
Monday, July 28, 2008

Monday, Monday...

Today could be a busy day. I was up and down to the church at 8am to lead worship with the band for a bunch of youthy people who are doing some outreach stuff on the beach today through Thursday...

...then, I stopped by our mechanic (Luke's Auto in Kill Devil Hills if you ever need somebody down here) to have him check on our AC, which may have a freon leak somewhere. Everything looks good....

...which means, we'll be heading to Virginia today to run some errands that we didn't get done last week in Durham (because we spent all of our time in the hospital). Hopefully, we'll have some time to visit with a few friends as well...

...but only after we have a visit from Child Developmental Services who will be working with Gwyneth (and her parents) as she catches back up to the growth/developmental curve over the next year or so.

BTW, Tricia has been feeling very tired the past few days, probably because of the chemo. One of the side effects is fatigue. Other than this and feeling very strange for a few hours on Saturday, she has been doing fairly well so far, BUT, we were told that day ten, post-treatment (which would be later this week) can often be the worst. We're hoping that it won't be too bad.

BTWW, I've got new pics to show, but haven't had time to get them uploaded, but hopefully soon. Thanks!



  1. Wow, lots of exciting things happening for your family this week!

    Best of luck with your busy week, and hoping Tricia continues to feel only minimal side effects to the chemo.

  2. Wow sounds like your busy. But betting it feels good to have things be somewhat normal around home.
    Hoping Tricia does okay. Yup fatigue is a big thing. Resting helps when she needs to.Long about day ten might be when her counts take a dive from chemo. In turn they might opt to re test her blood work at that point to see where her counts are at.They can help her with meds if needed to get through that rough stretch.
    I can relate to the strange feelings and fatigue.
    I am praying for Tricia this week as well.
    Understand on the pictures. When you get to them its fine. You surely have plenty on your plate keeping you busy.

  3. Hope Tricia will be spared the worst chemo side effects. Darn. I was hoping that you all would just be able to chill this summer after all that you've endured... Let's hope for a really lovely and healthy Fall. Can't wait to see your baby next to a pumpkin!

  4. Sounds like a busy week! Safe travels to Virginia!

  5. Sounds like you all are busy, busy.

    Praying Tricia has very little side effects from the chemo...especially on day 10.

  6. Your posts from yesterday and today sound chipper and cheerful.... I'm so glad that things are going well for all of you! Praying especially for Tricia during this course of chemo. Blessings on you, courageous woman!

  7. Still keeping all of you in my prayers her in Michigan!

  8. Think of you three every day, and will continue to pray for Tricia and definitely for few if any side effects.
    Have a great Monday and a wonderful time with friends!

  9. I KNOW that medical people know what they are talking about, BUT I would like to throw out a prayer, asking God to do something new, in some way for Tricia that day, to be her strength, to reveal Himself in a new way---that the God of the unexpected would shine that day. In Jesus name, AMEN

  10. Thank you for keeping us updated. I am praying that Tricia is on the mend permanently. I am also writing to ask that you please include this family in your prayers:

    Karen (Mom to 15mos old with CF)

  11. Trisha and Nate,
    My prayers are continuing for you both and little Gwenyth.
    Trisha I pray that you do not have the trouble with day 10 post treatment. Also, hold onto God's promise and you will do fine.
    God Bless you all.

  12. How does Monday keep finding us? I have tried hiding from it for years....but to no avail.

    Am praying for God to sustain your sweet wife during chemo time and her fatigue...providing her with comfort, rest and His enduring strength. He is so good!

    August is an exciting month for you all - can't wait to hear about all that may happen, after it happens of course for those "surprises of the heart"...hubby and I will celebrate our 22nd anniversary, daughter and sweet son in law will celebrate their 2nd anniversary and hubbys parents celebrate theirs - and hubby and I had our first date Aug 12th way back in the eighties - so is a lovely month for many....

    warm hugs and prayers from Iowa

  13. Hey nate-- we had my huge family reunion last week at Holden Beach, and we borrowed your great family picture idea... to see one of 'em go here:

  14. Continued thoughts and prayers coming your way. I immediately thought of Tricia today when I read a headline in our local newspaper. Here is the link to a young girl (age 16) awaiting her second double lung transplant:

    Amy in PA

  15. Trish keep your spirits up. Everyone is different with chemo and each chemo session can be different. Fatigue may be from the chemo or could still be from your surgery (it takes months for the body to recoup). After all, long drives can be one of the hardest on your body after any majors. So keep invisioning the chemo doing its thing to those nasty cancer cells. I sent my chemo on a search and rescue mission! Seek and destroy! haha. I'm still here, so it must work! Love ya, Robin from Oregon

  16. Glad it has been a great month. I hope the treatments go well.

  17. Nate,

    your posts give me hope. My husband has Cystic Fibrosis, and he's just been given word that it's time to start preparing for transplant. I'm incredibly frightened, but your strength shines through and keeps me going.

    Please keep doing what you're doing.


  18. I'm super excited to hear you are working with a developmental specialist (which is what I do!)... Hope all goes well and that he/she is very helpful to your family.

  19. Praying for Tricia during this time in her chemo. I know when I did 6 months of chemo, fatigue was my biggest side effect. It felt like I was wearing a lead suit all the time. Naps really helped and so did high protein shakes. I am praying day 10 is not hard for her too. Chemo is poison and not fun, but I pray it is doing the job it is meant to do for her. Praying for all 3 of you to have new strength for each day.

    Laurie in Ca.

  20. Continue to pray for you guys on a regular basis. You all look great in the family shoot. Just love the pictures and what great idea's on how to shoot a family.

  21. I'm praying for you guys. Your family photo shoot pictures (both sides of the family!) are beautiful! Thank you for the continued updates.
    I work with the Children's Developmental Services Agency in the western part of NC. I pray you have a good experience with them and that they are a help to you. If you ever have any questions about what is available to you or what you have the right to (as far as services for Gwenyth), I'd be happy to answer questions.

  22. Nate, just wanted to let you know of a great blog I read today. A man writes it and his wife was diagnosed with Non Hogkins Lymphoma. She beat it! But, he is riding in CO for the Leukemia and Lymphoma society. His site is Thought you might want to read it. Very encouraging and very real.

  23. your such a tease,, popping in and checkin on ya's.

  24. Keep praying for you all - enjoying simple family life sounds good. And will definitely keep Tricia in prayer as "Day 10" comes up at the end of the week!

    Blessings to you,

    Southern CA

  25. Sounds like the day in a life of a "normal person." I'm glad you can have some of those! Praying for you all, especially the girls!

  26. hope shopping went well & not to tiring - looking forward to the photos as always :)

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  28. Busy Busy!!! Glad to hear all is going well. Good luck with your busy week and I will be praying that Tricia doesnt get anymore side affects from the Chemo! Looking forward to the pics as always!!


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  30. I hope tricia doesnt encounter too many side effects.

    Enjoy your busy schedule! :D

  31. I hope the fatigue is the worst of the chemo symptoms.

  32. Praying for you all! LOVE the pics of Gwyneth!


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