova. Thanks for sharing the video and the testimony of God's faithfulness. I also enjoyed the worship. I've been living in Moldova for the last 10 months, so I miss worship songs in English. Thanks again.

  31. Nate,

    I'm looking forward to watching the video just don't have time right now. I bet it was awesome!

  32. Well, you had me in tears as well. Many aspects of your story remind me of what we went through with our daughter's 6 month hospital stay as a newborn (she is a twin, so I also had another newborn at home and a 2 y/o as well). I can especially remember how overwhelming it felt knowing so many people (many of them strangers) were praying for us during that time.

    I can also recall many times during our journey how frustrating it all was. Yes, it's easy to say, "Why me?" ...but, while I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy, I wouldn't take back that time either because it brought us to where we are now. We are better people for what we went through.

    There were so many times that we wondered if we'd ever get a break. We wondered why it always seemed that things turned out "worst case scenario" for Lily, but God is always faithful. He gives us strength to get through things we never thought we ever could or even wanted to.

    I pray God will be with you as you travel back to Duke tomorrow. I don't know what His will is for your family, but I pray He will give you His comforting strength to get through it.

    Hugs & Prayers,

  33. Thanks Nate for posting it! You did a GREAT job!

  34. Wow, go out of town for a few and when i get back you have a live feed to your church service!!!!!!! :)LOL Awesome, Incredible! If we are ever in the area we will definitely come to your church! i cried all over again remembering the first time i clicked on to your blog from another blog and saw the first pictures you posted of Gwyneth! Praying for you 3 every day! Was hoping you were going to be away from Duke longer(no offense to Duke:) but God's ways are not my ways they are infinitely higher, right? praying for healing for sweet Tricia and continued health for all 3 of you!!!! Really enjoyed reading her blog! Praying,,,jen in al

  35. You did an amazing job, Nate! So excited I was able to watch now - not live as we were having our baby Baptized yesterday morning. I am praying for a good outcome on Tricia's upcoming tests. The reaction of the crowd when she walked out on stage with Gwyneth bought me to tears all over again!

  36. I'm writing from the west coast of Canada......just watched the video of your testimony with tears in my eyes and a heart full of gratitude to God for the miracle of life He has given you! I pray that He will continue to bless you and give you the desires of your heart. The worship song you sang right after you spoke, Mighty To Save, we sang that in our church service on Sunday morning too. It reminded me that whether we live on the east coast or the west coast or in another country, we serve the same amazing God, and we are all part of the same family. Thank you for sharing your story and inspiring us, brother!

  37. Praising God for all he has done in your lives and will continue to do in your lives in the future.

  38. Nate,
    Once again your story touches me. I am sitting here in tears after listening. I knew the story but it still "gets" me. I hope it always does.
    I am on my knees for you and Tricia as you travel back to Duke on Tuesday. (I wish I could offer to babysit Gwyneth! lol) I know He will continue to be faithful to you and your family!!

  39. Thank you for allowing us to catch a glimpse of your life "live"!

  40. It was a great video. I found myself crying most of the way through it. Your story is such an amazing testimony of strength, patience, love & Gods power. I've been blessed to "blog" through it with you.

  41. I so enjoyed watching your church service. What a huge blessing - you did an amazing job. You reduced me to tears yet again.

    Praying that you get good news this week and that everything goes well.

    Where there any first time visitors at the church that came via the blog?

    In Christ.

    (one of the 35,000)

  42. I have followed your story as "one of the 35,000" through my Google Reader for the past 5 months or so! Your story is amazing...God's fingerprints are all over EVERY word! :) If people can't believe the God is real and STILL works miracles after reading/hearing your story...what else will convince them? WOW...I watched your service/message this afternoon, too, and have been brought to tears several times...just in awe of the faithfulness of the Lord!!! Were the Scripture passages read from "The Message"? LOVED it! Keep sharing your hearts with us and for the whole world to hear! God bless you this week as you face another curve on this roller coaster ride of life!!! :)

    Praying in Kansas--


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