
Monday, June 9, 2008


It seems that our story is far from over.

We received a call from Duke this past Wednesday that the Epstein Virus (Mononucleosis) has been found in Tricia's system. This in and of itself is not necessarily a horrible thing, but on Thursday we received another call telling us that there are some growths in Tricia's lungs. These growths could be the first signs of a common type of cancer called Post-Transplant Lymphoproliferative Disorder that develops in post-transplant patients, brought on by the mono virus because of the immunosuppressant drugs Tricia is now taking.

We'll be driving to Duke early Tuesday (tomorrow) morning to get a clinic visit in for Gwyneth, who has been breathing a little heavy and fast the past few days. It does not appear to be affecting her in any way, but it's something that needs to be checked out just in case.

Tricia has a PET Scan early Wednesday morning. She will probably also have a biopsy (where they'll remove a small part of her lungs). Hopefully this can be done via a bronchoscope. If not, they may need to perform a surgical biopsy. She'll most likely be admitted as an in-patient on Wednesday as well, hopefully for no more than a few days.

They should have a diagnosis within 24 hours of the biopsy.

If she indeed is diagnosed with PTLD, they will consult their oncology specialists to take over administering the Rituximab, which it is generally given weekly for a month or so.

It could all just be a fungus infection, but it appears pretty suspicious for the PTLD.

This is not something we were aware could happen (not that anything really surprises us anymore), and to be honest, we really don't know much about it or what could happen from here. The idea of going back to Duke and being in the hospital is not something that we really want to think about right now, as it really messes with our plans. We're not sure how long we'll be in Durham, but we're hoping we'll be back within a week.

So, once again, we find ourselves in an unfamiliar, and very scary place. But, if we have learned anything during this incredible journey, we’ve learned to simply trust God.

When I am at my weakest, He makes His strength most evident.

I'm believing more and more that, after this part of our journey is over, God will still be Who He is, no matter the outcome. My plans are only worth anything if they are God's plans, and thankfully, His plans are always perfect.

Jeremiah 29:11 (The Message)

I'll show up and take care of you as I promised
and bring you back home.
I know what I'm doing.
I have it all planned out -
plans to take care of you,
not abandon you,
plans to give you the future you hope for.

We have no reason to doubt that God is still in control. Thanks for your thoughts and prayers this week. I'll let you know when we know more about both of the girls.




  1. Tons of prayers going out for you guys and that whatever this is can be easily treated!! Lots of hugs!!

  2. Sending HUGE prayers your way.

  3. Our prayers will certainly continue for your family. Trust in Him.

  4. I will be praying for both your girls.

  5. As always I will pray that this is just another bump in the road and both of your girls will be back home in no time at all. Sometimes it's hard to remember that our plans are not always God's plans, but He does take care of us. :)

  6. I will continue to pray for your family. I know God never gives one more then they can carry but sometimes it seems that way. I guess He knows how strong you guys are. God Bless and lots of healing prayers headed your way for the girls.

  7. I'm praying for you seems so little to say but we all know it's the greatest thing we can do.

  8. Praying lots and hard for you all! Hope all goes well with your two girls and you guys get back HOME soon!!

    God Bless!!

  9. Just like everyday, you are in my prayers. We serve an amazing God!

  10. I am sending tons of prayers your way!! God has seen you through many trials, and I have no doubt he will continue to see you through this!

  11. Prayers are with you. And ((HUGS))

    God Bless,
    Jamie in Texas

  12. Just wanted to let you know that I am praying for you and your family. God Bless you all!!!

  13. I will be keeping your family in my prayers! Your family is very strong and your family will overcome this minor set back!

  14. Hey Nate
    I too am praying for Tricia and You. I know its not easy waiting, it seems to be the hardest part of all of this.
    I guess I am praying is not cancer related but I wanted to let you know I had Rituxmab/Rituxan back in 2001.
    Although it was FDA approved in 97 for non hodgkins. They used it for compassionate use as early as 92. My oncologist really wanted more data on this drug.
    In 2001 my third go around with Lymphoma after they did all the testing possible...and they made the choice to go with a clinical trial..with Rituxmab in it.It did the trick. With benadryl and pre meds it is doable.

