
Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Life Just Got Complicated might be thinking that our life was already complicated. Well, not to least not until now...

Tricia's lymphoma in her lungs did not respond well to the meds over the past five weeks. In fact, some of the growths are bigger, and there are a few new growths. Only two of the growths are smaller, and none have gone away. That alone was pretty disappointing.

Next, they've decided to keep Tricia overnight until they can come up with a new game plan. Another disappointment (Gwyneth and I will be partying at the hotel by ourselves tonight).

This evening, we met with the oncologist (cancer doctor), who explained that the next step is R plus CHOP. I've been explaining to you that the chemo Tricia had been receiving was not the heavy duty stuff...CHOP is. CHOP is the stuff that you hear about that comes with a lot of potential side affects...nausea, severe headaches, risk of leukemia, hair loss, etc.

Tricia will receive her first treatment tomorrow. If all goes well, she should be released on Thursday (we were planning on heading home Thursday anyway). She'll received her second treatment in three weeks here at Duke. A few weeks after that second treatment, they'll reevaluate to determine if the cancer is responding as hoped for. If so, she'll receive four additional treatments every three weeks, for a total of six over the next eighteen weeks.

If, after the first two treatments, her cancer is not responding, Tricia is in serious trouble.

Each treatment lasts several hours, and immediate side affects include the nausea, headaches, etc. Because of Tricia's other current health issues and medications (which I'll discuss at a later time), this entire process is a lot trickier than it normally would be if she was only facing cancer (not to diminish anyone who is "only" facing cancer...that alone is nothing to laugh at).

Needless to say, we're both very bummed tonight. Tomorrow is a new day, and I'm sure we'll be more optimistic, but tonight we're very discouraged. We continue to trust God, believing that, regardless of what lies ahead over the next few months, He is in control and knows what is best for us, but we're feeling rather beat up.

Blessed be the Lord
day after day he carries us along.
He's our Savior, our God, oh yes!
He's God-for-us,
He's God-who-saves-us.
Lord God knows all
death's ins and outs.

Psalm 68:19, 20 (The Message)


BTW...Gwyneth had an appointment today and has another tomorrow...I'll update you on her status later tomorrow. Thanks.


  1. praying for your family, my thoughts are with you.

  2. Praying for you, Tricia, and the rest of your precious family.

  3. Nate & Tricia,
    Our prayers are with you. I know that today was disappointing but I'll pray that God has another miracle for you guys. I'll also pray that this cancer finally listens and takes a walk. I hope the next few weeks hold a better prognosis and much healing. You are an amazing person Tricia and I have faith that you'll overcome these new obstacles. Strength and prayers to you too Nate. {{Hugs to little Gwyneth}}}

  4. I am feeling beat for you guys... will pray and maybe God wants you guys to share your faith with even more... I will be praying for you all!

  5. Nate, this is my first comment but I have been reading your blog faithfully over the past few months. I feel like I know your family! This post brought tears to my eyes. I am sure you have heard how much of an inspiration you are to all of us, but let me tell you again!! Through all of the trials and turmoil, you continue to trust in God!! You will all be blessed!! You are in our prayers!!

  6. Sorry for the news. Keep fighting! Sending many many prayers for all of you.

  7. Yep, I agree. It is more complicated now. I pray that this cancer responds to the new treatment.

  8. My heart is heavy for you all tonight. My thoughts and prayers will be with you.

  9. I am so sorry to hear this. I will be praying for you all, and I wish this was different news. Big hugs to you all,I am amazed by your strenght.

  10. Praying for you and your family once again that Tricia responds to treatment. You guys are in my thoughts tonight and in the weeks to come.

  11. Lots of prayers for you all!

  12. My prayers are with you that Tricia will respond quickly and completely to the new treatment, and will have few side effects.

  13. We're praying for all of you and carrying all of you in our hearts.

  14. I'm usually just a reader....not a poster, but this one rocked me. I just want you to know that you have been and will continue to be in my prayers! You are all such an inspiration to me, and I tell everyone I know to pray for you and read your blog! Prayers for you tonight, and always!

