
Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Update (10:10pm, Wednesday)

First, thank you so much for your prayers and encouragement the past few days. To see well over 800 people leave a comment saying that they're thinking of us today is incredibly encouraging, and we deeply appreciate it (plus, that sets a new CFHusband record for number of comments under one post!)!

Gwyneth is doing well...up to 6lbs 3.5oz as of yesterday afternoon! Her O2 saturation and heart rate are good, but not great. Basically, her body is growing faster than her lungs, making them work a little too hard, as they are still underdeveloped. She is now on an incredibly small amount (so small, that I can't feel or hear it come out of the tank) of O2 (via a nasal cannula) for most of the day/night, just to give her lungs a little less to do on their own. She's also back on a med that she was taken off of a few weeks ago that should help as well. We've already noticed a visible difference since yesterday afternoon, which is good.

The docs say she looks great. It's important for her lungs to continue to develop, and for her to get this extra help from the O2 and meds because, if she's expending less energy breathing, she's using more energy eating and growing.

Tricia had her PET Scan this afternoon. Nothing too scary about it except for being told to clear your mind for a few hours while lying awake in a very small space... The results of the scan should show any tumors that might be forming in her body. I believe we'll hear about the results tomorrow.

She'll have a bronchoscopy and, hopefully, a successful biopsy of her lungs. If the biopsy is not successful, they will have to do a surgical biopsy, which means cutting her open, which she would is very apprehensive about (so, please, pray that the bronch biopsy is successful). I believe that we should have a fairly comprehensive diagnosis once the results of the scan, bronch and biopsy are all in, which may not be until Friday.

She was admitted early this evening, and is already sleeping in her hospital bed. She's bummed because she expected to be on her normal inpatient floor (which feels like home to us, and where they know her and her needs better), but there were no empty beds, so she's on am unfamiliar floor. I'm spending this first night with her, while Agnes (Tricia's mom) is with Gwyneth back at the hotel. You can pray that we all sleep well tonight and that Tricia will be moved to her favorite floor.

Tricia feels great, and, if the doctors weren't telling us that something was wrong, we would have no idea. Although she has EBV (mono), it's not the same as if you or I were to have what we know as mono. She has yet to be given an IV or anything else that she wouldn't have at home, and we haven't really been told what will happen over the next few days if she is diagnosed with something, which basically means that we're really not sure why Tricia isn't sleeping in her own bed least, a little frustrating.

As I walked through the hospital lobby earlier this evening and entered the elevator, I thought to myself, for a brief second, that I should stop by the NICU on the way up to Tricia's room to see Gwyneth. Just a few minutes later, as I entered Tricia's room, I almost stopped myself because I didn't feel the gown on my back and gloves on my hands. And just now, as the nurse walked out of the room, I noticed how skinny Tricia's charts were (compared to the encyclopedia she ended up with by the end of her last stay). I can distinctly remember that last time I used the label "hospital" for one of my posts, thinking that it would be a long time before I added another post to that label... All that to say, it feels very strange being here now, especially considering how far Tricia and Gwyneth are removed, medically, from their last times as patients here.

We are praying with you that our stay will be short because the diagnosis will come back negative for anything major. We're also praying that God will show us why we are here this time...the last stay, while incredibly long and exhausting, still felt natural for us in a lot of ways. This visit simply does not.

In the meantime, we'll be patient and continue to know that we're exactly where God wants us, even if it makes no sense right now. Thanks again for your prayers, and thanks for your continued prayers over the next few days as we wait to hear the news.



  1. Praying for you and hoping for the best results possible!!!
    Good luck tomorrow!!

  2. Thanks for the update...praying and praying and praying tonight...for good test results and for peace for all of you!

  3. Ack!! I just moved and we unpacked our computer and this is what I come back to? Yikes! My husband and I will bump up the prayers for your family. And more than anything, we will pray for your peace of mind. Love to you and yours.