    Please feel free to email me if you would
    (club sammich cafe)

  15. Oh, Nate! You and Tricia and Gwenyth continue to be in prayers of me and so many believers around the world.

    God, hear our prayer!

  16. Thinking of you with continued prayers.

  17. Tricia and Gwenyth will continue to be in our daily prayers, though this week we'll add in some extra ones!! God's Peace.
    Stacy :-)

  18. praying, praying, praying!!!!!!!!! Jen in al

  19. I will be praying for you right now. Thanks for sharing that verse...I've heard it a thousand times but the Message version brings it in to a new light.

    Blessings to you and your two girls.

  20. Praying that God will constantly be reminding you of His faithfulness and love as He walks with you through this uncertain time.

  21. Nate & Tricia,
    I will be praying, praying for all of you especially this week! I know this must be a scary turn of events but you are right, God is in control & I think He still has His hands on your family. I really do feel that I love your family & your love of the Lord! I will watch for updates & I will be praying!

  22. Prayers and positive thoughts for both of the girls.

  23. Well that is ANNOYING! I am praying that it will be nothing more than that.

    God has loved you and blessed you this far, and I see no reason for him to stop now!

  24. Leaving you some thoughts and lots of prayers! I'm praying this is a minor thing and won't have you inpatient for long. Hoping you have a relatively smooth time with all of this!

  25. We've never stopped praying. We love to bring you before our heavenly Father and lay each care and burden at His feet. He is so able and willing to carry them for us when we just rest and trust in Him.
    love and prayers,
    The Lockwoods

  26. i've been reading since january, but haven't commented yet...

    ...i'm praying for the three of you.

    (psalm 27 helps me in my tough times....happy times, too. just thought i'd share)

  27. Still praying for you all. The kids and I added an extra prayer for you at lunch today. My 6 year old Matthew said that Gwyneth is trying to get used to the ocean air. :) Could it be a word of knowledge from one former preemie to another? Who knows. I do know this. God is with you and will use this chapter in your lives for His glory. Let Him be Glorified. :)

    Hugs from El Paso,
    Karla and family

  28. Blog Fans and Readers-

    Let's set aside a time on Wednesday...let's say from 7-10 am (Eastern Time) to pray as a "blog readin' family" for Tricia. Think about it this way...thousands and thousands of blog readers all lifting up prayers on Tricia's behalf as she goes in for her PET scan is a mighty mighty thing.


  29. Awe I am sorry. I hope things can be diagnosed and resolved easily.

  30. Your faith is inspiring. I hope the tests go as well as possible!

  31. I want you to know I will be praying for your family. You are a role model for so many people!

  32. You have my prayers over all of this with both girls. I hold tight to the scripture in Jeremiah with you and I know that God is in control of every breath both of your girls take in. Praying for safe travel and peace of mind for you all.

    Laurie in Ca.

  33. My prayers remain with your family. I am reminded of this verse, "Peace I leave with you: My own peach I now give and bequeath to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. Stop allowing yourselves to be agitated and disturbed; and do not permit yourselves to be fearful and intimidated and cowardly and unsettled." - John 14:27

  34. As always, you all are in our prayers. THANK YOU for sharing with us how to pray specifically. We love you all and we trust God will take care of you.

  35. Thanks for giving us an update.Certainly will be be praying.

  36. oh no Nate! I'm so sorry to her bout this setback. I have no doubt your two strong girls will be ok though! what a roller coaster! I will be thinking of your family & very much hope it turns out to be something minor with both of them.. this is so hard to read, so I can't imagine how hard it is for your family who is living it. (((many hugs & love from Arizona)))

  37. Praying with you again in this situation. If I have learned anything from your experience it is to trust God. Seriously, I never talked to God as much as I have in my ENTIRE life than I have following your journey in the last six months.

    Jen in Illinois

  38. Many prayers for you as you face one more hurdle. God will keep you in His care. And just to let you know, your honest and sincere faith continues as an inspiration for us all.

