
Tuesday, August 12, 2008

This Week

Tricia and Gwyneth will be traveling to Durham early tomorrow morning with Tricia's mom. Both of my girls have appointments all day. Tricia has her second round of chemo as well as a transplant clinic, and Gwyneth has an appointment with her preemie docs.

We're praying that the transplant clinic shows that everything continues to look good, especially concerning rejection. We're also praying that the chemo goes well, and that, when we return in a few weeks for an exam, it will show that the treatments are killing the cancer.

We're praying that Gwyneth has grown to, at least, 8 lbs, and that her all of her blood work shows that she is as healthy as can be.

And, of course, we're praying that everyone will travel safe and be home again by tomorrow night or Thursday morning at the latest.

Yesterday, half-way to Norfolk, VA for Gwyneth's eye appointment, our car's computer decided that it wanted to confuse our transmission and cause problems. We had to turn around and take the car to the mechanic. It should be fixed and ready to go by Wednesday afternoon, but we'll have to rent a car tonight so that everyone can get off to Durham by 4am tomorrow morning. We've rescheduled the eye exam for later in the month.

My Band is playing at Kitty Hawk Kite's Watermelon Festival all day Thursday, so I'll be staying on the beach (in case Tricia gets "stuck" in Durham for more than a day). BTW, the Watermelon Festival is a huge family event that KHK sponsors every year...proceeds go to a few national and local children's charities. We're scheduled to play from 11am to 2pm, and the weather looks to be perfect.

Thanks for your thoughts and prayers this busy week!



  1. Still praying for your family. Hope you three have a good week:)

  2. Our prayers are with you as always, especially your two girls as they travel have their checkups. Praying for more miracles all round.
    Love, hope and prayers,
    Tricia and Clan (N.VA)

  3. Praying and thinking of you frequently. Good luck! Love the pictures in the previous post--you have two beautiful girls!

  4. What a week! Please let us know if we can be helpful at all while the girls are here. Love to you all!

  5. Good luck with the continuing treatments for Tricia, and the checkups for Gweneth. My daughter just (hopefully) completed her final round of chemo, so I understand the anticipation that you have looking towards the scans. You have a beautiful and incredible family.

  6. Every good wish to all of you. Prayers continuing.

  7. Keeping all of you in our prayers daily.

  8. Nate:
    Praying for both of your girls that all goes well this week.
    Susan from California

  9. I will be praying for the girls as they travel for their appointments. I hope that all goes well and that Gwyneth has packed on the weight. She is so precious!!

  10. Praying for safe travels and ALL goes well for both Gwyneth and Tricia. God has helped you this far and Im sure he isnt going to stop yet!! Will be waiting to hear how it all goes!! Keep us updated!

    Have a safe trip and Good Luck!

  11. Sending love and Light for all of you!

    April Horton

    (btw the watermelon festivities looks fun! at least you have something fun to distract you!)

  12. Prayed for both your travels and for good appointments.


  13. I hope everything goes well this week!!

  14. We'll be praying for all the requests you stated. Hope all goes well.


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