
Wednesday, July 2, 2008


This past Sunday, our family participated in a parent/child dedication ceremony at church. We don't baptize infants, nor do we dedicate children by themselves. The dedication is mostly for the parents of a child. We have committed to raising Gwyneth in a home that is centered on God's love for her. My favorite part of our dedications is when we ask the entire church body to stand with us and pray, signifying that they are supporting us over the next several years in our journey together.

Here are a few pics from the day.



  1. That was awesome...I could feel the love in the pictures..

    There is a girl standing at the end on the right, She look just like Tricia, I had to look a couple times and the first time I wondered well why is Tricia down there

    I love your blog..Come check mine out!!! We have a little girl adopted from Guatemala and we are now raising money to bring home our son from Thailand.

  2. I think commitment ceremonies are absolutely wonderful! Gwyneth couldn't ask for a more dedicated family to grow up in, that's for sure.

  3. Thank you for giving a glimpse in to that special time of dedicating your precious daughter.

    Praying for you all and blessings abundant.

  4. Looks like a beautiful dedication for a beautiful daughter! We pray the Lord will bless your family, with unbounding love.

    Uncle John and Aunt Nancy

  5. Your pictures made me cry. What a beautiful moment you shared. May the Lord bless you two as you raise your very special little girl. I believe God has something very special for her as she grows

  6. Congratulations on this milestone!

  7. She's beautiful, Nate and Tricia!

  8. We just did the same thing with our son on Father's Day. At our church they have a series of vows for the parents and another set for the rest of the church.

    It was great to hear the church commit to praying for us and to encourage and support us as we raise Steven in a godly way.


  9. Do you have to present her with a verse or a verse prayer for her? If you did, what was it?

    We did this both our children.

  10. awww, so sweet! =)

    I just have to say I also really love your pictures Nate! Seriously you should raffle off a " photography session with Nate" for raising funds for CF! I bet lots of folks in your area would clamor for a chance of having photos taken by you, (I know I would if I where near!) you are really talented!

  11. So wonderful!! What a dedicated & inspiring family!

  12. It's wonderful to see your daughter filling out so nicely and looking so sweet. She is blessed to have parents such as you. Lord bless you and keep you all your days. You remain an inspiration.

  13. Happy Dedication!

    Also, Gwyneth seems to be getting bigger? Do mind sharing how big she is now? Maybe a picture with the pug for old time's sake?

  14. Nate,
    Thank you for continuing to share your life with us. Yours is one of the first blogs I look for an update right after family and friends!
    I love Gwyneth's dress!!
    I continue to pray that Tricia is completely healed of the cancer.

  15. Beautiful! We too do the commitment ceremonies at our church. Love what it means & stands for. And the fact that the church as a whole promises to help the parents.
    Great pictures!

  16. Gwyneth is absolutely beautiful! (I love her dress, by the way!)

    Congratulations on a special day. We have also done dedications with our children and my 8 year old just accepted Christ this past week during our VBS. It will be a special day for you when Gwyneth makes her decision.

    Blessings to you!

  17. What a beautiful ceremony. I know your daughter will be raised in a home and by a family surrounding her with God's love.

  18. What a beautiful, wonderful day. My daughter Rebecca's baptism day is one of my favorite memories so far. So much meaning and sentiment and love in the air. Gwyneth has already been such a blessing to so many and has been so blessed; I know that God will continue to bless her all the days of her life.

  19. Good for you guys, I think that is great:) It's wonderful that you are both dedicated to God enough to publicly announce in His presence that you will do your best to raise her in His standards and to show her how you both love the Lord and hopefully one day she will also love and accept Him. Our church does commitment like this as well if the parents choose too.
    In my prayers.

  20. I think I can see a bit of her daddy in Gwyneth, especially in the picture that you took of the two of you from above.
    And I did the same thing that Farrah and Jed did...the girl on the right does resemble Tricia.
    Still praying for you all!

  21. Our church does baby dedications like that also. What a special day for you all....and a LONG time coming, I'm sure!

  22. Beautiful! Baby dedication services are so precious. The entire church family standing with the parents commiting to praying for the child and the ministries that God has called us to that will minister to the child.

  23. Aw, that's awesome! We do that at our church too and it's so wonderful to see the parents and families committing to raise their children in a Godly home and see the congregation in support and prayer. Very cool. I know you all must be so excited to be back at your home church.

    God Bless.


  24. That's what it's all about, right?!
    How wonderful-so happy for the 3 of you and wish God's greatest blessings.

  25. That is great Nate and Tricia. I was telling my neighbor today all about you all. I had to take her to Charleston today. And on the long ride I was telling her all about you all.

    Me and My husband went through some of it when our daughter was born 4 years ago. She was a Preemie. She weighed one pound 3 ozs. We were very blessed as well. She was never on a vent. Anyways I just wanted to say That your in our thoughts and prayers. You all are one awesome family.

    That dress that Gwyneth is wearing it looks similar to one that Lizzy wore. I had a lady here that owned a children's clothing store. I had her order it for us.

    She looks like a little doll.

    Bless you all,
    Kevin, Lisa and Lizzy Cox

  26. Beautiful!

    Thank you for sharing.

  27. That's so precious! She looks like an angel, especially in that last one :)

  28. That is so great!! At our family dedications I was moved and humbled by it all too. I keep you all in my prayers!

  29. What a wonderful day for all of you. I'm sure you were dreaming of this day while Gwyneth was in NICU. It's such a joy to see how far her and Tricia have come in the past few months. Your family is a blessing!

    Hugs from El Paso,
    Karla and family

  30. Thank you for giving us a glimpse into your special day. May God's love continue to surround you, Tricia and Gwyneth. I am praying for each of you!

