
Monday, August 11, 2008

Bald is Beautiful, Especially in 3's

BTW, just $25 more to reach an even $4500 for the LLS!!!



  1. i just have to say that not many women look good with short hair but she looks beautiful with short hair. i am so proud of you reaching your goal!!!

  2. Wow, now you see it, now you don't :) You all DO look beautiful. I can't imagine how emotional that was for Tricia.

  3. Wow, those pictures are beautiful!Praying for you Tricia.

  4. You all look so wonderful and so sweet together! :-) Thanks for sharing all these photos and video clips lately!

    Always in my thoughts,
    Marissa :-)

  5. Awsome! You guys look wonderfully together with or without hair!

  6. you've got to be the sweetest family I've ever seen! Tell Tricia she's pulling off the bald look VERY well, much better than I know I would. Keep thinking positive and trusting the Lord, He is SO good!
    In Him,

  7. Beautiful! Brings me to tears! Praying this CHOP-R chemo does the trick (I had something similar and it worked)! I hope that is an encouragement to you! :)

  8. You're always in my thoughts & prayers. Thanks for sharing your journey.It is such an inspiration.
    These are beautiful photos of you 3.
    Praying in Missouri

  9. You all look great - hair or no hair.
    Susan from California

  10. Tricia is always beautiful!

    I've lost my hair twice because of treatment for breast cancer (at 32 and 37). It's a difficult time. It's easier after it stops falling out, and I was more comfortable with my head shaved, so Tricia might want to give Buddy a call.

    Also, it grows back incredibly fast when treatment is over.

    I'm praying that the chemo is doing exactly what it's supposed to do!

    You have a beautiful family!

  11. Tricia-you look awesome with short hair! Wow! You all do! You have such a beautiful family. Praying for you and checking in on you daily-multiple times!

  12. What an absolute beautiful family!!

  13. Tricia, You look amazing, beautiful and simply stunning.

  14. You guys never cease to amaze me. Your love for each other just oozes through the screen, and you can see how much you care for each other. Still praying an insane amount... hopefully we'll hear some good news when Tricia gets back from the doctor!

  15. Such a BEAUTIFUL family! These are wonderful pictures.

  16. I love the new Lawrenson look! Beautiful smiles, as always! Blessings--

  17. This is so sweet. I have tears and chills. What a precious family!!!

  18. At a total loss for words to adequately share how this post moved me. Your love for each other and for God is just inspiring. Gwyneth Rose is one blessed baby!!

    Still praying -

  19. Just noticed you guys are nearing 6 million hits! That is amazing. Stay strong! You all are an inspiration!!! God bless.

  20. you are SO right... bald is becoming to all 3 of you! Every time I look at your pictures I am reminded of God's faithfulness and love. Thanks!

  21. what a beautiful blessed family you are!

  22. Beautiful! Perfectly Beautiful! Praying in Utah.

  23. Tricia, you are absolutely stunning! SERIOUSLY!!!

  24. I can't pretend to know how it would feel to lose my hair, but I genuinely mean it from the bottom of my heart when I say that Tricia has not lost one ounce of beauty regardless of how many hairs she has lost. I'm continuing to pray for all of you and was especially reminded to do so when we drove by Nags Head Church on our way home from OBX yesterday :)

  25. #1 on the list of America's Most Beautiful family. God bless.


  26. Long time reader, first time commenter... These pictures brought tears to my eyes. You guys will never know how much you inspire and enourage others--not only with your story but with precious moments like this. Tricia is more beautiful than ever!! Our family is praying for yours. May God continue to bless you all...

  27. I think it's beautiful. Tricia looks beautiful!

  28. I have never posted before, but I just wanted to tell you how touching these photos are. I've been following your story since January and you are truly an inspiring family.
    Praying for your you, Tricia and precious Gwyneth,

  29. Bald IS beautiful!! Know we keep you in our prayers precious family!

  30. As always, a beautiful family!

  31. That is so touching. Just beautiful- all three of you!

  32. Yes--the miracle of your family is a truly, truly beautiful thing.

  33. You are beautiful. All of you. There is such a tenderness balanced with resilience in your eyes. My prayers are with you. God bless you and keep you.

  34. A beautiful family with or without hair. The true beauty in this family is in your hearts, souls, strength and solidarity. Sending lots of prayers and hugs your way.

  35. Thanks for sharing...such intimate photos. Tricia, you have true beauty, you really do. I admire your courage, and pray for you often!

  36. Your family IS beautiful- inside AND out.

    What awesome photos!

