
Monday, August 25, 2008


FYI, this is the 10,001 picture I've taken with my "new" Canon (the one that Tricia gave me for Christmas). My guess is, Gwyneth is in at least 8000 of those pictures...that's normal, right?



  1. Of Course it is normal...I am just glad someone else is as pictures obsessive as I! Pictures tell a story...they will be even more special in 10, 20, andn 30 years from now!
    PS...we LOVE pictures...especially of Miss Gweneth!

  2. the question is what are you doing with the pictures to make memories? Let's get together and scrapbook!

  3. Totally normal!! Don't miss a moment, they grow up fast!

  4. Cutie patootie! Gwyn's so pretty-- looks like her hair might be becoming darker? :-)


  5. She looks like she is saying "WHAT....only 8000?"

  6. Your normal! Thats my dx to you. Treatment plan take more pictures LOL
    You won't be sorry that you did it later down the road.
    She is a cutie.
    How is Tricia doing???

  7. Absolutely normal. Moreso in the age of dslrs (I am almost glad they did not exist in any affordable price range years ago or I would have had even more work to do getting them journaled). Fortunately, pictures do tell so much, but my biggest mistake, reflecting 20 years out, was thinking that I would remember every single wonderful moment, every cute thing said, etc, with such crystal clarity that I would have no problem putting it all to paper, someday..... because I don't remember everything. Your blog is such great solution to some of that issue. (isn't she just such a big girl these days!?!)

  8. Totally. My gracious...she's so cute.

  9. what I meant to conclude was to take up the offer to scrap some of them (not ALL of them)! :)

  10. and I thought I was the only one!
    I take just as many of the kids I care for during the day as I do my own children!!!

  11. absolutely normal and absolutely adorable!!!

  12. Totally normal, and oh my goodness, she looks older than the last time you posted a photo of her!

    I hope Tricia is feeling better. Erika :)

  13. What a cutie! She has got to be the most perfect mixture of Mommy and Daddy.

    Oh and BTW...totally normal!

  14. Nathan, I'm not sure there is anything "normal" about you :)

    With the two girls in your life, no wonder you take so many photos...they are both gorgeous!

  15. Well, who WOULDN'T take pictures of that precious baby?? Normal. Absitively, posolutely normal.

  16. es. 100% normal. Especially with a baby as cute as her!

  17. ROFL at how much she looks like your Dad in this photo!!!!

    If you and your uncle really scrapbook together, please take a picture and post it!

  18. I just LOVE your pictures of Gweneth!! She has the most precious facial expressions!!

  19. Wow. You've been counting? lol

  20. Clearly I need more of a life. I took more than 40,000 photos the first year I had my camera. EEK! It's an adorable photo. :)

  21. I think 80% might be an underestimate!

  22. Oh, she is giving you the stink-eye for taking pictures of things other than herself! She is so beautiful. Her parents did a good job! God's Peace.

  23. Absolutely it's normal!! Congrats on taking so many great pictures!! Gwyneth is getting so big and she is still as precious as the first day you shared her with us!!

  24. Normal... & she is cuter than ever!!

  25. oh yeah, way normal :o) I wore out the photo shop when my midgets came into my life! look at her little pouty lip--- you better remember this particular look and harden your heart pop! this will be the face that accompanies every, buuutttt daddddddyyyyyy I reeeaaaalllllllyyyyyy waaaaaannnnnttttt thaaaaaattttt -- good luck! also hope you are feeling better since the other night!!

  26. Looking forward to THOUSANDS more!


    Such a sweet little girl.

  27. Cutie.
    Back in the old days we had to pay for film & developing. I still have film of my babies I couldn't afford to develop!

  28. Wow... I feel like a sucky parent now. My kiddo is 18 months old this Wednesday, and I have about 500 of her.

    Gwyneth is absolutely precious, and I love seeing how big she's getting. God is so awesome!

  29. With a baby as cute as yours, why not?!

  30. Wow! That's a lot of pics! Very beautiful subjects you have though! Gwyneth's hair looks like it's coming in thick and dark, how fun!!