  4. Sending hugs and prayers your way.

  5. I hope you know how much all of us in KS are praying for all of you.

  6. I'll be praying for you all over the days ahead. You are so good to keep everyone updated. May the Lord give you all sweet and peaceful rest tonight.
    The Lockwoods

  7. Thanks so much for the update. We have been praying and will continue.

  8. Hang in there and stay strong for your girls! I know it must be scary waiting for these results. Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. :o)

  9. Thanks for the update, Nate. You didn't have to... but we're glad you did! We'll keep praying! God bless you all!

  10. Praising God for Gwyneth's good report.......and praying the same for Trish tomorrow! Also praying for a good night's sleep for all of you. May you rest well.....knowing you're being safely held in the arms of Jesus!

  11. I am praying hard for you guys. My heart goes out to you. It just doesn't seem fair that Tricia and Gwyneth are back in the hospital so soon! Like you said, it doesn't make sense, but I'll keep praying that God provides peace through this unexpected hospital stay.

  12. Just recently I've read your blog and gotten familiar with your family. Thank you so much for sharing your life with the many people that read and keep updated on you all. The unfaltering faith that has been shown to me while reading this blog, has changed my life. I want you all to know that I'm remembering your family in my prayers. I pray that the Lord will continue to bless your family in many ways and for peace that passes all understanding to fall upon you all. I pray for healing and that the Holy Spirit will give the doctors wisdom in treating your wife. Thanks for the continued updates, God Bless you all!!!

  13. Thank you for the update. I have been thinking about and praying for you all day.

  14. Nate -

    Always sending prayers up for your family!
    Will be checking regularly for any updates.

    Va Beach

  15. Thanks for the update, Nate. I know you guys must be physically, mentally & emotionally exhausted.

    "Come to Me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light." Matthew 11:28-30

    Praying for you still,
    Steph S.

  16. Still praying. Your faithfulness is always a blessing.
    Get a good night's rest, praying that you all will.

  17. praying!! may you and your girls feel our Lords arms around you like never before!


  18. Praying that Tricia gets good news and you are back home as a family soon. Praying that Gwyneth's lungs continue to develop well and she's off the oxygen in no time. Praying for God to give you continued strengh to be the amazing husband and father that you are.

  19. It's good to read that you are all safely "settled in" for the night, even though the situation has something of a surreal quality about it! Glad to hear that there is a very reasonable explanation, and some easy fixes for your concerns about Gwyneth's breathing at home the past few days. Praying that Agnes and Gwyneth have a peaceful night in the hotel...and the two of you also get some much needed rest in the hospital! Thank you so much for such a thoughtful and informative update! Will continue to pray for the bronch to go smoothly tomorrow, with successful biopsy, and for all results to show wonderfully good news!

  20. Good sleep and tons of rest for everyone - that's what we're praying tonight. Then a successful bronch biopsy tomorrow...and great test results after that!
    So happy to hear Gwyneth is doing well. She just needed a "tune up". =) What a healthy girl she is!

  21. Hang in there, guys, we're praying for you! :)

  22. Continuing to pray for you guys in Northern Virginia - my heart goes out to you.

  23. Thanks for the update! How weird it must feel to be back in the hospital...know I am praying for your family's comfort.

  24. Nate and Tricia, I am praying tonight will be one of peace and deep rest for you both. I'm so sorry you're feeling uncomfortable with the whole situation, but I sure understand why. That's why I pray for peace for you both.
    Y'all just rest and all of us will do the praying for you during the next few days. As you saw, there are LOADS of us!!!!

    Love and hugs to all 3 of you.((((())))))
    God Bless you all
    Jamie in Texas

  25. Being Still is so hard. Prayers and tears from Colorado....

  26. oh, for good news I am praying...

  27. Recently heard about a prayer pager, which was a really cool idea, I thought. If you would like it or during times of need, if you get a pager just for that purpose, it will page Tricia and you when someone is praying for you and calls the #. I've heard it's an amazing, tangible encouragement.

  28. The Lord bless you, thank you again for allowing us in your life like this. I think we all feel so bummed that you are having to do this at all and can only continue to trust knowing as you stated in an earlier post jeremiah 29:11
    There is a tremendous amount of love and intercession happening here and the Lord is being glorified through it all.