  15. Praying in Alabama... ((((nate and tricia))))

  16. So sorry to hear the news. Praying for Tricia and your family tonight.
    Susan from CA

  17. I was so sorry to read this. (((((hugs))))) I'm praying for you guys. You are constantly in my thoughts.

  18. We will keep you in our prayers. I'll save most of the cliches for you... but through my family's recent struggles, all my mom keeps telling me is "This isn't a surprise to God." I know I tend to forget that sometimes.

    Like I said, we'll keep praying for you. No doubt you are bummed... we're bummed with you.

  19. So sorry to hear this disappointing news. I hope that this new chemo is what it takes to beat this nasty cancer in Tricia. Keeping you, Tricia, and Gwyneth in my thoughts and prayers!

  20. Gosh, not the news I had hoped you'd be blogging about tonight. Tricia is a fighter and I know you'll all come through this as you should. Thinking of you 3.....

  21. So sorry you did not get the news you had hoped and prayed for. I am putting you back at the top of my prayer list. Please keep us posted. Your family is such an inspiration to me and many others.


  22. I'm very sad to hear this news and I know it wasn't what you were expecting. I am totally praying for ya'll! I understand this situation much more so than your CF. My dad is going through Chop-R right now. He will soon be having a bone marrow transplant for his lymphoma. It is scary, but God is in control of everything! I know you know it!
    Oh and I know everyone is different but my dad really didn't have that bad of side effects from the chemo. He even has a little hair left (and he didn't start out with much to begin with).

  23. We will continue to lift you all up in prayer. May God bless you with peaceful rest tonight.

  24. Nate & Tricia ... Our family is praying for you. We know the sting of a cancer diagnosis. But we also know we serve a very BIG God who can do amazing things! We will continue to support you guys through prayer! Hug that baby tight! And Nate, give Tricia and really big hug from one cancer survivor to another!

  25. Praying that this is just another opportunity for God to show Himself strong on your behalf!

  26. I am heaving a sigh for you and your family. I will pray for you.

  27. I am so sad to hear this. My heart is heavy for you guys right now. I am praying!

  28. Wow, this is the post that led me to leave my first comment after almost six months of following your journey. I just can't believe it. I surely didn't think that this would be the outcome. I am sure you didn't either. I am so sorry. I will certainly be praying for you guys and I really mean that. I wanted to leave you with the first verse of an old hymn that I just love. I hope you find some encouragement from it...

    Whate'er my God ordains is right
    Holy his will abideth;
    I will be still whate'er he doth;
    And follow where he guideth.
    He is my God, through dark my road,
    He holds me that I shall not fall
    Wherefore to him I leave it all.

    From the hymn: "Whate'er My God Ordains"

    Love from Tracy in Arizona

  29. Praying for all three of you....praying peace tonight for Tricia and that she can get rest in the hospital...praying for the doctors for a clear plan of how to attack this....Thank for the update.

  30. I've still been reading your blog daily just not posting much. I'm praying for you all.


  31. Praying for you guys! What a great husband and father you are to your precious girls!

  32. Just wanted to let you know my prayers are with you, Tricia, and Gwyneth.

  33. i'll be praying that this next type of chemo wipes everything out that shouldn't be there. i pray for Tricia's health during these next few rounds & i pray that you guys don't ever give up hope and believing that this isn't too big for God to handle. you're right, tomorrow is a new day & i also pray that the Lord renews y'all's spirits while you sleep.

  34. Nate & Tricia,
    We are praying for you and that in the morning you are refreshed by the Holy Spirit after a restful night. God is with you always and there are many people praying for your sweet family.
    Praying in GA,
    The Tillis Family

  35. I am sorry about this disappointing news! Your family continues to always be in our thoughts and prayers!

  36. Like some of the other commenters, I'm usually just a read-and-pray person, but this post really touched me. Your journey as a family and unwavering faith is really remarkable. You all are in my prayers.

  37. Nate, i can't even begin to imagine how you & especially Tricia are feeling right now. Our Lord is the Almighty Physician, keep on keeping the FAITH!
    Praying always for all of you here in Missouri.

