
Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Gwyneth Rose Update

Gwyneth was seen at the Special Infant Care Clinic yesterday and then by her pulmonologist today. Both visits went very well.

Her weight gain has been slow since our last visit, so a few changes have been made to try to stimulate growth. However, the pulmonologist explained today that, they expect her to be in the normal growth curve (for her adjusted age) within a year, which is very good.

Her lungs continue to look and sound great. In fact, they're dropping one of the diuretics that she has been on for several months (diuretics help to keep the lungs clear of fluids). She'll continue to stay on the same amount of O2, but again, simply to help her body spend less energy eating, sleeping, playing, etc. and more energy growing.

She has an appointment tomorrow with the cardiologist to determine if the ductus arteriosus artery at her heart (which normally closes within a few days after a full-term birth) has closed as it should. Very rarely does it not close, so we're not worried.

Anyway, that's about it. Everyone seemed pleased for the most part, and she is definitely more comfortable breathing and eating. Hopefully, we're on our way to losing all of the meds and O2...




  1. I'm so happy to hear that all is going well! Yay Gwyneth!

  2. Great news!! Go Gwyneth!!! Praying for all three of you...Hope that Tricia got good rest last night in the hospital. Praying for the doctors to have a clear plan and the best possible path for Tricia. Thanks for the update!

  3. That is glad to hear som GOOD news!! GOD BLESS!

  4. So glad for some great news! Grow Gwyneth Grow! You Rock little one!

  5. Three cheers for that great Gwyneth Rose news!!!!

  6. Great!!! :-)

    Please, give a little hug from us to your precious daughter!

  7. Great news! That little girl has come a long way already. I remember how exciting it was to dc meds, one less thing to worry about or keep track of. I pray things go well with Tricia also. You've been in my prayers.

  8. I am happy to hear that things are going good for Gwyneth!

  9. Way to go, Gwyneth!! Your little Rose continues to bloom so beautifully! What a honey she is! Thanks for the update, Dad!
    Praying that the chemo is going well for her Mommy today, and she, too, is on the road to remission and good health! Also sending up extra prayers for you today, Nate, as you ramp up your balancing act a few notches again.

  10. I was relieved to hear this.

    My nephew (born at 31 weeks, a day or two) has a duct that did NOT close as they expected.

    He will need to have surgery before he's 6 to repair it. However, at 3 1/2 he's a happy, healthy guy, and his open PDA doesn't bother him one iota.

    No reason to cross any bridges before they come, but I felt compelled to share... hopefully, this will help not hurt.


  11. That is great news! Hope the pediatric cardiology appt goes well. Do you mind sharing which doctor G.R. is seeing? My son was a Duke PICU patient his first 17 days and had open heart surgery to correct a heart defect at 6 days old.

  12. Well, I'm glad that Miss Gwyneth's checkups turned out well. Now you can concentrate more on Tricia at a time when she needs it. I am sure that Gwyneth is able to garner all the attention she needs from the two of you and her doting grandparents, too! Thinking of you always and still praying away.

  13. SO GREAT to hear that Gwyneth's appointment went well!!

    Still praying for all of you!!

  14. Terrific, glad to hear all's well with Gwyn! May this sustain Tricia emotionally and mentally as she goes through more chemo. Also, that this news helps you, Nathan, as well.


  15. Great news about the little beauty! And, if the ductus has not closed (patent ductus arteriosus)at least that is something that can be FIXED, and there is more than one way to do it depending on the individual child. Let's hope it's closed and you're right, mostly they do. Prayers continuing.

  16. Wonderful news on that beautiful little Angel!!
    Susan from CA

  17. deep sigh of relief on that account! Thanks so much for that update... certainly a nice bit of encouragement for you and Tricia for sure.
    Thinking about the three of you all day today. Praying without ceasing..

  18. Oh such good news about Gwyneth. And surely that good news just gives strength to you and Tricia.

  19. Just like her mama, a fighter! =) I think Gwyneth Rose is on her way to toddler hood! (ok I know it will be awhile but it will come quickly!)

  20. Go Gwyneth, Go! Great news - and I will be praying that everything is good from a cardiology standpoint with her as well. Hopefully & prayerfully she will lose that oxygen soon - it is definitely no fun wearing O2!

    Blessings to you all - hope you get more sleep tonight!

    Southern CA

  21. Many blessings! I am so glad Gwyneth is doing well! YAY GWYNETH! (She is sooo very cute...we await new pictures...everyday!)

  22. Blessings from above! SO glad to hear Gwyneth is doing good.


  23. that's wonderful. did they weigh gwyneth? I still love to see those numbers when my own little one goes to the doc. :)

  24. That's great news! I'm sure the doctors and nurses loved seeing her.

  25. That's great news! I'm sure the doctors and nurses loved seeing her.

  26. If it hasn't closed there is a drug that they can give her to close it right? I thought I had heard about that. So glad she's doing so well. she really is a miracle.

  27. Thanks for sharing info. for two reasons: 1) We, as readers, can pray for your specific needs. 2)God uses this to remind me not to be so selfishly complaining about little stuff all the time and to be more thankful for all blessings. I know he has tremendously blessed you too, but I often take my health and the health of my family for granted. Thanks for inspiring the world on so many levels and for so many great causes.

  28. So glad to hear that Gwyneth is doing so well. Will continue our prayers....


  29. Thank the Lord for the progress! She looks like a scrappy little lady.

  30. Congrats to Miss Gwyneth on doing so well with eating, sleeping, and growing so much!!


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