  29. Thanks for letting us know. Praying for good news and lots of normal.

  30. Nate and Tricia,
    I have been following your story since this journey of yours began in January. It seems so long ago that I can hardly remember how I came across your blog. I had never been a "blog reader" until I found yours and there are few that I have read since that I have found worth reading daily. I am one of those people who check it daily and my 6 year old daughter even recognizes your blog and asks how "the baby" is doing. I have never felt compelled to comment because I felt odd writing someone I don't know but as a member of the body of Christ, I felt compelled to write tonight and encourage you all by passing on something on another blog that I found recently. Kerry Hasenbalg and her husband are close friends of Steven Curtis CHapman's family and she has some wonderful insight on her blog that might be encouraging to read. Her blog address is
    Perhaps you feel like "the clouds have moved back in " (as she writes about on June9) and you too wonder if God is listening to your pleas. I will pray for you all tonight that God will meet you on this unfamiliar hospital floor, just like he has met you so many other times before and give you all a peace that can only come from Him. May you rest at the foot of the cross....

  31. Thank you for the update! I'll be praying for patience for you and Tricia while the doctors do what they feel necessary to ensure her health, for wisdom for those doctors, for speed but not recklessness on their part to get you all back home asap, for gywneth's continued progress, and for His love to be with everyone through this next chapter of His story that you are living (with a ton of grace, I might add!). I do hope you all get some sleep tonight. Will be checking in for those super-great reports, so please keep them coming! Best to you all!!!

    :) Kelly

  32. I have been praying for you all and am glad to hear Tricia is feeling good, even if the tests say otherwise. I don't know if you'll find encouragement in this, but I had my heart/double lung transplant in 2001. I had active EBV when I went into the OR for my transplant. (It was an emergency. As you know, they usually wouldn't do that) And I made it through the surgery and a long recovery. Im praying that Tricia does the same.

  33. Haven't commented before but been a "lurker" for quite a while. I am sorry y'all are back in the hospital. I have been praying and will continue to be praying for you!!

  34. Continuing our prayers here. I am so sorry that you are both there and that Gwyneth is back at the hotel. Like you said, God knows why you are there and shortly you will find out that all is okay, but that Tricia just needing an extra look see at those lungs. Get some rest when you can. Everyone is cheering for Tricia. She's in good hands.


  35. Thanks for the update.
    Waiting is the hardest part when
    doing all those tests. Just know we all waiting with You"s and praying.

  36. Thanks for the update. I'm praying for all of you.

  37. Truly appreciate you taking the time to update. Will be praying and thinking of both your girls.

  38. Nate: Thanks for the update. Continuing to pray for your family.

  39. Praying that this will be Tricia's shortest hospital stay yet.

    Thanks for taking the time to keep us posted. Praying that Ms Gwyneth continues to grow stronger.

    In Christ


  40. Hi,

    I feel compelled to leave you a message because I know there are many more like me who read and do not comment. The 800+ comments you get should probably be double that.

    That's how many people out here in cyberspace are checking on you, care about your girls, and are praying for both of their good health!

    What a beautiful family you are!

  41. Nate, thank you so much for the update. I have been thinking about you guys and praying all day. My 3 year old even added Tricia to his prayers this morning. It's so sweet!

    I'm still praying. (((hugs)))

  42. Praying for rest tonight and for great results tomorrow.

  43. Nate.. thanks for the update. Praying hard and hoping to hear about GOOD results tomorrow! Get a good night rest, as much as you can!

    God Bless!

  44. Nate,
    I always feel lost when I'm put on a different, unfamiliar floor at Duke. I'll be praying that they have a bed for Tricia on the pulmonary floor soon. Tricia has been in mine and Jason's prayers all day. We have also been praying for Gwyneth and am happy to read that she is doing well. I also sent a prayer request to The Cove church in Mooresville, NC last night and it was distributed this morning to all prayer team members.
    Thanks for taking the time to update us on Tricia. I'm praying that you both get a good night's sleep.