  38. Almighty God,
    Please give the Lawrenson family peace tonight. Give rest to their weary hearts and put their minds at ease. I pray You would surround Tricia with your healing hand and that you would continue to be at their sides, as you always have. I pray you would have strength with this newest chapter of your life.

    You two have such grace and such strength. I admire everything about your family and hope nothing but the best for your future. Tricia, you are a beautiful, courageous, woman of God whom I want to be like when I grow up (I think I am about 5 years older than you...). You are amazing!!!!!! God bless you, precious sister in Christ.

  39. I was so looking forward to the good news.... I can't imagine how you and Tricia must be feeling at this time. Nate, your faithfulness to the Lord's will is inspirational and I feel blessed to be a witness to it. I will pray for your family.

  40. I'm so sorry. I will continue to pray. And I will put another link up to you today to get some more people praying.

  41. Nate, thanks, once again, for sharing even in the most difficult of times! I was already praying for both of you as I was reading your post, and will continue to do so. Even as you continue to praise God in this storm, may He reach down and lift both of you into His lap tonight while you are apart from each other, and give you His peace! Big hugs to both of you!

  42. Prayin' in Texas for you guys.

  43. i am praying for you all in milwaukee.

  44. Nate and Tricia,

    I know how disappointed and even hurt you must be feeling tonight. We were all believing that this light round of chemo would do the trick. My daughter(who is 2) faced the same type of cancer in her lungs last year after her triple organ transplant. She had to be treated with the 18 week course of chemo in order for it to resolve. All four of her lymphomas were gone by the end of the 18weeks(one of them was over 2 and 1/2 cm!) I share this with you to try and bring encouragement. It is beatable and if anyone can do it I believe that you can. Ash is approaching her 3rd birthday next month and we celebrate each moment of her life as if it were a gift. I know you understand what I mean. Transplant life, even with its ups and downs, is an amazing gift. I'm praying for you tonight. I can feel the heaviness of your hearts through your post. Take care and may our God renew your strength as you rest. Sincerely, Trish

  45. May God give you both peace and strength. I'm praying for no (or very few) side effects during treatment and I pray for complete healing.

    No words can express how much your story has touched me. No words can express how much I wish that these health issues could go away. The only thing I can say is that God is good, and caring and faithful. If he brought you to it, He'll get you through it.

  46. Nate, I'm so sorry to hear of this, yet another, set-back. Continuing in my heartfelt prayers for you all...


  47. Nate and Tricia,
    I am so sorry to hear this news. I will be praying for you both.

  48. So sorry to for the disappointing news that you had today.
    Remember God knows the plans he has for you.
    Your family will be in our thoughts and prayers.
    Jeremiah 29:11

  49. storming the gates of heaven for you...hugs!

  50. I am continuing to pray for your family.... I am sorry to hear the treatments didnt work.

  51. ... and so, we, your throng of "stranger friends," will once again raise the roof with a concert of prayer!

    My seven member "fast and pray" team will each be fasting one day per week for the duration of the treatments.

    This is a bummer, for sure.

  52. Oh man, Nate. That is not the news I had been praying for.

    Sometimes, it sounds trite: But God knows what's going on, and He is always good. (That is much easier to say than to hear during a tough time, I know. I know because I have personally been on the receiving end of comments like that during a really rough time in my life, and it wasn't easy for me to hear then, either.)

    God has blessed you all so much. Your faith and trust in Him have been abundantly evident thus far.

    I will pray for healing for Tricia, and for the Peace that passes ALL understanding for both of you. I'm so sorry for this news.

    On my knees for your family,
    Devin in Illinois

  53. i pray that you feel the Lords arms wrapped tightly around you both tonight and His peace floods your hearts in abundance!

    love and blessings ~

  54. He is STILL on the throne and you are STILL in the PALM of HIS hand!!! He knows your coming in and going out! Peace to you all.

  55. I have been following your blog for months now and don't think I have ever posted before but wanted to say I am so sorry about the news you got today. I am and will continue to be praying for you all.