  37. You're so beautiful, Tricia. God has made you such an incredible woman and an inspiration of hope to us all!
    HUGS to you!

  38. That must have been very emotinal for Tricia. You three look like a magazine layout, like models. Very beautiful!

  39. I LOVE LoVe love these photos of you 3.....Beautiful!

  40. Tricia ... you are the most beautiful woman. God Bless you.

  41. I know that this is not the hair style that Tricia wants, but she looks beautiful. The pictures of the three of you are priceless! How often can mom, baby, and daddy all match so beautifully. BTW, you do not have a funny looking head. Love the blog too!

  42. Perfectly said. I couldn't agree more.

  43. Wow. You guys get me every time. Amazing. Tricia- bald looks good on you! Keep smiling! LOVE the pics!!!

  44. i love the pics. truly beautiful. god is so good and so faithful. i'm truly in awe at the work he does through one small family of three. how incredible that he chooses to use what he does to share himself with others all over the world. praying praying praying for you all. amanda

  45. I was just wondering earlier today as I read, if Tricia would be brave enough (and unself-concious enough) to give us a bald three-some picture :)

    Trish, you're beautiful! Not all women can pull off the bald look. Even some notable ones who've tried....

  46. Nathan, your girls are beautiful "bald"...seriously. Not many girls can pull off super short hair but of course Tricia does it...and it looks amazing. That girl makes chemo look easy. How lucky Gwyneth is to have such a strong mommy (and daddy)!

    Thanks for for being so candid.


  47. Wow, Tricia looks beautiful with short/no hair. Lucky.

  48. GREAT PICTURES AS ALWAYS. You are such an inspiring family in so many ways. Love the one where Tricia is kissing your bald head :-)

  49. You are all beautiful! Still praying...won't stop! God bless all of I know He is. Thank you again for sharing your life with us. You all look amazing. Little one is growing so fast...she is so cute!

    Tricia :)

  50. I came by earlier and left to take a walk. This post to me is so touching. I know how hard is that first picture with less or no hair.
    I see so much beauty, love and strength in todays pictures.
    We are praying Chop-R does the trick.

  51. Wow. Tricia, you look absolutely stunning with short hair. You guys are a beautiful family indeed, and I can tell that this experience has unified you ... not just by the hair, but because of the love that is so obvious in your smiles. And there is such an intensity in Tricia's eyes on that second-last shot -- so much strength and courage. Wonderful set of photos that really speak of God's grace in your lives.

  52. Wonderful pictures! Thanks for sharing.

    Still praying for all three of you...

  53. Tricia looks as beautiful as ever! And Gwyneth is getting so big. Gorgeous pictures!!

  54. A friend sent me this when I lost my hair last fall:
    I woke up 3 days ago with 3 hairs on the top of my head. "Hmmm", I thought.."I guess I'll braid my hair today." Two days ago I woke up with only 2 hairs. "Well", thought I, "Today I will have pig tails!" Then yesterday when I got up I had only one hair left on my head. "No decison here, " said I. "I'll have a pony tail today." Today I woke up with no hair! "Wheeeeeeeee", I said! "I don't have to spend time on my hair today!" So I threw on a hat and went out to enjoy the day.

    My family indulged my whim last Halloween..since I had the hair for it, I wanted to be Uncle Fester. Here we are--my son is a photographer and took the picture as well as playing the role of Gomez. Morticia is a friend of his and Thing and Cousin It are both my husband. I've always believed that when life gives you lemons you try your best to make lemonade. Your family has the franchise rights on lemonade stands if that's the case, but thought you would enjoy this picture!

    Here is a link to my Flickr page/picture. This wouldn't accept the picture itself.

    PS: has some great, fun wigs that are pretty inexpensive. I found that the synthetic wigs look just as real, are easier to take care of, and you can play with what you want to look like. And, hair does grow back.

  55. Just for the record, Tricia looks super hott (with two "t's", mind you) with no hair. Wow.

    -Sarah and Nathan Tillman

  56. Great pics of all three of you :-)

  57. I always thought Demi Moore was the most beautiful women in Private Jane (I think thats the name of the movie)when she shaved her head, but I think Tricia might have her beat!!! You are such a gorgeous women!!! You totally wear your heart on the outside! :)

  58. Beautiful, confident, courageous, awesome....there just are no words that even begin to describe the feelings those pics evoke! Thank you for sharing those with all of us! Wouldn't you just love to know the thoughts behind some of Gwyneth's expressions!! She will have some stories to tell when she starts to speak!! :)

  59. You are all beautiful! God bless you and I am still praying here!!

  60. Great pictures! Tricia is always so beautiful, Gwyneth is such a cutie, and you're looking good with the new look, too! Praying for you all.