  45. Thanks for the detailed requests - we will be praying for those things very specifically! You're all being lifted up!

  46. We appreciate the update, and we're still praying!

  47. Continued prayers from California!

  48. I continue to pray for your "girls", you and your family here in Irvine, Ca.

  49. So glad to hear about Miss Gwyneth's weight! You just keep growing, Little Miss! And Tricia, know that you are being lifted up in prayer continually by those that love you (that includes me!)

  50. Your trust in God is so refreshing! It is easy to question and lash out when things don't go as we would like them. I know you are questioning why this now...but you also trust God's plan for your lives and that is so inspiring! We continue to pray for Tricia and for you and of course for Gwyneth!

  51. Thank you for the specifics. Continuing to pray here in CO. J, A, and Em Graves xoxox

  52. Praying you all have a good night's rest, and peace for whatever the Lord brings your way today.

  53. haven't ever commented but check your blog every day - have been waiting today for your update. thanks for thinking of US at this time! gwyneth must seem SO big to you now - a whopping 6 lbs! our church has prayer pagers - many churches do - the hospital may even know how to get you one. it's pretty cool how you'll be going about your day and the pager buzzes your freakin' pocket off your pants ALL THE TIME. whenever anyone prays they call the pager and it lets you know. praying for you and the girls and for agnes. God continue to bless you, j

  54. Will continue keeping you, Tricia, and Gwyneth in our prayers. I can appreciate how odd this hospitalization must feel for you. Hopefully Tricia can be moved to her "comfy" floor soon! And, I'm glad Gwyneth is doing well. There have been a few times we've had to put Lily on a bit of O2, just so she doesn't have to work quite as hard. Sounds like the perfect thing to do for you guys in this situation. Hopefully Gwyneth won't need the O2 for long.
    Take care, and I'll pray for a restful night for all of you!

  55. After reading how happy all 3 of you were at home this last week and then having to make the trip back to Duke, I had a real hard time reading this!! I was in tears until you wrote "we're exactly where God wants us." That is so true, God does have you right in the palm of his hand and back at Duke.
    I will be praying for your family.
    Your in my thoughts.
    God Bless all of you.

  56. Thank you for being so faithful to alert us to your specific prayer needs. We will continue lifting them up the Father and asking Him wholeheartedly to keep working miracles before your very eyes.

  57. Praying for God's peace and strength as you wait for test results. The same thing that is going on with Gwyneth happened to our preemie son, too. Her little lungs will catch up soon! Take care and love to you!

  58. Thinking of you guys at this temporary hurdle.

  59. Thanks for the update and I am praying for a very good report on all the tests.

  60. Nate, prayers from our house for your family. May God bless and keep each one of you in his grace. I pray for a negative result for tricia, and continued health improvements for Gwyneth. Also I pray that God will continue to use you as a example of faith to the many like me, that have been blind so long.

    It never ceases to amaze me, your trust and faith in God is a inspiration.

    Thanks for the updates.

  61. We will be praying for you guys through another leg of the journey. It is like you are on the Amazing Race without ever leaving the state!

  62. Thank you, Nate, for the update. I'll keep praying.

  63. ...maybe you needed to be safely, farther away from the wildfire smoke! Praying that all results will be good and you will all have slept a peaceful sleep!

  64. Appreciate the update! I thought of and prayed for you throughout the day. Our NICU is about 45 minutes away from us and each time I get on the road that heads that way, those memories of the travels to see my daughter's triplet sons are so vivid. Your sharing about Gwyneth also reminded me vividly of those NICU tango days. Trust His heart -

  65. Still saying prayers for you all. You were in my thoughts several times through out yesterday and each time I thought of you all I said a prayer. I will continue to do that today and tomorrow as well. I'm so glad that Agnes is able to be there too, how tricky that would have been to split your time between gwyneth and tricia. I had triplets back in sept and 2 came home while one was still in the nicu so I had to figure out logisitcs of being with the two at home and still getting to the hospital to be with the third. I couldn't drive because of having the c section so that made it even more tricky.
    Sending lots of prayers for good news and a quick return home

  66. I pray for the day when there is no waiting for diagnosis....they run you through a machine and can just tell you on the spot! The waiting sends me into a tail spin almost every time.

