
Thursday, July 10, 2008

Johns Hopkins

There's a great show on tv right now about what goes on at Johns Hopkins Hospital. Last week, they showed a lung transplant (I didn't watch it, and I don't know if I will). Tonight, they're prepping for a heart transplant.

It's definitely NOT a show for kids, but if you want to see what our life in the hospital might have looked like, Check It Out. You can watch previous episodes on the website!



  1. Hubs and I have been watching the show and we watched last week's show I was thinking you guys the whole time!

    The whole process was amazing, you guys are awesome!

  2. I thought about you guys last week. It's a tough show to watch, but I know it's nothing in comparison to what the family and patients actually go through! Blessings to all of you!

  3. The show is awesome. I watched it last week and the lung transplant was really well done and amazing. I can't wait to watch the heart transplant tonight. And frankly, I would have no problems with my kids watching the show. It is medicine at it's best.

  4. I just finished watching it.... I love shows like this. I definitely thought of you guys during last weeks episode. It's pretty cool to see what goes on. It just amazes me the way things work.

  5. I let my oldest son watch it and he loved it. If a kid is squeamish, not a good show! I missed last week, but the heart transplant was amazing and really powerful to see.

  6. I watched it, and was really caught off guard when the donor was from G'ville SC....that's just next door. I was ready for sleep at 9:30...then at 10 got hooked, and now can't find my sheep to count me to lalla land.

  7. I saw last weeks and thought of Tricia and Haley. Amazing. Tonights was really good to with all the cardiac stuff :)

  8. i LOVE this show and have been watching it.. last week reminded me of your family as well.

  9. I LOVE this show! I agree I too thought of ya'll when watching the lung transplant last week.

  10. I have been watching it and love it although I missed last week's episode. Didn't know I could go back to watch the previous ones so think I will check out the one I missed. I was freaking out about the plane situation for transporting the heart on tonight's episode!

  11. can catch miss epidodes at

  12. Great show! Watching the lungs be reinflated after transplant last week was a definite WOW moment. And of course realizing this was what happened with Tricia made it even more amazing to watch. I have not seen this weeks show yet -but last week they did seem to find the right balance between showing you the procedure and overwhelming you with too much of it. I'm looking forward to watching last nights episode - will have to wait until my little guy is napping this afternon :)

  13. Yeah, I watch way too many hospital shows, and I watch this one.

    I was certainly thinking of you all last week, and was telling my husband all about it! It was amazing to see how quickly the lung (and heart from last night) just WORKED!! Pinked up and started moving.

    More proof that God exists and is amazing, because watching that shows it's nothing short of a miracle from God!

  14. I remember when the TV show ER was in it's heights--they had a segment on a birth that was very complicated and eventually the mother died but the baby survived the birth. It was just too much--we had been through something similar with our second child (my wife made it through), but my wife later told me that she knew that it unnerved me because I was pacing the floor, rocking the baby and patting her during the whole episode.

    I can understand why you wouldn't watch.

    have been tracking with you for some time now. We're praying for good things for your family.

  15. there's a reason that the hospital is one of the best in the world. they do amazing things there. oh, and not to be a stickler, but it's actually spelled JOHNS hopkins. i know the S looks weird, but it was actually a man's name (for whom the school is named). it's my undergraduate alma mater, so i've had to explain that to a lot of people over the years.

    i missed it last week but will definitely have to catch it online now that i know what it was about!!

  16. This is an amazing show. Take it from someone who lives in Baltimore and who has needed the wisdom of the doctors at Hopkins TWICE this is just the tip of the ice burg. Hubby and I watched last week with the lung transplant and I stood in awe as they inflated the lungs in the womans body! The things that modern medicine can do - but only through the gifting of the Father, IMO.

    Next week part of the show centers on a child with a heart condition. I am proud to say that the doctor, Dr. Vricella, that operates on this little one is the same doctor that operated on our Moses and gave him a chance to live. Without Dr. Vricella, there was no hope. Even tho he is home with Jesus now, we are eternally grateful to Dr. Vricella and to Hopkins. The care we received from the nurses and doctors as well as the Child Life ladies was beautiful.

    Thanks for putting this up on your space. I think I'll add it to mine!

  17. It is an incredible show, I thought about Tricia last week when I saw the transplant. My husband is a surgeon and also enjoys it, he gives me a hard time about Grey's Anatomy because it's so far from reality, but this show is real. Makes me so glad that we made it through his residency!

  18. Oh yea, once I heard about this show, I couldn't wait to see the first episode and have been hooked since. It was very interesting to see how various processes work, especially transplants--just blows my mind! I was awed to observe the pulsating of life.