  56. I've been following your story for a long time and never commented before. Just thought I might let you know that I am praying for you all.

  57. What can be said except that we are continuing to pray for all three of you, wisdom for the doctors involved in these complicated care decisions, and peace for you and your extended families. My mom just finished the R-CHOP regimen for her lymphoma with great success and is proudly sporting her new peach fuzz. So good to know that none of this came as a surprise to God. You are in the best hands possible--His!

  58. I'm so sorry to hear this news. I will continue to pray for all of you from Concord, NC

  59. May you feel the arms of Jesus around you and feel strength that only he can give at this time. My heart is heavy~ Jer. 29:11...he has a future and a hope for you.

  60. Just checkin' in as usual while doing the late-night blog rounds. This is so not what we were hoping to hear after today's appointments, and we all share in your disappointment. Praying that our Father would grant some much-needed encouragement as you prepare for this next phase. May he give you rest and peace tonight, particularly for T. as she is separated from you an dthe baby.
    In his love,
    Lori C. in VA

  61. Prayers for Tricia. Stay strong and lean on the Lord.

  62. Still praying for you.....

    ~Tanisha in VA

  63. My family will be praying for you!

    Sarah in Gastonia, NC

  64. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family!!!

  65. I know at times like this it can be so hard to be patient and wait on the Lord. But I'll be praying for you and wishing you all the best. Hang in there, kiddos.

  66. I will keep you both in my prayers. I myself have gone through the heavy chemo. If you need anything please ask. I will continue to pray.

  67. Praying for Tricia tonight and will continue to do so.

  68. I surely can understand the sting and how beaten you both feel. But God is still in charge and has a plan.
    It is all so complicated but keep the faith and hang tightly for it.
    Covering your Family in Prayer tonight.

  69. we will absolutely be praying for you guys and will continue to do so. Remember that in your weakness, Christ's strength perfected. May his strength be perfected in you!

  70. Nate, I am so bummed for you all. Please be encouraged by the many warriors lifting you all up again to Dad. Praying for strength and for grace to face whatever lies ahead. Praying also for good news for Gwyneth. You all are loved so much by so many near and far.

  71. I've been keeping up with your story for awhile, and your family has been such a reminder to me that our God is truly faithful to us, even in ways that are not particularly obvious.
    My heart fell when I read this pos, and I will be keeping all three of you in my prayers! Our God is a good God.

  72. Disappointed by the news, but optimistic for the future!


  73. Wow. I know you guys are reeling from this news. It sure does seem like you all have a lot more than your share of obstacles to face in this life. I'm counting on there continuing to be blessings poured on you in increasing measure. I'm sure God has a mighty purpose in this through which he is working. I just said a prayer that God wrap all three of you in the cloak of His love, peace, and mercy tonight and in the weeks to come.

  74. Praying for supernatural healing that just oozes Jesus all over Duke...

  75. Complicated is RIGHT!! Continued prayers!!!

  76. We're praying for you three and your extended families and friends too. Praying, crying and praying some more!

  77. Keeping the faith for your beautiful family. My prayers are with you all. May you continue to feel God's loving arms around you all.

  78. Nate, Im sending some love 'n' prayers from Ireland. I hope all goes well for Tricia in her next chemo session.

  79. Thinking of you all... from another reader but not usually a poster.

    Prayers from Toronto, Ontario, Canada

  80. Praying for you!!! May God give you the strength that He promises to get you through another difficult time.

  81. I am so sorry to hear this. I feel beat up for you. Praying for you, Tricia and the rest of your family.

  82. Praying that Tricia responds to Chemo and that you have renewed strength and encouragement! Prayers and a little hope from Oklahoma

  83. I am praying that the chemo zaps that lymphoma and the Drs. have the wisdom to know how to treat her. I pray you can feel the love of Jesus around you now. Take care and hang in there! If you have any questions about chemo, I have been thru it and would be willing to help if I can. :(

  84. Oh my gosh, I am so sorry to hear that the treatment didn't go as planned. I know you are discouraged. My prayer is that God will intervene just as he did with her lung implant. You both have amazing faith and I know that will prevail. God is good and he listens to prayer. I know there will be so many prayers sent your way. Believe in miracles. Julie in Alabama

  85. Wow! Lifting y'all up! What a tough time you've had, and what an amazing testimony you continue to be.

  86. My heart goes out to you all. Even in your darkest days, you continue to inspire and amaze me. Thank you for sharing your life's ups and downs. Your blog does more for my faith than you'll ever know.