    Praying like CRAZY for your girls, and Nate and Agnes.

    You guys are very blessed to have Agnes...she deserves an applauded that could be heard round the world...a great example of what a mother should do for her children. Thank you Agnes for setting such a great example and setting the bar so high.

  67. Still lifting you guys up in prayer!

  68. Thanks for telling us how to pray. I will pray specifically to that end as well...

  69. Continued prayers going up for you all, as if we'd ever stopped! Our take on this is that God wasn't finished using you all or your story in Durham yet. Maybe there is one more nurse, on this unfamiliar floor, who needs a touch from Heaven, or one more hotel clerk, who needs to hear the plan of never know...OR maybe the Lord desires to send someone to be a blessing to you all, but they were unable to travel to the OBX to slip you a gift card to Mama Kwan's! We love you all & will continue to lift you & your gals up in prayer.
    Jo & the fellas in NC

  70. The waiting is often the hardest part, isn't it? It is for me. Praying, STILL, for you!

  71. Thanks for the update, Nate. I'll continue praying for you all.

  72. Thanks for the update and for once again letting us in on such a personal part of your lives. Will continue to pray today. It just warms my heart, that no matter, how your situation changes, you always know that God has you right where you are to be...your families faith is such a testament.

    Prayers all day long, Kathy

  73. You never cease to amaze me with your insight! Although I've never been thru all you have, if and when I ever should (or anything less), you've provided some faith and guidance that I will carry with me until that time. Thank you for posting this last night as you've all been on my mind constantly. Tell Tric to hang in there. Everything's going to be okay, no matter the diagnosis!

    refreshing in ohio

  74. I began praying again this morning for your specific requests. Most of all, I am praying that satan would be bound and kept far from your family.

  75. Still praying for the best results & that you can go home straight away!!!

  76. still here... still praying...
    Waiting with you as God's plan unfolds.
    Julie, Moonta, S Aust

  77. Praying for a short stay and great news! Just always praying for your family! Denise Dade City, Fl

  78. Thanks for the update. Continued prayers for you all throughout the coming days, weeks....(as always). Your post sounded a little "heavy" from this end. I'm sure you're tired and frustrated. Please know that you're being lifted up high to God right now. Stay focused on Him. Big ((HUGS)) from Florida to you all.


  79. Here are hugs and prayers from GA!!! Wish only the best for you guys....Melissa

  80. thank you for the update. Prayers continue for Tricia, that this stay is short and with little complications. Your faith and strength continue to amaze and inspire me, as well as many others I suspect. May God's peace fill your hearts.

  81. Thanks so much for the report! It's so exciting to hear how much Gwyneth is growing! Our prayers will continue to be with you all, especially that there will be an all clear diagnosis and that you can get back home! Serving the God of the impossible!

  82. Trish and Nate,
    I'm sorry to hear about this setback. I know how it feels to be going full steam ahead only to be put on the breaks and go in reverse, right back to a lousy hospital room. Unfortunately, what you're experiencing is a very normal part of the first year after transplant. Bumps in the road are inevitable, you can just expect that. Isn't it wonderful, though, to face those bumps with renewed energy, health and strength? The journey is often frustrating but always worth it!
    I'm thinking of you all this week and sending my good vibes over to Duke! Much love. Hoping you're home by the weekend.

  83. Nate,

    I'm hoping that God is using this visit to show you both how truly far He has removed you from that environment. The very fact that this feels so unnatural to you, encourages my heart.

    In our prayers.

  84. I can hear the frustration in your words...we are praying for peace and comfort over the next few stressful days!


  85. Prayers going up for clear bronchoscopy and no other problems. Thanks for the updates.

    Praying in Texas,
    Heather Rice

  86. Thank you so much for sharing again from your heart. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all this day.