  31. I know you guys are praying folks and I am asking you to pray for my little CF buddy. Here is his story:
    He is- at this moment--undergoing a double lung transplant due to CF. He is 12 yrs old. I was one of his teachers and have known him since he was 5 yrs old.

  32. what a great thing to do. looks like a wonderful day filled with love.

  33. Beautiful pictures--thanks for sharing! Is Gwyneth off of the nasal cannula?

  34. What a wonderful opportunity to express your appreciation to God, for the miracle of Gwyneth!

    The pictures are beautiful. Thanks for sharing this awesome event with us.

    Continuing to pray for you in Ohio

  35. What a blessing it is to see this. I will pray for each of you in your life long journey to rear Gwenyth in the way that God would have her to be raised.

    She is such a cutie pie. Everytime I see how much she has grown I can see the love of her parents and extended family shining through.
    God Bless Each of you.

  36. That is wonderful! I love all the new pictures...What a sweet little dress! I'm so glad everything is going well & we are still praying for you!

  37. What a moving experience that must have been for all of you but especially the Pastor of the church:)

  38. Little Gwyneth sort of looks bored with the whole affair. But she'll thank you later!

    Family dedications, now there's a great idea!!

    Still praying for continued health for you and your "girls".

  39. Hi Nate...I know you are very busy, but I was just wondering if you could update us on how Gwyneth is doing? I remember a while ago she needed a little bit of oxygen. Is that better now? I sure hope so. Thank you for letting us be a part of your journey. You all have a very special place in my heart. God Bless. Leigh Ann

  40. That's a beautiful idea of calling it a commitment instead of a dedication.
    We had a dedication for our daughter where we were dedicating her upbringing to God, which was obviously centred on our parenting and the church family, but i think calling it a commitment is so much more meaningful and close to the intentions of the service.

  41. WOW- You all look great and so peaceful. Prayers to you daily! Baby Gwyneth is beautiful.

  42. What a wonderful day!!! Beautiful photos as well!!!

  43. Thanks for sharing. Looks like a beautiful ceremony. What a wonderful moment/milestone for our family. We do baptise children at our church, however, the parents also take vows and the congregation does as well.

    BTW, there is a girl in the pic on the right that looks much like Tricia--at first I thought it was Tricia.

    Blessings, Shari NC

  44. Above post should say YOUR family....sorry!! Oldtimers!! LOL

    Shari NC

  45. What a sweet family, and was a special day! And tell Tricia her dress is amazing (Gwen's too, us southern girls love anything smocked)!

  46. Our church does the same type of dedication ceremony every Mother's Day. Aaron was 3 weeks old when our family dedicated him. Such a special time!!!!

  47. Thanks for sharing yet another great and personal day with us. I love how you do that in your church and loved all the family standing with you too!
    You truly do have a committd family that surrounds you.

  48. God's little miracle has been a blessing to us all. Know that not just your immediate family and church family are promising to help raise her in Christian faith, but the prayers of so many of us will be with her throughout her life!

  49. Wow! Gwyneth is so beautiful!! It's amazing to think what she's been through and the story she will have to share one day and that is already being shared by you! What a wonderful day that must have been to be at that moment of dedication! Praising Him with you and praying for you all! Blessings.

  50. That brought back wonderful memories for me as my husband and I brought our children before our church to dedicate them and ourselves to our heavenly Father. Thanks for sharing your special time.

  51. Thank you so much for sharing these photos with us. Gwyneth is absolutely beautiful. What a comfort it must be to be all together at home with the support of your church family! Still praying for you guys. God's love and peace to ya!

  52. this video was awesome! I am going to use it in my classroom next year when we talk about birth defects in my Child Psychology class. We always discuss cf and this will be an added bonus. I found a website that you might be interested in. He is a cf boy that just got new lungs this week. Thanks for all your sharing.

  53. How awesome that you were both able to not only dedicate Gwyneth, but to have so much family present - what a blessing.

    And, Gwyneth is toooo cute in that little dress!

    Blessings & strength,

    Southern CA

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. So random. I was at Duke Clinics today seeing my doctor. As I was getting my lab work done, I was noticing the picture on the computer and commented on what a beautiful baby it was. I couldn't help but notice that she looked somewhat familiar too. The girl drawing my blood told me it was the daughter of one of their patients. I immediately asked if it was Gwyneth and sure enough, IT WAS! It happened to be the last picture of her on this post. I know people know your whole family but it was just special to see Gwyneth's face on the computer in the lab of Clinic 2F.

    Hope you have a wonderful 4th of July!

  56. what a cutie. how much does she weigh now? havem't seen an update in a while. she is growing so fast.

  57. what a great idea to auction off a photo shoot to raise money for your cause. you should totally do it!!!

  58. You need more pictures of Uncle Andy

  59. This is such a precious time for your family! My God continue to hold her tight and bless your family

  60. I still can't get over how much that baby looks like you Nate! It's crazy! So cute....I'm glad you had such a wonderful ceremony.
    God bless as always,

  61. ahh thats great im glad that it went well i wish i could have seen it bye love britton

  62. Gwyeth is getting so big. she looks so sweet in those pics

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. She is just so adorable. She is really filling out and getting big!

  65. Been readin' but haven't commented lately--been busy as well. Thanks for sharing some of the family reunion pictures! I really liked some of the neat shots. What a great big happy family! No wonder you all are busy bees! :-)

    I'm glad you both have dedicated to bring up Gwyn within the church family. She is so cute! Thank you for sharing the commitment photos as well.


  66. May He continue to show you His blessings. His way is not always easy, but, as you know, His gifts are the greatest.


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