  39. Nate~

    Wow. I am so sorry to hear of your set-back. I have been SOOO excited for you and Tricia!! (And little Gwyneth.)
    You're in my prayers...


  40. Sending prayers, love and hugs your way...


  41. Once again, sending up those much needed prayers!! As you said, God is in control. Tricia and Gwyneth are both evidence that He never ceases to amaze us!

  42. My thoughts and prayers will be with you this week. Remain faithful and He will be with you all as he has from the beginning. he will give comfort in this time of weakness along with the strength he provides.

  43. Oh no! I currently have FOUR different kinds of EBV (I have a lousy immune system--no immunosuppressants here, just how I roll) and it can certainly take the wind out of your sails :( I hope this turns out to be something easily treatable, and will be thinking of y'all.

    Also, I went to the eye doctor today and the nurse was coughing and coughing--she said "don't worry I'm not sick, but my family and I drove to the OBX for the weekend and there were fires around there, and the smoke really did a number on me." The first thing I thought was "OH NO TRICIA AND GWYNETH ARE OVER THERE TRYING TO BREATHE!" I don't know if your area is affected by the fires, but maybe this is what's been making Gwyneth breathe faster? I so hope it's something simple like that, and nothing more--you guys deserve a break from the stinkin' hospital!

  44. We'll be praying for you! May you continue to find comfort in the knowledge that God's plan is always perfect! God Bless You!

  45. Many prayers for you...

    I hope it turns out to be a "simple" infection. Best of luck!

    Also, I don't know if it'd help or not, but has a wealth of information on blood related cancers and diseases. I'm currently working with them to raise money for research through their Team In Training program.

  46. My prayers are with your family.

  47. boy do I understand what it's like to be settling into new life, only to turn around and head back to the hospital. I am lifting you guys up - this too will be conquered, the Lord will take care of you: He has not brought you this far for nothing! You are in His perfect care. Love to you guys...

  48. Love that verse in the Message "I'll take care of you, I have it all planned out"! How much more convincing do we need. I am sorry that your time at home has been cut short. Continuing to pray in Michigan.

  49. You all will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. I hope "happily ever after" comes soon! You have all had to deal with so much. Thank you for continuing to update us; it's amazing how much we can care about people we have never met.

  50. Continued prayers for the three of you. Thank you once again for reminding all of us that God is ALWAYS in control.

  51. We are continuing to pray for your family.

  52. Praying for your precious family. How we pray for healthy and normal days. Many, many.

  53. He is still in control and we will continue to uphold you in prayer as you face this bump in the road.

  54. We will continue to pray for all of you...

  55. Hmmm. How do I explain this--one of my very best friends has a friend that has had a double lung transplant. I've met her and hung out several times---anyway, I know that she ended up with a type of cancer after her transplant as well---probably the one you mentioned. I didn't realize that was a common thing. I know she had to take oral chemo, but last I knew, she was doing fine.

    Praying, praying that it isn't that for Tricia---goodness knows you've all been through a lot. Also praying that little Gwyneth is alright, too.

  56. I watched the worship service yesterday morning and could not get Tricia off my mind last night when I should have been falling asleep. I prayed for her quite a lot. Eventually, I did fall asleep.

    I'll be praying for you, Nate, and for Tricia and Gwyneth. I'll especially be praying for continued health for you all. (It sounds strange to talk about "continued health" to someone whose spouse may have cancer, but you know what I mean.)

    Much love... as always...

  57. Praying for you, and will pass it on to others here. You sounded discouraged and nervous. We have seen the power of prayer many times over with you and your precious ladies, and we will again cover you in prayer.

    ~ becky b

  58. We are thinking and praying for you and your family and are looking forward to hearing good news that all is well in a few days.

  59. Many, many, many prayers.

  60. Pray without ceasing...that will be the goal. Thanks for letting us know, so that we can pray. We have a big God and he can handle all we send His way.
    You guys are always a blessing.