  87. Well, i am leaving my first comment.........i have been following your journey with the ups and downs for 8 months now. I am amazed at the way you have handled all that has been thrown at you with a steadfast faith despite the emotional rollarcoaster of events. You have handled it with grace and i am confident of this: God loves you and He has a plan (i know you already know this)
    [[[[[[[[hugs to the Lawrenson family]]]]]]]
    Praying for you all

  88. I've been reading your blog since right after Tricia got her new lungs. I so admire your faith and trust in God and believe that he will hold you in His hands no matter what you go through. My thoughts and prayers are with the three of you and your extended family.

  89. Prayers for Tricia. Prayers for your little family of three. Prayers for health. I'm bummed with you.

  90. I've been reading since January (I'm a friend of Emily Benson), but this post is what made me comment. I am praying for you three. Our God is BIG ENOUGH!

  91. So sorry to hear this news. I pray for strength for both you and Tricia. May God the give you peace and hope. May Gwyneth continue to bring you joy and laughter.

  92. thoughts and prayers with y'all during this time.

    first time commenter, longtime follower.

  93. praying for you guys!

  94. I'm so sorry the news wasn't better. If it's any comfort, add my prayers to the list of hundreds, if not thousands, out there praying for your family right now!
    Hugs to you all,

  95. Lord, we come to Your throne of Grace and ask that right now you would begin to shrink the tumors, Jesus. I pray that you would allow the cancer to respond well to the treatments and that Tricia's body would respond well to the treatments, that the side effects would be manageable. Give Nate strength to juggle sweet Gwyneth and loving on his wife. We trust you, Jesus. Our hope is in You...

    Nate- My son was born 5 days before Gwyneth and I have been following your blog pretty much ever since. I check in with you guys every morning. Your family is precious to us, even though we are strangers. Hang in there...Hugs to you and yours

  96. Wow. I am speechless. Tricia has been through so much. She is a fighter, a mother, a person with a meaningful life. I hope she responds to chop.

  97. I do not even know what to say. I am so sorry to hear this news.

    Please know that I will be on my knees before the Lord on your behalf.

    Hang in there and continue to put your trust in Him.

  98. *prayers*

    You've been through so much, I pray that this is just a bump in the road

  99. I am so sorry. I'm praying for all of you.

  100. Sending love and prayers your way.

  101. Thank you for sharing this with us on the blog. I am in prayer now for your family.

    Much love.

  102. I'm sorry and praying really hard for Tricia that the stronger treatments works and that she doesn't have any big side affects.

  103. I don't know if I've ever commented here before, but I've been reading for quite a while now.

    I am so very sorry that your family is facing yet another huge obstacle. It certainly seems like more than enough to me, as it must feel to you.

    I will pray for Tricia and Gwyneth and you and your families. God is still bigger and he sees far beyond our limited vision. None of this makes sense, but God will carry you.

  104. We may never understand why bad things happen to good people, but I know for a fact God loves us more than we can possibly imagine and loves our children as He did His own. Uncertainty creates the opportunity to apply faith when the tunnel is long. Thank you for sharing your heart and your story. I have just been reading recently and have been blessed by your faith.

  105. WOW! Seems like a time when a big hug is all that would suffice. You will have to take it virtually! (((((HUGS))))) to you both, and prayers. I can understand how you are feeling beat up.

  106. I'm very sorry to hear this.
    Praying for you.

  107. Just wanted to let you know that my thoughts and prayers are with your family, especially Tricia.

  108. I will be on my knees in prayer tonight for Tricia. And for you, too, Nate. You are right, this doesn't seem "fair" in addition to all that you've had to overcome. But God can work wonders-we've all already seen that in your family.

