
Sunday, June 8, 2008


We're letting Frank watch her for a few more days, but she came by for a visit today. She was very excited to see me!



  1. Meka looks so happy to see you guys! I know you missed her too. She looks like a great dog.

  2. Are you sure you weren't a tad more excited to she her???? Great pictures..I am so happy that you and your girls get to be at home finally!!

  3. She looks totally thrilled ;-)

  4. can you email me directions on how you did your videos on here. I have an Imac so it should be similar. I want to do a video like you for a friend of mine. Thanks a ton.

  5. Both of you look excited to be together and you look SO MUCH alike! LOL

    Betty in Oklahoma

  6. MEKA!!!!! Glad to see her wrinkly face!!!! Doesn't she just make you smile?!

    God Bless you all,
    Jamie in Texas

  7. Meka! Yay for Meka! :)

    Nate, you can be so silly sometimes, and I love that. :)

  8. a) watched it live and felt like I was at home..Rockin church

    b) cute dog

  9. What is that they say about dogs looking like their owners??

  10. who looks more like you? Meka or Gwyneth?

  11. You know what they say about pets and their owners looking alike....

    Glad you are back home and getting settled in. I know how my animals are when we're just gone a weekend.

    Still praying for you all.

  12. gosh. you do look a like
    =) love the first one

  13. Those pictures are hilarious! Seriously, you crack me up! I'm glad to see you got to have a visit with Meka.

  14. so it's true that owners slowly begin to look like their dogs HA HA HA!!!!! :D

  15. wow, dogs really do look like their owners! lol, jk. how great you guys got to see her.

  16. Aww, Meka certainly looks dog-bow-wow happy! And oh yea, I'd have to say you look just like her, heh! ;-) (especially in the middle pix)

    Glad the whole family is together,
    Marissa :-)

  17. That's so cute!

    I love doggies.

    I am new to your blog, I found it from the lovely blog hopping. Amazing, inspiring, and touching story you and your family have.

    God has shown his love so much through this situation.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. HA!!! Love those pictures!!!!!! I really enjoyed watching the Live Feed today as well from Church, Nate. I love hearing your story over and over. It makes me smile.

  20. Cute dog! Makes me miss having one! with those facial expressions ya'll should enter a owner/pet look alike contest! Fun! praying for you 3,jen in al

  21. I'm thinking you are the excited one! : )

    I know how you feel, I would ache if I was without my puppies for that long.

  22. Oh she does look so excited to see ya', I know they are doggies are so so wonderful, I hope she can stay with her family soon, does she like her new little sister? I love the pics!

  23. Daddy, I think both of your "little girls" look like you! lol
    I bet Meka will Love Gwyneth when they get to be together.

  24. Love the pictures. You are such a goofball! :)

  25. In most cases I wouldn't really be trying to look like a dog's twin. Lol. But your dog is so cute it works out just fine! She looks like she's not only smiling, but laughing with happiness to see her person-daddy!

  26. I have followed your story since January. My husband and I live in Thailand, so I am usually thinking about you guys while you are sleeping. Blessing to all of you and may God's grace be upon you as you continue to navigate this journey.


  27. Too funny! Like all those pet-owner look alike contests!
    Been following your amazing story from Ontario, Canada and wish you all the best. Very inspiring for me, who has a lot of health problems (diabetic for 42 years and all the complications that go with that) to see how hopeful you are. Thanks.

  28. OMG'osh!! Those are the absolute most funniest pictures I think I've ever seen!! LOL!! How adorable!

    Praying for health & happiness for you and your family.

    God Bless you

  29. Nate,

    I just watched the Sunday service from Nag's Head Church. I've been reading your blog for months, but actually hearing you relate your story made it even more amazing. What an awesome God we serve! I'm sitting here just worshipping Him because He is so good.

    I remember when our son was in NICU 6 years ago. God was simply amazing at each step of the way. We watched miracle after miracle happen. Even the doctors couldn't believe with their medical knowledge that some of these miraculous healings were occurring.

    I also know I had some weird looks from people when I actually said that I was grateful for Matthew's premature birth and his NICU stay. Without God allowing that to happen to our family, there were many people who's lives wouldn't have been touched by his story. Ok, we didn't touch as many lives as YOUR story has but God has different plans for all of us. LOL :)

    I'm anxiously waiting to see your blog hit 500,000!

    God bless you guys, give a big hug and kiss to Tricia and Gwyneth, and know you're getting lots of prayers from Far West Texas!

    Hugs from El Paso,
    Karla and family

  30. I forgot to add that we're praying for your trip back to Duke on Tuesday. I'm glad that God's going with you ~ you are never alone. :)

    Hugs from El Paso AGAIN,

  31. Lol cute pictures.
    Good luck at Duke on Tuesday. I know my prayers go with You and Tricia.
    I to watched the in Michigan. Listening to you tell the story Nate..really put a different spin on things. God is so good and I am so glad you share with us daily.
    I also remember my son leaving NICU 26 yrs.ago.Omg I am old. lol So Many miracles happened that I don't think we hear about enough of them.


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