  61. I'm praying very hard both for Tricia and for Gwyneth, and I hope all test results for both of them come back clear, and that you will all be able to get home soon.

    My Dad is on Rituximab (and 4 other chemo drugs) for Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma at the moment. Hopefully Tricia won't need this.

    Sending you lots of hugs and strength vibes.

    Becky x
    (Mum to 2 children with CF)

  62. Definately praying for you guys!!


  63. Thinking of Tricia, Gwyneth and you. Sending love and prayers your way!

  64. Keeping you all in our prayers. Thank you for being so open and honest with your story. I watched the video of your church service yesterday and I was thinking about our own church service this weekend and thinking what a great job you do of letting God guide you and of trusting in Him completely. I think that He has great plans for your family. You have really touched lives and witnessed to how great our God is!

  65. I have no words, except, I am praying for you all.

  66. I have been reading your blog for several weeks--I found you through my daughters blog. I have been reluctant to write because you do receive so many messages, but I could not hold back any longer. I feel I know you all. Incredible MIRACLE of God. Your journey and the sharing of it has been such an inspiration to me. I know you must be discouraged at this point, anyone would be, but God WILL see you through it. I so admire your strength, faith, and courage. Your story is such a witness to others. God is definitely in this! I will continue to pray for you, the girls and all of your family.

    LaNell from Oklahoma

  67. we're praying. keep clinging to God's promises - you know he is always faithful!

  68. I'm praying and praying for you all.

  69. I'm sure that this is very devistating to you all, especially now that you are finally trying to get "settled" back into "normal" life. God will continue to guide you through this trial. Praying for good news for you!!

  70. Hopefully it's just another small speed bump in the road of life. We'll be praying for you, your girls and good news. I hope your trip is a short one.

  71. Sending my prayers to your family. Hope all goes well for Tricia and the little one.
    Susan from CA

  72. I am so sorry to hear this news. Please know that I will be praying without ceasing for Tricia.

    Hang in there.

  73. Wishing you the best and I will be praying for your journey through this. As I read your post I was reminded of a song by Chris Tomlin "The Everlasting God"

    You are the everlasting God
    The everlasting God
    You do not faint
    You won't grow weary
    You're the defender of the weak
    You comfort those in need
    You lift us up on wings like eagles.

    Isaiah 40:31
    "Yet those who wait for the LORD
    Will gain new strength;
    They will mount up with wings like eagles,They will run and not get tired,They will walk and not become weary."

    God Bless You,

  74. Oh no. Hopefully this will just be a speed bump in your recovery. Sending prayers

  75. I'm praying really hard for you all and hoping all turns out ok in the end-- that it all can be treatable.


  76. Praying for encouragement for you guys. I really enjoyed your testimony from Sunday morning.

    Psalm 29:11 - The Lord gives strength to his people; the Lord blesses his people with peace.

  77. Praying without ceasing for all of you.

  78. "He who began a good work in you..will be able to complete it"... I am singing this in my head for each of you and
    reminded of this for each of us. We are still traveling with you and praying all the way. Thanks for quoting Jeremiah 29:11 and tell me that it is from the message Bible!

  79. praying for you. I know God did not take you this far for nothing. Trust in him, we will continue to pray for you from Indianapolis.

  80. Praying in Tampa, Fl.

    I watched the video of the church service on Sunday. Your words really sunk in withme and have been with me since.

  81. you have no idea who I am, but I've been following your blog for a couple months now from Calgary, Canada :) I haven't felt prompted to comment, but God gave me the same verse this morning. The part that stuck out for me is "...plans to give you a HOPE and a FUTURE". No matter how low we are feeling, how confused and frustrated are, the Lord knows our next step, we don't walk in darkness.

    Gwenyth is beautiful and so is Tricia. Take care. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.

  82. God does have a wonderful plan for us all. Sometimes it is scary and hard to imagine how things will work out, but His plan is better than anything we could dream up. Your faith is evident and you have each other. Thanks for sharing your story with us, as always. You help others believe in His plans, too! Prayers for you all! Looking forward to some positive reports, I hope! :)


  83. Thinking of all of you and your families.


  84. I will be praying for your family.

  85. God is your refuge and your strength... we will continue to pray for your girls, for you, for your whole family.
    with love,

  86. Sending up prayers for you all. Travel safe, and know that we are thinking of you all.

  87. Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. I will continue to pray.