  61. Bald is indeed beautiful in three's, dear Lawrensons.
    God Bless you all
    Jamie in Texas

  62. Wow, you guys are amazing -- hair or no hair. Beautiful photos, beautiful people. We'll keep you in our prayers

  63. Yes it is beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  64. I don't know why it takes THIS post to finally urge me to comment, but I feel the desire more than ever. I've been following your site probably since a couple of months before Gwyneth was born.

    Tricia, I think you look wonderful. All 3 of you...the Bald and the Beautiful.

    I just think you two are amazing and God is doing such cool and inspiring things through you!

    God Bless the Lawrenson family :-)

  65. I love how you all are taking this step in stride, keeping your eyes fixed on the goal. Many prayers coming your way.

  66. You guys are the cutest bald family EVER!

  67. Your strength is truly unspeakable and you continue to be an inspiration to so many people. You are in my prayers! Love the pictures!

  68. Yes it is BEAUTIFUL! I love the one of you looking over your girls.
    I hadn't noticed Tricia's freckles until the post before this one. They look lovely on her.

  69. Tricia is a true inspiration and a beautiful person both inside and out. I know we don't know one another but her beauty radiates in those pictures. Your family is a true inspiration to others and you are all precious. You all are in our prayers.

  70. I am at a lost for words. These pictures are so beautiful and brought tears to my eyes. I don't think I have seen so much Love, Pride, and Joy radiated (sp?) from pictures. Praying daily...

  71. Tricia is lovely as always. Gwyneth looks tall and slender--how tall are you, Nate?

  72. Gorgeous. Just gorgeous. And even more precious than gorgeous.

  73. oh my goodness nate, your wife is BEAUTIFUL. she just exudes beauty. and your little gwyneth? wow. ya'll are gorgeous. for real.

  74. Very Beautiful!!!!! You guys melt my heart and cause it to run down my cheeks! :) Praying,,,jen in al

  75. Tricia, what I notice most is your beautiful eyes! Especially the one with you and Gwyneth. You have always and continue to be beautiful. I know it must be hard to loose your hair, but you seem to be handling yourself with the utmost grace. I am happy you have such a great support group around you. Your love shines like a bright light.

  76. these are my favorite photos yet. they speak of courage and faith and love.
    and they are real.

  77. You are all absolutely GORGEOUS!!! I love those pics & what a perfect title!

    Hugs & Blessings!

  78. Beautiful! Praying for continued strength and joy for all three of you during this time.

  79. there really isn't another word for it...beautiful family!

  80. I agree!!! Bald is beautiful.
    What great pictures! :)
    What a beautiful family!

  81. I love these photos. Absolutely love them

  82. These are the best family photos ever! You all look beautiful bald!

  83. Love and prayers to the 3 of you...and yes BALD is beautiful!!!

  84. Words can't decribe the beautiful family pictures!Thanks for showing us how bald is beautiful.

  85. All of you look beautiful..inside & outside.

  86. WOW!

    Tricia is so gorgeous! Seriously, she is rocking that new look.

    Praying always for you three!

  87. I agree - bald is beautiful! Tricia, you do look beautiful without hair. I'm sorry you have to go through this, but your face is so strikingly beautiful... who needs hair? :)

  88. What a special moment, really. You couldn't have held the tears back at the awesomeness of God in all 3 of you. Thank you so much for sharing and bearing!

  89. It is only 3 months ago since I cut and shaved my mom's hair (breast cancer). She did not look frightening to me at all. Neither does Tricia. Still we cried. Meanwhile the eyebrows and lashes are gone too.

    These are beautiful pictures telling a big and touching story!

    I know Heavenly Father loves you. I you will feel all the strength that you need.

  90. What an amazing family you have, so strong and loving. I enjoy reading your blog every morning.

  91. She is absolutely gorgeous! Awesome pictures!

  92. Just as I suspected...Tricia is gorgeous as ever!!

    (By the way, I love that you left the beard, Nate!!! What a look!)

    Praying that you continue to see God's grace in all of the ups & downs.

  93. I can not seem to get over what a beautiful testimony your lives are. People ask me a lot if I truly think God does not put more on us than we can handle and I say yes I believe that, and you and Tricia are prime examples of that. Even in trying times you both are beautiful and ooze love of each other and the Lord.
    The 3 of you look so sweet and Tricia looks wonderful, I pray she still feels as beautiful as she looks.
    You remain in my prayers.
    In His Love.

