
Sunday, July 27, 2008


July has been a great month for us! Lots of fun times with family and friends, and we're finally feeling like we're moving toward a more "normal" life. There are still a few days left in this month, but we're really looking forward to August, as it's working out to be a busy and exciting month for us.

There are a few incredibly exciting things going on that I can't yet tell you about, yet (I promise to tell you as soon as I am allowed...don't even bother guessing, because I can almost guarantee it's not what you might think), but there are a few things that I can let you in on...

> August marks eight years since Tricia and I met on the deck of our old church building. I think there may be a few romantical things going down at some point...

> August 9 brings around our second annual Pancake Dinner at Grits Grill!!! We're super stoked.

> August 13 marks exactly one month until our Great Strides Walk!!! Again, we're stoked!

> Sometime in the next few days, I'll be telling you about a super fun and very meaningful fund-raiser that I'll be doing this coming week for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society! (hint: it involves something that will be live on the internet!) So, make sure you check back in over the next few days to find out how you can participate!




  1. You always keep us on our toes!!

    Can't wait.

  2. I can't wait to hear what is in store for both you guys and us! Lol.

    The L/L Foundation is something very dear to my heart. My mom is a leukemia/bone marrow tranpslant survivor. I am very excited to see, literally, what you have in store for this!


  3. I am so excited to hear the positive news! I actually ran a marathon to benefit the Leukemia/Lymphoma society! I am excited to see what's next!

  4. Is romantical a word? Blogger doesn't think so.

  5. Wow! August is going to be a busy and exciting month. Thanks again for keeping us in the loop :))

  6. I love an exciting suspense. I hope it is something very special for you all. I am very tempted to guess, but I will patiently wait for you to share the news.

    Checking in regularly.

  7. You are such a tease! That must drive Tricia crazy sometimes! Can't wait to learn your surprises....

  8. Always love to hear whats new! Oh my I hate all this suspense~~ LOL
    The LLS has been very near and dear to me for over ten years. Anxious to hear whats up your sleeve.
    Have a good week.

  9. Nate, good to see you this morning. I can't express what an inspiration you have been. I can feel the excitmnet in your words and can tell that you are truely an example to follow. I just pray that God will bless you and continue to use you to reach people like me. I pray each and every day for you and your family and watch in awe at the way God works in your life.

  10. Busy month! Cant wait to hear baout *everything*!

    You never said in your other updates- how big is Gwyneth these day?

  11. I am so glad to hear you are doing a fundraiser for the LLS. My mom is a leukemia survivor and I am actually raising money for the Light the Night walk!
    Can't wait to see what you have up your sleeve!

  12. Oooh...I do love me a good surprise! ;) I'll check back often (well I always check back often, but I'll check back even more often.)

  13. This is not a guess, just a hope, that finally your family's journey will be televised nationally. If so, the world will be blessed, inspired and informed. We can only hope. Take care..

  14. You have both taught me, and I can't thank you enough for this...I have learned, through you both, to let go of Fear's strong cold grasp, and to embrace the warm everlasting embrace of Hope. I am so thankful.
    with Love,

  15. YAY for LLS! I can't wait to find out what's in store!


  16. That was good news. That is that your lives are moving toward "normal." Thanks for sharing with us and as always we are praying everyday for the Lord's hand to be on you guys.

  17. So excited to see what's coming!

    And, I think it's really sweet that you used the word "romantical" ... I thought my hubby and I were the only ones who used it. Congrats on 8 years of love and togetherness!

  18. My daughter Avery & I are praying for you all, as usual! August 9th is my birthday... here's to hoping you get a ton of help then! It'd be a great birthday present for me to know it's helping you all out! So psyched for the walk (yes, all the way here in Oklahoma!), you all are doing so many great things with so many lives, cf related and not.

  19. My husband is a leukemia survivor so I'm really interested in that fund-raiser for them. Can't wait for the details. I've asked for prayers for you guys on my blog. Your story and life has touched me greatly.

  20. You forgot to mention that August 8 is a milestone date for your family as well.


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