  88. wow, praying for you guys for sure!

  89. Praying that Tricia does not have cancer and that if it is the fungus, it will be healed quickly.

    Prayers that Gwyneth's labored breathing is nothing and will pass without incident.

    This is just another step in your journey to healing. God has been so good to you guys, I can only imagine that this is just a bump in the road to recovery.


  90. praying in the pacific northwest!

  91. SIGH. I'm sorry you have to be heading back to the hospital so soon... I'm praying for answers and God's strength and provision for you during this time.

  92. i'll be praying for ya'll.

    blessings and love ~

  93. I've been praying for you continuously since I started reading your story. However, I will pray extra prayers now!! God has seen you through so much already, and He will see you through this again. You guys are tough, you've proven that, and your faith is strong and enduring. Keep your eyes on Him!!

  94. Praying in Wilmington NC for you and your girls!

  95. it is amazing how even during times that are so uncertain to us.. God still is in total control. You all will be lifted up in our prayers....

  96. I know this journey all too much. Not in the same sense so to say but with Richard having CF and Stage 4 Colon Cancer. I know how scary it is. We will definitely be praying for you all. God Bless.

  97. You all have become such a part of my "prayer routine" that I will keep praying. Love and prayers headed your way...

  98. You will be in my thoughts and prayers!

  99. praying, as always, for the 3 of you. but saying some extra prayers for tricia.

  100. "I'm believing more and more that, after this part of our journey is over, God will still be Who He is, no matter the outcome. My plans are only worth anything if they are God's plans, and thankfully, His plans are always perfect."

    Perfect!! Wrote it down, plan on putting it up in my house! Stay strong, as God is holding you and your family close!

  101. As always, praying for you.

  102. No!!!!!!!!!
    I will be praying for great results. I love you guys and don't even know you!

  103. I'll keep praying too! I'll pray that the appointments and tests go well and that both have no serious issues!

  104. I will continue to pray for you and your girls. Safe travels and hope you may return home soon. God is good all the time. We may not know his plan, but he does.


  105. I am praying for you guys...I have been waiting for some news on some scans that could indicate cancer as well. The verse I have been reciting over and over and over (!) is from Psalm 112-...therefore, we will have no fear of bad news, we will remain steadfast, trusting in the Lord...I will start praying it for all of us!
    I know our God can do miraculous things for those who trust Him!

    Amy in NC

  106. We will absolutely be praying for you guys, for healing, understanding, clarity, and peace. Nate, you're an excellent father and husband when you do so in the Lord's strength - rest in Him and depend on Him.

  107. This comment has been removed by the author.

  108. Sovereign God, please watch over Nate, Tricia and Gwyneth during this newest trial. We know you are a loving and merciful God and that you are the Great Physician--please heal Tricia and Gwyneth's bodies and bring them home to the OBX soon. Amen.

  109. My prayers are with you guys!

  110. Nate-
    ALWAYS thinking of you and your girls!
    ~Amy in Va Beach

  111. Our Father who art in heaven
    hallowed be your Name
    your KINGDOM COME in Tricia`s,Nates & Gwyneth`s lives
    your WILL BE DONE in Tricia`s,Nate`s & Gwyneth`s lives
    give them this day their daily bread
    forgive their sins as they forgive those who sin against them
    lead them not into temptation
    but deliver them from evil
    for thine is the kingdom
    & the power & the glory forever
    & ever!!
    a certain song also came to may know it.."He`s got the WHOLE world in his hands"..

  112. My family will be praying for you and sending up prayers often!

    Sarah in Gastonia, NC

  113. Definitely will be covering your family in prayer this week! We're honored that you share your joys & struggles with us, trusting us to lift you up before our gracious Father. There's an old, old hymn that comes to my mind--"God Will Take Care of You." You probably have heard it somewhere, ages and ages past ;-) It's a steadfast promise, and you've been holding onto it for so long now... I bless you with the bulldog grip, to never let it go!