  94. You make a beautiful bald family. Keep up the great spirit!! Just think, bald is as low maintenance as it gets for the morning process!!

  95. Looks like my thoughts echo that of many others - my first thought when I saw the pictures was, "wow. stunning." Tricia, you are beautiful with or without your hair. Great pictures as always, and I continue in my daily prayers for your family.

  96. awww, so sweet! I think you should change the last one to your homepage picture!

  97. Breath-taking and beautiful. The 3of you are blessed to have each other. It's a blessing to all of us to see the love you have for one another.

  98. I think now you may the 3 musketeers. You guys are all beautiful!!

  99. The pictures of you all with your shaved heads made me cry! (Don't worry Nate, it wasn't because I was laughing so hard I cried at your bald head!) Tricia looks so beautiful and I can't even begin to fathom the courage she has. She has more courage in her pinky toe than I think most anyone else does in their whole body! I don't know what else to say other than simply this, BEAUTIFUL!

  100. This brought tears to my eyes, goose bumps to my arms and a warm surge through my heart. You all are blessed to have the courage and love many of us yearn for in life.

    Your wife is simply stunning.

  101. Your wife is amazing! I am constantly in awe of the way she handles things with such grace. --and YOU are a great husband. I love how you love her so unconditionally. What a lucky girl Gwenyth Rose is.

    BTW, thanks for linking us to Gina. I call you guys "my CFers". I check both of your blogs every morning and evening. Always want to be up to date with my prayers.

    Both you and Tricia continuing doing what your doing. Its inspiring!

  102. Now *THAT* is a beautiful family.

  103. oh, and not many women can pull of that look--tricia looks beautiful!

  104. gorgeous family. . .just gorgeous.

    Tricia looks amazing!

  105. You are the most beautiful family ever. I admire the strength in each and every one of you.

  106. These pictures are truely priceless! Praying that God continues to give you hope and strength each day!

    Isaiah 40:31
    "but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."

  107. You three define the word BEAUTIFUL. Hair, no hair, some hair... it doesn't matter. Nate, you capture such beautiful moments on camera.

  108. You all are so very beautiful
    and such a precious family.
    There is a saying that my grandmother used to say that
    applies to all of you...
    "You could shave your head,
    wear a potato sack, walk backwards & still be beautiful!"

  109. tricia,

    you are beautiful with or without hair.

  110. Gorgeous photos. Tricia, you are so beautiful--I think you look absolutely amazing with such short hair!! Praying the chemo is doing its job and that you will be fully recovered very soon. I agree with previous posters--your love for each other just oozes off the computer screen and it always makes me smile and get choked up at the same time! God is so good.

  111. WOW...I know where this kind of love comes from.

    No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us. (1John 4:12)

    God Bless you today!

  112. Great pictures. Do you all your pictures turn out so great? Beautiful family.

  113. Really love the last pic. Nate your lucky having 2 such beautiful girls to be seen with :)

  114. Your family continues to be such an encouragement. Thanks for sharing. Still praying.

  115. Those pictures are absolutely beautiful. It is such a great way to celebrate where the Lord has you guys!

  116. Love the pictures! You are such a beautiful and adorable family! Still praying for you!

  117. Love the pictures. Tricia looks so beautiful!!!

  118. Ok Nate, I believe God is using you to make ,and keep , " All things beautiful" for Tricia, wee baby Gwyn and the rest of us as well.

  119. As I look at these photos, I have to think of how precious they will be to Gwyneth!

  120. I'm in tears. I've been a follower for awhile, but have never posted. Your determination to help your wife and daughter is inspiring. May God bless you all, and I can't wait for the day that you annouce she is cancer free!

  121. This comment is for Tricia.

    You are an amazing woman. You are beautiful and determined. You seem to be a great wife and mom and I think of you often! May God help you beat this cancer so you can fully enjoy life with new lungs, a great husband and a precious miracle!

  122. What sweet pictures!

    Hair or no hair, you all look great-- and Tricia, you are inspiring so many on a daily basis.

    Thanks for posting these!

  123. Wow. The new 'do makes your gorgeous eyes pop, in a truly lovely way.

    Praying for you throughout my days.

  124. Beautiful family and Tricia looks as gorgeous as ever!!! Nate your support for Tricia is just indescribable. Praying for you always!


  125. Brought tears to my eyes, what a beautiful family. Praying for the three of you!

  126. You are such a beautiful family!!!

  127. You guys are so stinkin' cute, I can't even stand it :) BTW, I am psyched to see that - at least for the time being - Tricia is still sportin' those FABULOUS eyelashes. Is it possible that she is even more beautiful WITHOUT hair???