  87. We've been praying since we woke up yesterday morning. So glad to hear sweet Gwyn is doing better...such a precious little girl! We'll continue to pray as Tricia has her scan today & for you, Nathan, as you await the results. Love to you all from the Leinos!

  88. thank you so much for the update! Praying over all of your needs,,,jen in al

  89. Long time reader and leaving my first comment You and your family are amazing and such an inspiration to me. Praying for Tricia and Gwyneth's speedy recovery.

    Lora, Reston VA

  90. Fingers & toes are crossed for good news today. Definitely thinking of you and your family often.

  91. Praying for favorable test results and a short hospital stay. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.

  92. Praying for favorable test results and a short hospital stay.

  93. With everything else you have going on right now, thank you so much for taking the time to update us.

    Continuing to pray for positive test results.

  94. Glad the babe is doing well and that it's just an extra boost of oxygen to help her grow and develop without stressing out her lungs.

    Still prayin' for Tricia.


  95. Thanks for taking the time to update us - praying along with everyone. So glad to read that what is going on with Gwyneth is, probably, expecgted for a micropreemie and something that can be rather easily addressed. Praying that the bronchoscopy does the trick - but mostly that results of both tests are good.

  96. We have been praying for you all even though I did not get a chance to post yesterday!

  97. Since David wrote this for the Worship Leader I'll paste here for you the first part of Ps. 139. It speaks to when we're perplexed as to why we are where we are when we are.

    O LORD, you have examined my heart
    and know everything about me.
    You know when I sit down or stand up.
    You know my every thought when far away.
    You chart the path ahead of me and tell me where to stop and rest.
    Every moment you know where I am.
    You know what I am going to say
    even before I say it, LORD.
    You both precede and follow me.
    You place your hand of blessing on my head.
    Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too great for me to know!
    I can never escape from your spirit!
    I can never get away from your presence!
    If I go up to heaven, you are there; if I go down to the place of the dead,£ you are there.
    If I ride the wings of the morning,
    if I dwell by the farthest oceans,
    even there your hand will guide me,
    and your strength will support me.

  98. Since David wrote this for the Worship Leader I'll paste here for you the first part of Ps. 139. It speaks to when we're perplexed as to why we are where we are when we are.

    O LORD, you have examined my heart
    and know everything about me.
    You know when I sit down or stand up.
    You know my every thought when far away.
    You chart the path ahead of me and tell me where to stop and rest.
    Every moment you know where I am.
    You know what I am going to say
    even before I say it, LORD.
    You both precede and follow me.
    You place your hand of blessing on my head.
    Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too great for me to know!
    I can never escape from your spirit!
    I can never get away from your presence!
    If I go up to heaven, you are there; if I go down to the place of the dead,£ you are there.
    If I ride the wings of the morning,
    if I dwell by the farthest oceans,
    even there your hand will guide me,
    and your strength will support me.

  99. Still praying...

    (And thank you for the update.)

  100. Good Morning :) Still praying! Hope you have a good day!

  101. While my scenario is totally unrelated to yours, I can completely relate to not knowing why certain things are happening, or why I have to go through X, Y and Z before I'm through to the other side. Will be praying for you the next few days.

  102. Thinking of all of you this morning! and of course, as always, praying.

  103. Thanks for the updates. Wow, Gwyneth's weight is great, and the news on her breathing sounds pretty good too. Continuing in prayers for Tricia's tests to go smoothly, with clear results so the doctors can make a plan of treatment if needed. Of course I'm praying the tests are negative, and that you all can go home as soon as possible. The peace of the Lord be with you all...

  104. We shall pray for a short stay for you and continued strong health for your girls ... and you ...
    pauline and tim

  105. Hi Nate, I've been reading your blog for a while and am praying for your family. Just a little bit of history that might interest you; on yesterday's date (June 11) in 1963, the first lung transplant was performed at the Mississippi Medical School University Hospital in Jackson, MS.

  106. We are still praying for all here!

  107. I didn't have internet for a few days and wow, a lot has happened. I continue to pray for you all.


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