    Johns Hopkins is one of the top hospitals in the world and it was where I was born 3 months early in 1983. I also received my cochlear implant there 5 years ago and have returned many times for mappings. The doctors, nurses, audiologists, etc. are terrific. :-)

    Nate, I encourage you to see the episodes if you aren't squeamish, especially the lung transplant one. It's really awesome--cannot describe in words--you have to see for yourself! Perhaps Tricia would join you in seeing this episode. This definitely made me think of you guys and appreciate the gift of life. :-)

    I suppose I might be seeing more of these types of surgery in person someday once I get to rotations (2nd year) in Physician Assistant school. I'll be beginning the didactic (first) year on July 28th-- excited but nervous as well!

    Glad you are aware of this neat show and sharing this info with others,

    Marissa :-)

  19. I LOVE this show...of course, I work for a doctor and LOVE all things medical!

    The other day Good Morning America interviewed the main doctor on the show. As they are filming the show, it appears that his marriage will soon end. He tells Diane Sawyer in the interview that their marriage DID NOT end - and gave a great testimony about pushing through the issues that affect our marriages and learning to communicate - therby, taking his marriage to an entirely different level!

  20. That is an awesome show. I love it and I did see the lung transplant. It was awesome and of course, thought of Trishia. Have a best blessed day.

  21. Oh I haven't seen the show yet. I have heard great previews about the shoe. I need to change that especially since I graduated from Johns Hopkins!!

  22. Last night it was revealed that Dr. Bethea and his wife decide to reconcile - that's so cool for America to see - it doesn't have to be divorce - you can be sad, mad, angry, hurt, and still make it work with counseling and a willingness to stick it out

    I'm in the biz so seeing the procedures is fascinating to me and not gross, but I can completely see where, having lived through the patient end of things, a patient and their family may prefer to not actually see the procedure being done - even if it is on someone else.

    I wish they would do a bit more about the donor family - featuring the donor's story a bit more, the decision to give life to numerous other people through donation etc -- it truly is a miraculous thing to be in such a state of grief, shock, and soul deep pain and still be able to think coherently enough to choose this route. They are the heros of the story - the family that ultimately has to sign the informed consent for the harvesting procedures.

  23. I caught about the last 1/2 of the show with the lung transplant and it was GREAT, but from reading your blog I can see that it only gives a glimpse into the overall experience! I thought of you guys while watching it. They did a follow up after 1 year with the woman and she was doing very well.

  24. Nate-
    I LOVE this show! We must be on to something.....GREAT minds watch good TV. :)

  25. I watched it last week as well. The lung transplant was amazing and I was thinking of you guys!

    I LOVE that show...but I'm a nurse so, I like that stuff. Hubby...not so much! LOL

  26. I had my lung tx 7+ years ago, and I did watch the show last week. I'm not sure I could have months after my surgery though. It was so neat to see the beautiful pink healthy lungs. It was pretty emotional for me to watch. Very good show.

  27. Nate, I think you might like to watch it, because it's amazing! Also, doesn't show the invasive ways they GET to the lungs. But, when they inflate the lungs at the end, it's awesome! You guys are such troopers and I'm so glad Tricia got her chance!

  28. My 7yr old son (who loves anything medical like his mommy!) and I watch that show each week and we love it! I have to answer some questions but they are easier to answer than some other ones that could come up from other shows ;) The show is amazingly well done both the heart transplant and lung transport were amazing to watch (but I am fascinated by that stuff anyway ) definately not for the squeamish though!

  29. Nate, I watched last week with all deliberation, trying to get a small sense of the whole process and it was well done and probably did give me just a small sense. It was fascinating - missed last evening but hope to make this a regular.

  30. As a 3rd year med student I've become completely addicted to this show (SOOOOO much better than that silly Grey's Anatomy)! I was thinking about you guys too while watching last week's episode. When those new lungs took in air it was all I could do to keep from crying! Beautiful! God is everywhere....especially in medicine! How anyone could fail to see that is beyond me.

  31. Very cool!! It was awesome watching the lungs inflate. I would love to see a tape of my transplant.. I did ask them.. they never gave me an answer. :)

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. LOVE that show!!! :)

    The lung transplant story was great..and they really didn't show much. It turned out well too!

  34. Nate, long time no grandpa loves this show. He has been watching since my surgery and says that it is as good as you think. It is good to see that things are going well for Gwen, and I do hope that Tricia is enjoying her new lungs (cancer aside) as much as myself. There were numerous moments in the hospital that I thought I had made a mistake by having the surgery, but once I put things in the hands of faith, it all came together. Check out my blog for details when you have time, and please pay extra attention for the four legged members of your family! M

  35. YES! This is my new favorite show! I have is set to record every week on my DVR. And I watched the lung tranpslant and thought of you guys the entire time! It was amazing! And I praised God for the 2nd chance Tricia has with her new lungs. I pray that recovery is going well and that she heals completely. I hope the chemo isn't making her too weak or sick. And I am so thankful that she has a husband like you to take care of her and Gwyneth. God bless you and your family!


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