    Saying special prayers that the chemo is doing it's job and that Baby Girl is packing on the ounces!

  128. Continuing to pray for all 3 of you! I think she looks absolutely beautiful...she is amazing on the inside and out! Praying Baby G is a heavy weight!

  129. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, and STRONG :)! Keep pressing on!

  130. What lovely pictures. Thank you for sharing your lives with us. You all look beautifu/handsome.

  131. I hope this isn't insensitive of me to say, but Trisha is strikingly lovely with a bald head. She looks like a model. When the hair grows back in, a super short pixie cut--or even keeping it shaved--would look simply fabulous. Trisha, you are radiant.

  132. Beautiful in every way. Tricia, you might not think so, but you are one hot mama! Seriously, you glow. Praying every single day.

  133. I've been reading your web site since the beginning...I've finally felt the need to post. These pictures brought tears to my eyes. I think you should rename this post, "The Bald and The Beautiful."

    Thinking of you in Maine..

  134. Gorgeous! You guys take the best pictures ever! You will cherish them, as a family, FOREVER!

  135. Gwyneth may feel that her Mom and Dad have gotten smart and made their heads look like hers! Prayers continuing.

  136. I am so blessed by how you all love eachother. I like to read your blog because I can feel the love and it encourages me.

  137. The new "do" just let's blog-readers see exactly how beautiful Tricia's face (and especially eyes) are!

  138. Oh my gosh, you guys are so cute together, it's good to know that people that go through soooo much won't just give up like that. I've read most of your posts and you -and your family - are such an inspiration. It's a family of fighters! I'm SO glad I came across your blog :-)

  139. I have to agree with everyone who has posted before me....You all look great and very happy together, not many people can pull of the bald look! Tricia is a natural beauty. Hair is overrated. ;) God bless.

  140. wow that brought on a surge of emotions and 3 are just amazing.

  141. Can I just say that these pictures are amazing?! Thank you for sharing with us... we are blessed to be along side you lifting you up during your journey.

    Tricia, you are beautiful!

  142. You all have been through so much. So many trials and tough times. When I saw these pictures, it made me cry.. not because you're losing your hair, but because of the love and strength shown in your smiles. I'm sure in many ways, you guys feel like the most blessed people on the face of this earth!! Even though others may think differently because of all you have faced. God is Blessing you in your "wilderness" journey!! :)

  143. My wife reads your blog all the time, and she told me the story and about these pictures.

    I wrote a post a long time ago, and it fits...


  144. You family is undeniably, unbelievably, amazingly beautiful! I will continue to pray the Lord works in WONDERFUL ways.

  145. These pics brought tears of joy to my eyes!!! What a beautiful picture of God's love!!

    You guys just just do!!

  146. I agree.

    You three are gorgeous! :)

  147. Bless you all. You are so inspiring. It is people like you who keep me focused, who drive me on to raise awareness, publicity and funds for Cystic Fibrosis Research.
    I want to make a donation to your headshave - where do I do it? Am I too late?

  148. you all make a GORGEOUS family, no matter if you have hair or not :) truly beautiful!!!!!!
    hugs to you all.

  149. These are the most Beautiful pictures by far!!!! I love them.

  150. I LOVE these photos. Beautiful inside and out!

  151. Goosebumps as I looked at those beautiful pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  152. Sorry to repeat what everyone else seems to have said but those photos are beautiful and shine out with love and happiness. I think Gwyneth is secretly pleased that Mommy and Daddy have decided to share her look ;o) xxxxxxx

  153. You are all so blessed to have each other. Absolutely beautiful.

  154. These are by far my favorite photos you have posted. What a beautiful family!

  155. With all sincerity, Tricia looks stunning! Absolutely beautiful. Her eyes jump out with her hair so short.

  156. i've been following the blog since just about the very beginning, and these might be my very favorite pictures yet (along with the one below). your love for each other is soooo powerful and evident. love truly conquers all. love and prayers.

  157. I don't think I've ever commented before--I haven't read your blog for a while and thought I'd check in tonight, to see how your baby has grown.

    I did not know that PTLD even existed and am amazed at your and Tricia's faith and strength.

    I am praying for you all!

  158. Just precious....little G is such a doll and those eyes, WOW! We all hope that should we lose our hair (through balding or treatments) that we would have a nicely shaped noodle - all three of you look good. I know it's not easy, but bald really is beautiful especially when you're bald together - stay strong!


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