  109. Oh my. I'm terribly saddened to hear of todays turn. I was hoping that the Rituxan would take care of this cancer. Being a cancer patient/survivor myself (NHL), who, underwent R-CHOP treatment, I know how hard it can be. I also have sat by and watched Tricia battle much bigger things, and, she can BEAT this.

    We can do all things though Christ who gives us strength.

    God bless you all. You'll be in my prayers.

  110. I am pray for you and Tricia.

  111. i am in tears for you all. sending all my good thoughts to you right now.

  112. adhousewifeSo sorry to hear this, Nate. I'm praying for you and Tricia tonight. Erika

  113. We are praying. We will pray for God to give the doctors supernatural wisdom and knowledge. We will pray for complete peace for your family. God is so good and is not surprised by this!

  114. Nathan,
    Our family has been following your blogs and praying for you since shortly after Gwyneth was born. We have watched God show His power time and time again in your lives. We've been stunned. We are praying for you and know that God can keep on stunning us with big things. Praying that He will refresh the light of His hope in your hearts, and that He will bless your precious family with many, many more years of rich life together.
    And we think of you every time we are at Duke!
    Dee Dee, NC

  115. I'm so sorry. Always in my prayers. . .

  116. Please know that I'm praying for your entire family. It's strange that I was doing a completely unrelated book study just before reading this post. While doing the study, God had sent me to a verse that has brought me comfort and peace through some of the darkest times in my life...Psalm 31. If you get a chance, I would encourage you to read it and maybe it will provide you similar encouragement. I know that may be difficult to find given the circumstances (which, by the way, I cannot even fathom).

  117. Another stranger, praying for Tricia. ((hugs))

  118. Can I ask you a dumb question? Is another lung transplant an option?

  119. I'm praying for your family. This hardly seems fair to me and it almost feels like you are encouraging us instead of us encouraging you. Your faith is amazing.

    I'm going to pray for the treatments to work with no more complications. And for your continued optimism. You are infectious with optimism.

    Stay strong! You have a lot of people knocking on heaven's doors for you.

  120. Elizabeth Elliot used to begin or end her radio messages with "You are loved with an everlasting love and underneath are the everlasting arms". Rest in those arms tonight!

    We continue to stand with you in this new trial.

    The Fords

  121. You have a right to be bummed and don't feel guilty about it. It is for certain, you and yours don't deserve this. I will pray that God's grace will provide comfort!

  122. I'm praying in New Jersey. The strength of your little family amazes me.

  123. My prayers remain with all of you.

  124. *hugs*
    We'll be praying for you guys.
    I'm sure you guys feel rather beat frustrating and heartbreaking!

  125. oh nate, i am so sorry.
    praying for you and tricia and your sweet baby girl.
    may you feel our prayers holding you up tonight.

  126. So many of us have so little to complain about. I know this was a hard day for you two, & I am sure the rest of the family on both sides. Thanks for taking the time to share so people can know how to pray. I'll be praying for you all & the doctors.

  127. Dear Nate and Trish,

    I will continue to pray for your family. I know this must be a difficult time for you but know that your love and faith are a constant inspiration to those of us who read your blog. Keep loving and may God bless you all.

    Tara Byrnes

  128. So sorry to hear of your disappointing news. My father went through R-CHOP treatment for his lymphoma. Unfortunately, no treatment for cancer is a sure thing. Even after going through several courses of CHOP, my father still passed away. It did "buy" him some extra time with us though and for that I am extremely grateful to the doctors. I hope and pray that Tricia's outcome is successful! Lymphoma is a horrible disease! I wish no one had to suffer from it.
    Just curious, was the cancer already present in her lungs or did it develop after they were transplated into Tricia? I was wondering if the donor already had Lymphoma?
    Hang in there..hug and kiss that precious baby girl. I know her smile alone can lift any bad mood. She is truly a miracle baby! Praying for you all. xoxo

  129. I don't know what to say....but I want to say...


    Maybe my silence is enough, for a moment....

