
Saturday, July 19, 2008

Lawrenson Family Pics Preview

I haven't had time to look through them all and edit, but here are a few pics from last night's session on the beach...

More to come later!



  1. I love the pictures <3 who was doing the picture taking?

  2. Can't wait to see the rest! I'm sure you had a lot of fun.

  3. is that your sister in the 1st photo?

    You and Tric are always so cute! =)

  4. I totally need to move to the beach lol :)

  5. You two truly are beautiful people...inside and out. It is so good to see you and Ticia smiling together!

  6. can't wait to see the rest. looks like perfect lighting at the beach!
    have a wonderful weekend and hope the house hunting went well.

  7. Tricia looks lovely. Appears as those she's put on a few much needed pounds, she looks robust and healthy! You look so happy:)

  8. What great pictures! Who is the talented photographer?

  9. How much it speaks to the wide scope of your family's miracle the vast contrast we see from the "fun" hospital pictures to the "fun" beach pictures! I know for you it gives very real meaning to "...more than we could ever ask or imagine."

  10. Very cute pics!!! Ya'll always look like you are having fun, and not "posey".

  11. You guys are so awesome! I'm so glad you two found each other:)

  12. Great pictures!!! I especially like the first one.

    Enjoy your weekend! :)

  13. Love the last pic! You and Tricia are such a sweet and beautiful couple. Many Blessings to you both!


  14. Very Cute. Captures the playful side of you both.


  15. Great pictures ~ I am looking forward to seeing the rest ~ you look like you had such fun!! XXX

  16. I love pictures of couples on the beach. Especially ones of both of you. Just really special thanks for sharing.

  17. Every time I see a picture of the two or three of you without masks, gowns and tubes, I am reminded of the miracle I have had the honor of following and praying for. It keeps getting better and better and Tricia looks so healthy, praise the Lord. I am blessed by you guys every day. Was Gwyneth taking the pictures of you two?:) Just asking, talent seems to run big time in your family.

    Love, Laurie in Ca.

  18. I thank God each time I see you at "home" on the OBX. What an incredible story...

  19. Adorable!!! Can't wait tot see the rest of them!!

  20. Thank you so much for the generosity of sharing moments like these with us!

    We love checking in at your blog, love hearing what the Lord is doing and love all your photos!

    God Bless!

  21. Tricia is looking so much better these days with a lovely glow in her cheeks and a sense of peace about her.

  22. ok, I now realize it's not your sister in the first one! lol. sorry!

  23. You two always look like you are having so much fun! What a happy couple!

  24. love the pictures! you guys are such a cute couple! praying, jen in al

  25. How awesome--Tricia looks so healthy and you actually look somewhat rested. You two are truly blessed!!

  26. Awww! You guys are just the cutest.

  27. beautiful as always....thanks for sharing your life and your love! :)

  28. beautiful as always....thanks for sharing your life and your love! :)

  29. This is my first comment but I have prayed for you for months. I love the pics and the smiles. I love when you share your life with us including the triumphs and the setbacks and yet still give God the glory and tell others He is GOOD. I have fallen in love with your daughter! Tricia is a miracle and beautiful. Nate is an example of faithfulness and love for his family and most of all, loves our Lord. What a powerful way to reach others--just by simply smiling through all this and saying God is still a good God and is still in control. You bless me.

  30. Awesome pics, you look so happy and Tricia has a beautiful smile.

  31. You're both so beautiful - in so many ways.

    Love to ALL.

  32. Those were great!!! Can't wait to see the other pictures. :D

  33. The two of you are so, truly beautiful together.

  34. Looking forward to more! Have a great visit with the family.

  35. You two are a beautiful couple!!! Your happiness seems to always shine:)

  36. Cute!!!!! I definitely can NOT forget to take my camera to the beach in a few weeks!!

  37. Yay I can't wait! I'm needing some inspiration for the beach vacation we're taking in a couple of weeks... the pics look great and so do you guys!!

  38. hey nate & trisha! :)

    a big hello from singapore! i somehow came across your blog and i've been hooked ever since.

    trisha's courage and determination is very inspiration to someone who lives with a chronic condition (i live with diabetes) and i truly admire the relationship you two share.

    i'm also pretty much in awe that you want to use your experiences with cystic fibrosis to bless other people, which is an awesome thing in itself.

    i know i have been blessed by your story, and i've got a hunch i'll continually be blessed by you sharing your ups and downs with so many people. because your story is just one so many examples which reaffirm that God moves and acts in miraculous ways!

    God Bless you, Trisha and little Gwenyth! :)


  39. Awesome's to many more days on the beach!

    Blessings to you guys,

    Southern CA

  40. I love to look at pictures of you two. You can just tell that you were meant for each other!

  41. Love them!!! You both look great!! Happy to see you both smiling! Cant wait to see more!!


  42. Hiya Nate and Tricia, I haven't commented on here for a while but I always read. Its so good to see you having fun on the beach, it made me grin from ear to ear to see you two so happy.

    I also wanted to say a big thank you for posting a link to Gina's blog so we can all pray for her.

    Big (((HUGS))) always.

  43. You guys look awesome and wonderful! :-) Glad you are having fun.


  44. You two are so much fun. The love you have for each other is incredibly obvious through the photos and stories you share! Thanks for letting us take daily peeks into your lives!

  45. Love the family photos. precious. Courtney

  46. You are adorable together. :)
    Simply adorable.

  47. The pictures are truly breath taking. What a lovely, vibrant family. Prayers that everything continues to go well for you and your family.
    Tricia looks to be doing very well and feeling much better.
    Elaine from MT

  48. Thisis my first time posting, but have read and prayed for your family for months. I have to give you credit for sharing your story with us and increasing awareness of CF and organ donation. I love reading about your family and feel like I know you even though we have never actually met. Please know that I would love to do the walk for CF. I live in Illinois and have agreed to donate to the CF foundation with the help of family and friends after sharing your story with them. Please let me know where to send the money and how and I will try my best to help with the cure for this disease. Thank you for sharing again and I will wait for some feedback.

    Kari Payne

  49. Great pics! Can't wait for more, love to see pics of all of you! Especially the little White Rose (no offense)! :)

  50. Before reading your blog, I was not a donor, and had not considered it. This past week my mother unexpectedly and suddenly passed away, and because of your blog, I decided that her organs should be donated. She was able to donate 2 kidneys, her liver, her heart valves, and she was also able to donate tissue and veins. Thank you SO much for blogging about your journey for the world to see, lives have been changed because of your families story.

    I have marked my drivers license to donor, and have let my family know my wishes.

  51. I've never left a comment for you before, but read your blog frequently. You have such a beautiful family, and seeing the strength and grace with which you meet life's challenges is such an inspiration. Thank you for sharing your story with us. You are always in my prayers.

    Beautiful pictures, btw - can't wait to see more! :)

  52. You guys are going to have some awesome pictures of both sides of your families to hang in a new house!! They are great!

  53. im glad that the pics came out good and that you had a good time with each other

  54. I randomly read your blog just to see how things are going and little bit of inspiration that my life isn't that bad, and to know that there is worse out there. I am sure glad your both are so strong to carry the weight of many. I wanted to comment on the rude commenter...did you know that you can comment moderate? You can read the comments before they are posted, then for sure no one will see them. I swear some people are so stupid and they go out of their way to make someone else miserable. Crazy! Keep up the strong keeps me grounded and I love reading your blog. CS (I am a friend of Somer Love, that is how I found your blog.)


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