
Friday, July 4, 2008

Latest Pics

With life getting busy with life, it's harder to find time to take lots of pics, which is a good thing, IMO. Here are a few pics of the past week.

BTW, Gwyneth is still on the nasal cannula, but we take it off every now and then to keep the skin on her face from becoming irritated...for some reason, most of our pics of her recently are without the O2. I don't have much else to update about her because we haven't had any appointments the past few weeks, but we have several coming up, so check back in to find out how she's doing.




  1. I think that second to last picture is just about the most precious thing I've ever seen! Thanks for the pictures :)

  2. It's good to see you all, and the pics of Gwyneth with the great-grandparents are sooo cute!! (I think those are the ggparents)
    PS Still praying for you and cheering you on, Tricia!!

  3. Love the last picture! What a little cutie you have!

  4. I've been following your story for months now but haven't commented yet, just keeping you in my daily prayers :)
    I just wanted to share with you that my uncle actually invented some products for babies with cannulas. You can type beevers manufacturing in any search engine and their site should come up. I know they would love to help any way possible :) :)

    Take care,
    Destiny Rodriguez

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Love the last pic - too sweet! Happy first 4th of July Gwyneth... try not to stay up too late partying :) Nate, thanks for taking the time to keep all of our inquiring minds satisfied.

    Praying daily for the health of your girls.

  7. thanks for sharing Nate! She is so sweet! and getting so big! Is she really almost months old? love the pics with the great grandparents! =)

  8. sorry, that was, 6 months old!

  9. Can we get a tricia update, as much as she wants to share, how goes the chemo? g is getting a very squishable face on her! great to see her filling out so well!

  10. Too cute...

    I love the one of you, Tricia and Meka. :)

  11. And not having as much time to take pics and/or blog? Definitely a good thing. :)

  12. Hi to the whole family this is first time i have commented. I read story from beginning to end over the last few months. Praying eveyday for everything to turn out ok. I wanted to comment on the tube and stuff the irritates Gwyneth face....Is it latex free? or even tape can irritate. I know you probably already know all this. She is growing and is sooooooo adorable. So glad to see Trica looks so well. love the puppy too! good luck with everything and God Bless all of you

  13. Well, she sure looks like she is thriving! :) And it looks like the great-grandparents think so, too! And Meka is grinning from ear to ear at the opportunity to have the two of you all to herself, if even for a couple of minutes. Hoping that you are having a great holiday, and praying that Tricia is not experiencing any ill effects from her chemo. Thanks for the frequent posts amidst your busy schedule of work and family.

  14. You all look terrific. Gwyn is really growing and I thought perhaps she outgrew the nasal cannula-- that she doesn't need it. I sure hope the upcoming appts prove that but nevertheless, am glad she is doing so well.

    I hope Tricia is doing well with chemo and that the lymphoma is regressing and on its way to being gone forever.

    Meka is adorable, too!

    Wishin' you all a wonderful, fun, happy July 4th! Will you be watching the fireworks somewhere-- perhaps by the beach? Hmm, I am visualizing how photos of fireworks may turn out with your awesome photography skills and your fab camera! That's only if you are planning on taking some shots tonight. Might be a challenge in the night light, shutter speed, and all that. :-)

    Take care,

  15. Ohhh, I love the last picture!!!

  16. Is it possible that she gets more beautiful every day??

  17. What great pictures. Especially with your grandparents!!
    We hope you have a wonderful holiday with your family.

    As always, praying for all youse guys.


  18. Beautiful pictures ~ it is so lovely to see you all at home together ~ love and hugs to you ~
    Tabitha XXX

  19. Those pics of G with her Great Grandparents are priceless! You are so fortunate to have such wonderful family support.

  20. aww that last pic is my faveourite!, she is sooo cute, what a gorgeous baby you both have God bless her wee heart!

  21. SHe is beautiful ... it is great to see you all doing so well!

  22. I have been with you in prayer for a long time, but that was a nice summary, even for those like me. Its so nice for me to think of you all back home. Gwyneth is exquisite - just absolutely beautiful and sweet - I see both of you in her -but she is her own special self. Praying that Tricia's chemo is not too difficult to take and that it is very effective. Thanks for directing us to families in particular need of prayer, and to raising our awareness, in an effective way, of what it means to have cf, to have a premature infant, and what organ donation means in a less abstract way.

  23. It's nice to not have anything to update about isn't it? Life is never normal when your life revolves around medical treatments for someone you love. A few days of normal every now and then are wonderful! Happy 4th!

  24. All I can say is WOW... To see how Gwyneth started out and to look at her now. She and Tricia are definite evidence that prayers work! Gwyenth gets cuter and cuter with each picture!

  25. your daughter is so adorable. have i said that before? so is your wife. but you know this... :)
    love and prayers,

  26. she is just the sweetest little thing. kiss on that bald little head. soon enough it will have pig tails and the bald head will have been forgotten.

    still praising the lord for miracles.


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