    I just want you to know that someone out here is watching, and hugging her kids with a little more meaning and gratitude because of you guys.

    I'm not taking my time or my health for granted tonight. I will be thinking of all three of you as I wake in the morning....and purposefully hold and hug my children a little longer, with a little more tenderness.

    Maybe I'll just get off the computer and go right now....

    Thank you for your blog.

  130. Oh, I meant to add that for the nausea side effects to CHOP , the docs have some wonderful drugs that they administer along with the chemo. As a result, my Dad never had a problem with nausea being a side effect. They also give oral anti nausea pills to use at home. They work great too! I hope that makes you feel a little better.

  131. Nate, you and Trisha and Gwenyth are constantly in our prayers, God bless!!

  132. I'm sorry for the discouraging news. I pray that the Lord will give you His peace as He carries you on this journey together.

  133. It's a mystery why there's suffering on earth. I'm glad you know the peace keeper, the one who holds the future.

  134. So many have said and prayed much for you tonight....I echo them all and pray for God's tender love and comfort. And especially for a mighty healing to take place in Tricia.

  135. We are praying for your strength, refreshment, courage, and healing for Tricia. Thanks for keeping us updated, even when the news isn't what you had hoped.

  136. I'm in tears reading this Nate. I really don't know what to say except that I'm still praying... which says a lot I know.

  137. Hurting with you & praying for you both to have peace tonight. Knowing that our Father was not surprised by today's news and will continue to carry you, Tricia, Gwyneth and the whole family on this journey!

  138. Oh, dear. Bummed is minor as to what word I might have used. Four letter words are coming to my mind. But, you are all so good so I will NOT type them but instead pray for you and know that this new chemotherapy will kill those bad growths. Thank goodness you have one another to lean on as well as God and all of your many, many blog people who love and care about you.

  139. Praying for you all right now.

  140. Long time reader, first time commenter. Just heart broken for you guys. Your scriptures reminded me of the song, "Blessed be your name". You truly exemplifies what it means withthe song says, "you give and take away, but my heart will choose to say, blessed be the name." Praying that even in the storm you can and will continue to bless the name of the Lord. Praying for you, Tricia, and Gwyneth. God's healing, grace, and strength be with you!

  141. Nate and Tricia,

    I'm sorry to hear the bad news. I am sad right along with you, and will continue to pray for you of course.
    I really hope that this next round of CHOP takes it away completely, and that God continues to give you a peace that passes understanding. At the risk of sounding ignorant, not yet having gone through a transplant myself, has Tricia's doc mentioned anything lately about easing off a bit on the immune suppressant drugs? Anyway, thank you very much for continuing to post and update your blog even through the midst of your trials. It is a blessing to others, including myself.

  142. Our experience was it's hard, but it can work: 7 years post transplant and 1 year post chemo for transplant-related Hodgkin's lymphoma (contracted, or at least diagnosed, about 1 year after treatment for regular PTLD), my partner Will remains cancer free. I emailed you privately some details of our experience in case they are helpful. With love,
    Elizabeth and Will and Liam

  143. This sucks big time!!! I am so very sorry about this news. The tears are welling and I have never met you folks! Our God will get your family over this hurdle and the next one too! I will continue to pray for all of you.

    Father, please give this family another miracle!

    Your sister in Christ, Tracy Anne

  144. Oh, rats. I am so sorry that you have yet another mountain in front of the three of you. Prayers continuing.

  145. Oh Nate, OH Tricia, I am so sorry.

    This is not the news I was expecting to read, I am sure it is not the news you were expecting to hear.

    You are in my thoughts.

