
Monday, July 21, 2008

Back To Duke

Late this afternoon, we'll be driving back to Durham/Duke for a few much anticipated appointments for both Tricia and Gwyneth.

Tricia will be having her follow up appointments with the cancer team to discover if the past four rounds of chemo have been effective. The expectation has been that the treatments will have wiped the lymphoma out of her system, so we're keeping our hopes up. She'll also be seen by the transplant team again, and we're also hopeful for continued good news. What we're unsure of is how the cancer and post-transplant issues will continue to balance themselves, particularly with her meds and the efforts to ward off rejection. Some good news...Tricia has been told that she'll have her feeding tube, which she has had (and which has been incredibly helpful) for the past 18 months, removed...she is very excited.

Gwyneth will be seen again by the special infant care doctors. I have been very optimistic over the past few weeks, as it appears to my untrained eyes that her breathing and development seem to be progressing very nicely. She continues to be on and off the oxygen as needed, but I can really tell a noticeable difference in her work of breathing. She is also eating more and more, with greater ease and stamina, and she is beginning to discover that she can suck/lick on her hands and fingers if she can hold them still in front of her mouth for long enough.

All of this will be taking place from Tuesday to Thursday, and, without any major surprises, we should be back home by Thursday night. We'll be making good use of the time outside of the clinics to get some things done in the "big city" that we can't do on the OBX, and we hope to see a few friends as well.

BTW, I simply have not had any time to work on pics from the other evening, but I promise they'll be on there way in the next day or so!




  1. Praying for great appointments and safe travels!

  2. Praying for great news and happy reunions! :)

  3. Will be praying for good reports from all docs! Hurray for ditching the feeding tube!! That will be a great moment to celebrate! Safe travels!

  4. Hoping all goes will with both apponitments and that Tricia gets that feeding tube out as planned! Have a safe trip and I will be praying for good reports and that all goes well with both your girls!

    God Bless!

  5. Hooray for getting the feeding tube out! What a great step forward! We're praying for you guys as you make the trek back west today.

  6. Thanks for the updates. We'll be praying. :)

  7. Praying for good reports on all fronts over the next couple of days. Safe travels!

  8. Thanks so much again for sharing your journey with us. I'm glad you have some positive things to celebrate! God is good.

  9. Great news about the feeding tube!
    Praying for a good report for your girls!

  10. You and your family are such an encouragement to me. You have faced challenges that most people in their lifetimes never will and you handled them with integrity and strength - given by God. I'm thankful that you have such a great platform to share your story via this blog. I pray that God continues to use this blog and you three to further His kingdom. Blessings this week at Duke.

  11. Prayers that the appointments have only good news and for safe travels. Great news about the feeding tube as well. Take care of your girls and of course yourself. Thanks again for sharing your families story. What an inspiration.

  12. My prayers are with you. BTW what would Gwyneth's adjusted age be, I know chronologically she is just over six months but I can not seem to get my brain to figure this out. If you don't mind sharing, it would help to put some of these little milestones into better perspective. It is always so fascinating to watch babies discover new things.

  13. praying travel mercies and great reports form the doctors!

    blessings ~

  14. I'll be praying for great reports for both girls! They sure look happy and healthy in all your family pictures! Praying it's a wonderfully blessed week for all of you.

  15. I hope great news is on your way! I am sure Tricia is looking forward to the removal of the feeding tube! It is definitely a great day in the Kingdom!

  16. Best wishes for good reports at Duke! You are in my prayers!

  17. Good luck over the next few days. We are thinking and praying for all of you. Have a safe trip!


  18. Good luck over the next few days. We are thinking and praying for all of you. Have a safe trip!


  19. Praying all goes well and you get the thumbs up all the way around.

  20. Praying that you all have a good trip, with no surprises - other than good ones!

    Blessings to you all,

    Southern CA

  21. Good luck with the appointments. I hope all goes well. Y'all will be in my prayers.

  22. Love the pics from the beach. Will be praying for safe travels and for awesome results.

  23. thank you nate for the updates on your girls. praying for your time while there. Enjoy your big city visit and your friends while there.