  114. (Extra) prayers for all of you coming your way.

  115. Sending huge prayers and well wishes to both girls. My thoughts will be with you and I wish both a R'flueh Sh'lema (compete healing in Hebrew)

  116. Of course I will pray for you but with all that you have overcome and with the Good Lord on your side, I am expecting good results and another happy trip back home in a few days or so.

    I'm sure that you are scared, but just continue to think of all the hurdles you have jumped, I have no doubt that this is just a speed bump......

  117. Prayers for comfort and health.

  118. We are praying for your family and know, as you already do too, that the God who carried you this far will not leave you now. We will carry you in our prayers and hearts through this part of your journey too.

  119. My heart and thoughts are with all of you ~

  120. Definately praying for peace for you all...

  121. Psalm 16:5 Lord, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure.

    Praying for you all.

  122. I and my family are praying hard for peace for you all...

  123. Please God take care of this wonderful family!!!!

  124. Again and always I will be sending prayers your way. May Gweneth be breathing easier in a few days and may Tricia be treated quickly and smoothly as well.

  125. Praying hard for you all.

  126. Your family is in our thoughts and prayers!

  127. I watched your video stream Sunday morning so I heard your news about the growths. I have redoubled my prayer efforts and as always continue to trust in the plan God has. Even if I don't quite get what the heck He's thinking, I know His plan will unfold whether or not I'm fully on board! Prayers as always from Michigan.

  128. will be lifting you all up!


  129. Praying for all three of you.

    I know you will keep the attitudes up and after a few "this really sucks" discussions move on to doing what the three of you seem to do best...moving onward and looking upward =)

  130. Praying for you and your family. I am so sorry for this most recent complication.

    Take care,

  131. We will continue our prayers for all of you, especially Tricia and Gwyneth!

    Hugs to all of you from NY.


  132. Praying for good test results and health for both your "girls."
    Gail in KS


    ...a sweet song about the ups and downs of life.

  134. I am with everyone else when I say I will be thinking about and praying for you and your family often and continuing to share your stories with others who will be praying for you as well.

  135. Well that seriously sucks!

    I'm keeping all of you in my prayers. I personally know that miracles happen more than once and you deserve all the miracles in the world. God is certainly keeping her eye on all three of you.

  136. I am so sorry to read this. I have followed your blog for a few months now and have prayed for you. You are an awesome couple with an amazing faith.

    God will see you through this latest hurdle. I will keep praying.

    Bev in Surrey, BC, CANADA

  137. My heart dropped into my stomach reading your latest post. I will be praying hard for all of you.

  138. It seems so providential that you got this news right after your church homecoming on Sunday. I would imagine that you both were uplifted by the love and support. God knew you would need it. He is so good and merciful. Thank you for sharing. I will be praying.

  139. My heart just breaks for you guys right now. We were praying for a smooth transition back into normal life. We'll keep praying that her tests are clear (as opposed to questionable results) and that the doctors are wise in their decision makings.

  140. Praying for you all. Nate you have an amazing faith...may God watch over you all and may you continue to find comfort and strength in Him.

  141. I am so sorry to hear this, and will pray for you all.

  142. prayers for a safe trip, quick stay and back home soon. Let us know if there is anything specific to be praying for.

  143. I will say a prayer for Tricia and Gwyneth.

  144. According to his will. All things are in his control. Submitting to his will when things feel so unsure is hard. You guys have had a lot of practice at it though!

  145. I pray for you to return home quickly and enjoy your life!

    Nate I had to borrow that verse for my own blog. I really love it.

  146. You will all be in my prayers. God's blessings on all of you.

  147. Thinking of you all.
    Rodgers Family
    ~Sydney Australia.

  148. Your strength and your faith is such a beautiful testimony to how big GOD is...

    you are reaching so many people with your story...

    God is using you to grow His Kingdom!

