
Friday, July 11, 2008

Eye Doctor

My mom and Tricia and Gwyneth are on their way to Norfolk, VA to, among other things, take Gwyneth to the eye doctor to check on her retinopathy of prematurity. We're hoping that everything is continuing to develop as it should, and that this could be her last visit for a while. I'll let you know what the results are.




  1. Praying for a successful trip.



    Is she going to see Dr. Lall-trail?
    He is one of the only Preemie eye doctor's in the area! My daughter had to see him, her visit should be pretty easy and quick! We are praying that she has GOOD,healthy eyes!

    Praying for you in Chesapeake,VA!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Thanks for updating... I have been wondering about her eyes. Prayers for a successful visit!

  5. Praying for great sight for your sweet little one!! My niece has ROP as well. Hope you all have a terrific weekend full of happiness & good health!

  6. I continue to pray for you and the girls everyday, I have a strange feeling that her beautiful are are doing great! Not really strange I know that it is all GODS work. Thanks for the update. BTW how is Tricia feeling these days? Ive been thinking about her since she began chemo. Hope she is feeling good.

  7. I'll pray for a safe and a good words from the doctor. Hope you and Meka aren't too lonely without them.

  8. Oops! Not really praying for a safe. Praying for a safe TRIP. Although a safe full of money wouldnt hurt any of us these days would it? lol

  9. Her eyes look beautiful to me:) Wishing you all many blessings!!

  10. praying for the visit today...

  11. Praying in Ohio for a very a positive report!

  12. Prayers for great results. I love the pic of her you chose. She is beautiful.

  13. Count me among those sending out prayers.

    Love to all.

  14. Awww look at her, she's beautiful. I hope everything comes back good.

  15. Hope all goes so well. Those are some beautiful eyes with a beautiful little soul shining through. I just love looking at your pictures of her - she is amazing.

  16. Thanks for sharing. As a mother to a 28 weeker I have a similar memory of those first few days. As the mother I was not able to see her until day 2. I also had a full term son (born first) so I know how it should have been. I continue to follow your story and find your family amazing.

  17. Oh wow you put into words exactly how I felt when my daughter was premature six years ago while she was only six weeks premature she had several other problems that required a vent and all of the other trappings that go along with it. I am glad you got to take all the photos that you did I didn't get to do that as they wouldn't allow cameras in the nicu in our home town. I just hope that Patricia didn't have to also go through post partum depression as I did it makes the already difficult bonding process even harder. I hope her eye appointment goes well.

  18. It all goes along with the territory of having a preemie...My son was born at 26 weeks...

  19. i always feared the eye appointments we went to. i hated watching them poke into my girls' eyes as they looked closely at the retinas. The girls would scream bloody murder and i felt like they were expecting mommy to help them. I was the one holding them down as they squirmed and shook with fear.

    It was horrible. My girls had several eye surgeries and Alyssa ended up needing a scleral buckle put on her right eye ball.

    Those were some pretty trying times for me...
    Hopefully things are better nowadays when looking for ROP progress.


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