  24. Your family is a blessing to so many other people. Thank you for being so inspirational.

  25. Praying for shiney, happy news from all doctors!!

    I'm laughing picturing Gwyneth attempting to keep her chubby little hands still long enough to suck on them!! lol... brings back memories of my girls when they were babies. So happy to hear news of all of her progress! Exciting times!

    The Vande Castles

  26. all the best for all of those appointments & enjoy your "big city" adventure :) safe travels

  27. Best wishes to both your girls.... I will pray for both!

  28. As always, thank you for your ministry to the unknown internet masses. You are teaching faith and humility by example, and by practicing what you preach. Actually, you really haven't done ANY preaching on this site, which is why it works. You have helped me on my journey. Well done, pastor.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Sending prayers your way for a positive outcome. Good Luck!

  31. Praying for you guys as you travel and for your health concerns. Hoping it all goes well!

  32. yall are all in my prayers. be careful and have fun when you can!

  33. prayers for good outcomes and fun off time in the city. Have a safe trip,

  34. Good luck on both of the visits....I hope the cancer is gone for Tricia and that Gwyneth keeps doing great!

  35. praying for GREAT reports and lots of fellowshipping while you guys are in "the big city!"

  36. i am amazed daily at your girls! still praying for your family :)

  37. Praying for your girls!!!!! jen in al

  38. Praying for good reports from all doctors :) I cant believe that you will be so close to where we live yet again... Ive never met Tricia but did meet Nate :) I promise, those shirts are being shipped this week.

  39. Good luck! I hope all the appointments go well :)

  40. I'll be praying for good news from your appointments for both girls!! Have a safe trip.


  41. Our prayers are with you!

    Blessings and His love,

  42. I just said a prayer that you all get to enjoy your time in the big city and most especially for excellent reports for both Tricia and Gwyneth.

    I also meant to comment about the recent pic you posted of Gwyneth alone. It's so interesting to see how she has grown and is so obviously thriving since she is home with you and Tricia. She's so precious and beautiful, and I think some spunk may even be showing in her pictures.

  43. Thanks for the update--keeping you all in my prayers--Renee

  44. Thanks for the update! I hope & pray the news you post next will be good!

    ~Sara in MD

  45. Praying for great news all around during your trip to Duke.

    Have a great trip!

  46. Prayers for good results with the clinic appointments, and YEA Gwyneth for making some developmental milestones!!!
    Congrats on getting rid of your g-tube Tricia!

  47. Good luck...Randy heads back Wednesday 13 hour trip and he, his brother (the donor), and their father are all going. They are driving this time. I have to stay back and work, boy I wish I could be there with Randy. We are praying for good appts for both your girls. Save travels.

  48. We are thrilled by the progress both Tricia and Gwyneth are making! To God be the Glory, once again!! We'll be praying for safe travels and good reports from the doctors on all fronts.

    Thanks for taking the time to update us. It is so good to be able to follow along, praying and rejoicing with each milestone in your journey.
    The Edwards family

  49. God Bless you Tricia & gwyneth, praying for the best, for you both! & God bless you 2 Nate the GREAT! :)

  50. Good Luck. I will be thinking about you.

  51. Prayers for good follow-up reports and safe travel.

  52. Safe Travels Praying for good news all around
    God Bless

  53. We are praying for a good trip in Duke.
    May God keep you and bless you,


    Sylvie and family

  54. Sounds like a good trip. We'll be praying for you guys!

  55. Praying for GREAT outcomes for all the doctor appointments!

  56. Bless you and I pray you receive promising news for Jesus' glory!

  57. Hope you have a safe trip and that the Dr's all have good news. We'll be praying for you. Enjoy your time in the "big city" :-)

  58. I'll continue to keep you guys in my thoughts and prayers!! Gwyneth is getting so BIG so FAST!! She sure is a cutie and what a blessing!! All of the pics are awesome!!

  59. I am praying for wonderful news.


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