    Your girls (and you) are in my prayers!!

  149. Praying for you guys!

    I have been diagnosed with EBV (Epstein Barr Virus) - so, in a very small way can relate. Thankfully, it is not always active - and learning to recognize when it's coming on can help tremendously when it comes to dealing with an episode.

    You have no idea what a blessing your blog is to the many people who visit here! Our family will continue to keep you in our prayers!

    If you are ever in Texas (Houston) - give us a shout! My son would love to meet up with you - he's a photographer, too (and only 16 years old)! :)

  150. I'm praying for you guys too! For peace and comfort and rest! Here is a portion of Psalm 16. I've been claiming this in my own life; Jesus has used it to show me that HE is my only security and hope!

    Psalm 16:5-10
    5 LORD, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure.

    6 The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance.

    7 I will praise the LORD, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me.

    8 I have set the LORD always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.

    9 Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure,

    10 because you will not abandon me to the grave, nor will you let your Holy One see decay.

  151. Praying for you all right now...


  152. praying for safe travels, and for the medical staff too!

  153. I have been following your blog and have been inspired by your journey. My family and I will be praying for you. May you continue to feel God's mighty and strong presence as He holds you tightly in the palm of His hand.

  154. I used that same passage in Jeremiah today on my blog. Amazing how it speaks to people across circumstances, time and distance. I'll be praying for you all.

  155. Nate,Tricia and Gwenyth,

    Our prayers continue for all of you. Take care, and please just keep us updated!!

    Shari NC

  156. my heart sank when i read your post-
    you have prayers from all around- i pray for strength for you all-

  157. Stay positive. Take hold of God's hand and let him lead you. Sending prayers from Texas!

  158. Knowing and believing that God has promised He will not give us more than we can handle...and then seeing how much pain He has entrusted to your family is a sheer testament of how strong God knows you all to be. Your testimony of faith has really been an inspiration to me, and your clear testimony of trust in this last blog in so encouraging. Thank you for sharing it with us and inspiring us to live a life worthy of Christ's love...regardless of the trials He gives. It is a privaledge to pray for you.

  159. Davitajo (see below) suggested a chain of prayer for Trisha, Nate, and Gwyneth on Wednesday 7-10 am by all of this blogging family. I think this is a wonderful idea and will most certainly add power to the wisdom and skill of the doctors. Let's talk it up and get everyone informed. Thanks Davitajo!

  160. Sending lots and lots of prayers from Oregon...
    Remember, we serve a truly AWESOME God!

  161. My prayers are with you. Always.

  162. Your affirmation of faith in Who God is, and will continue to be, echoed what has been on my heart tonight, so I stole your affirmation and posted it in a blog at my Myspace profile tonight. I did give you credit :), and wanted to let you know of my theft. :) My prayers are with you all. Much love....

    My comments that I tagged on after your words are below....


    - blatantly stolen from the blog, "Confessions of a CF Husband," which will touch your soul as Nathan blogs about the journey he is on with his wife, Tricia, who lives with Cystic Fibrosis. Plans for a double lung transplant were put on hold when they learned they were expecting. Little Gwyneth Rose was born nearly 4 months early. Tricia very recently received donated lungs, and had that double lung transplant. Gwyneth just came home not so long ago, and in the midst of their rejoicing, they received a phone call from the hospital....the Epstein Virus (Mononucleosis) has been found in Tricia's lungs, and could indicate a common type of cancer that develops in post-transplant patients. They are headed back to the hospital for a biopsy. You can read his blog and see incredibly beautiful photos at Keep them in your prayers.

    I share their comments above, as they reflect my own feelings tonight. Life is not always understatement, I know. But God has promised. He is here, and will continue to be here. With Nathan and Tricia, I have no reason to doubt that God is still in control.

  163. Thinking of you and your sweet family! Sending prayers up for you all!

  164. Prayers continuing, warm thoughts sent your way.

  165. Wow, we will definitely be praying for all of you and for the best outcome. BUMP, that is what I would say this is, just a little bump in the road, that God has planned for all of you!


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