
Sunday, August 24, 2008

Crazy Weekend

It's been a crazy busy weekend, and I'm sorry for the lack of posts. I plan on taking tomorrow off and re-energizing for the rest of the week, which will include some more in depth blogging. I hope your Sunday is most excellent!



  1. Enjoy your time :) Hope the busyness is a good busyness.

  2. Hi, Nate.

    I've been thinking about you all this weekend. Looking forward to hearing what's been up in your world. :)


  3. I miss the pics of the 3 beautiful bald heads...Well sorry Baby girl isn't so bald anymore..

    Love your blog and post...

    I hope Tricia is feeling okay and that you are better too!!

  4. Hoping this Sunday finds both you and Tricia feeling better. That would be the bestest!! Prayers continuing.

  5. I hope the busy was a good busy too! Hope you are all well and relaxing the day away! Looking forward to hearing about the weekend's activities!

    Prayers for all 3 of you going always.

  6. Hope its a good weekend for your family.
    Sending prayers your way for the week.

  7. It has been most excellent and I hope yours has been as well.
    Always love hearing from you and your girls but know that rest is more important!
    Happy Sunday!

    p.s. had a pretty good bone marrow drive at our church this am, was not even an issue thinking about doing that with all the encouragement we get here on your blog!

  8. i hope that everyone is feeling better love you c u soon



  9. Enjoy your time, you certainly deserve it! Hope you guys are feeling well and had a nice weekend!!! Looking forward to hear the updates.


  10. Thanks for updating despite your busy times! I hope all is will with you and your girls! Happy resting!

  11. Nate,

    We pray for you whether you post or we post. You are part of our everyday thoughts and prayers. Hang in there.

  12. My Sunday was most excellent! I hope you all can get some rest. As much as I look forward to your blog posts (b/c let's face it, I'm a HUGE fan of your blog!), I completely understand you needing to attend to other matters. Take care of yourself & your sweet family. I hope you also had an excellent Sunday! We are praying.

    ~Sara in MD

  13. Looking forward to hearing all about your big CF Awareness weekend. Hopefully is was a smashing success! :)

  14. I hope it's all good things keeping you busy!

    We'll be waiting when you have time to update us.

  15. Praying for your family. I hope you are enjoying your day off.

  16. Nate,

    Reading your life with Tricia is absolutely incredible! Tricia was so strong. I read her life story and was pretty amazed how long she was fighting her CF. You deserve to be happy gifted with little ANGLE Gwytneth. My Prayers are in your guys! To, Tricia, hope many, many more years to come and may God continue to bless you as you travel along. I wish you both good luck throughout your journey... God Speed!!!


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