  146. OH NO!!!! This is really upsetting news. Praying for another miracle. You deserve it. Over and over.

  147. Brother, you guys are in my prayers. May God comfort your precious girls (and you!)

  148. Wow, the Lord does move in mysterious ways, I literally moved from reading the blog of a good friend to find that her husband's stage 4 hodgkins disease with over 20 tumours has completely vanished in 3 months of treatment, he has to do 3 more months and improvements at the half way point were expected, but this is truely miraculous. My next stop is here and I find you are dealing with the exact opposite, these are the only two blogs I've read today and I expected the results to be the opposite way round, why am I telling you this? I suppose because God's work in this other guys life is so miraculous that I just had to share how great He is and what wonderous things he can do. Seems like with illnesses God never lets you off the hook, everytime you think you are doing better and there might be less hospital visits and treatments and what not another kick comes, I had major surgery in November and as I was working in PT and recovering well noticed some quirky things with my heart beat, found I had a heart problem, just as it feels like that is getting under control, I suddenly found myself in hospital with a suspected brain hemorage, I got the all clear a few hours ago, but I still have a stinking headache, makes you wonder what will happen next, but one thing I know for sure is that God is in charge, which is good to know even if you don't know what He will do and He does work for the good of those who love Him, even if those ways seem unfathomable. I'm praying for miracles because I believe the world (or at least the world that reads your blog) needs to see that our God is a God who can heal, but also because you need your wife and Gwynneth needs her mummy. I'm also praying that He will hold you all close right now and that you will feel His care and His arms around you.

  149. Lots of prayers for you. You are some of the strongest people I know.

  150. Father God, we don't understand but we choose to trust... Be merciful on your children for they are depending on you...

    Dear Nathan, Gwyneth and Tricia, we miss you and love you!

  151. Continuing prayer for the three of you.

  152. All I can say is you are in my thoughts & I'll be praying hard.

  153. Lifting you all up in prayer tonight. Praying that you all will be together on your way home soon.

    God Bless.

  154. I'm so, so sorry. I wish I could give you big hugs and all my hair and ten years off my life to spend together. I'm going to pray for you now, just like you did for me the other day. God gave us all to each other to love and care for..I hope you can all feel how many hands are holding yours.

  155. I am praying for both of you.

  156. Praying for your precious family

  157. Praying for you as you travel this leg of the journey.

  158. Sending huge internet hugs your way! My heart is hurting for you guys - I will be stepping up the prayer and petitions before our God in heaven!

    Blessings, courage & strength,

    Southern CA

  159. Oh Nate - so sorry! Praying for you. Romans 8:28 (I'm preaching on that this Sunday) can be translated as "God intermingles all things for good!". Hold on to that.

  160. Man, that is a tough report. All of you will continue to be in our prayers. I'm sorry you have to face this setback.

  161. Our thoughts and prayers are with you...

  162. I stumbled upon you're blog some time ago. Know that you're beautiful family is in our prayers daily.

  163. Oh man... I'm so sorry to hear this.


    I'll continue praying...


  164. I'm continuing to pray for your family. (((HUGS))) for you all.

  165. I'm continuing to pray for your family. (((HUGS))) for you all.

  166. God bless you guys, you all are a real inspiration to me, for the fact that you are christians & for the fact that regardless of what happens in your lives, & how many trials, tribulations & tests come your way, you still choose Him.

  167. Sweet Jesus,
    Hold Nate, Tricia, and Gwyneth in your mighty hand. Bring complete healing to them. Let them find your strength in you. Amen.

  168. Nate, Tricia and Gwyneth,
    YOU ARE IN OUR PRAYERS!!! Your family continues to inspire and instill faith in more people than you know.

  169. I will pray that this next round of chemo will shrink the spots in her lungs. Tricia, you are a fighter and you know better than anyone how to beat the odds. I wish you as few side effects as possible and the strength to keep fighting. Hugs Tricia.


  170. heavy hearted but ever faithful in maine. My dad went through R CHOP at age 70 so I know what may be ahead of you. If anyone can survive this, it's Tricia.

    Bless all of you.

  171. Prayers for renewed strength, health & healing. I'm so sorry there wasn't better news.

  172. I am so sorry to hear this news. This is probably not the news you wanted to recieve, but that the next type of chemo does the trick.

    May He hold the three of you close and bless you as you start the next leg of your journey.

    Praying without stopping,

  173. I don't know what to say, except that my heart is hurting for you guys and I will be praying for you all the more.


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