  31. Oh my gosh... that pout.. too cute...

  32. G is getting so big compard to the last time i saw her i love her so mcuh and cannot beleive how much hair she got i cant wait to see you again bye



  33. Yes this is normal and you are so funny:)

  34. i think that it is completely normal uncle nate!!!!



  35. To a new dad whos go though everything you have? you betca its normal! keep clicking away!

  36. If you scrap with Andy...can we have pictures of this? proof that 'normal' men scrap? pretty please?

  37. Totally normal!!! I have loads of pics of my first son... can't say the same for the other three though, lol!

  38. The REAL question is...Do you have them all printed yet? LOL!! :)

    She's adorable and very much worth taking all of those pictures. :)
    How's Tricia feeling today??


  39. Completely normal!

    And I'm sure one of her first words will be "Cheese!", like my lil' Peanut since we have gazillions of pics of our girls.

  40. I find it very normal! Great shot!

  41. Yes that's normal, now the goal would be to take as many as number 2, 3 or however many the Lord gives you.

    I know with our first we have TONS of pictures. We've tried, but have been unsuccesful with taking as many of number two. I feel bad for number three...whenever that may be!

    God bless.

  42. Yes, it is normal. BTW is Gwyneth off the O2 or was it just for the picture? (Sorry if I missed this milestone in a previous post.)

    Something I wanted to ask you:

    Was Tricia ever on the Bi-pap? I know she was on a respirator prior to transplant.

    I just started using the Bi-pap--quite the experience!

    Deron Arnold 37 w/cf and pre lung-transplant

  43. very normal... sure.... of course... :) she looks so much like her daddy!

  44. Your Cannon has served you well -- Rock On.

  45. Wow...*only* 8,000 pics of Gwyneth, you're seriously slacking :-P

  46. Completely normal!!! I believe she looks a tinsy winsy bit like her daddy, don't you??? :)

  47. Is that all? :) Absolutely normal around my house! She is absolutely precious!

  48. No you're not normal. Most first time parents take way more than that!

    My oldest is almost 9 and we had to do the whole film/develop thing. Not to many pictures and the ones we did take weren't very good. Fast forward to this past year. Our youngest had almost 500 pictures just from the 2 days in the hospital.

  49. Pretty baby! I would take 8k or so as well.

  50. Totally normal! Before kids, my photos were all of my dogs. Now they are lucky to make it in 10 photos over the course of the year. It's all about those cute baby faces!

  51. And I thought I was bad! I just downloaded my blog into to get it printed as a book and I have 10,300 pictures in it, but that's been a whole years worth! LOL

  52. It is completely normal.. especially with the first kid! There are TONS of pics of me - and of my sister, well, not so much! Sorry sis! We are a picture-a-holic family as well. My mom's attitude is "If you don't have a picture of it, it didn't happen!" There is a mind set for you!!
    Glad you have so many memories with Gwyneth!

  53. Such a serious face...she must be tired of having her picture taken! Oh well, I guess she will have to get used to it!

  54. To make you feel "normal" we have probably taken around that much of our son. He is 14 months though, but still. It is very normal for us to take around 1000 pictures in a month. (not just of him, but of whatever.)

    But that is what photographers do, right?

    We are working on our photography website, so I'll send it to you when it is up.

  55. LOL That is totally normal!!!


  56. She has such a precious little face...and those, eyes. Wow!!!

  57. SO VERY normal! I wish I had something to count how many pics I've taken of my kids. (with only a handful of me and/or my hubby)
    She's looking so good, btw!

  58. at her hair! It is getting thicker and darker!! Fun times:)

  59. ahhhh yes, I just bought the Canon xti rebel and what an amazing thing. I am going to classes to become a photographer and I so love what this camera does.
    Can't think of a better subject than Gweneth!! Keep shootin!!

  60. Yup! Perfectly normal!
    And everyone of those pics a treasure.

  61. ohmigosh Nate, she has that "look" you give in your pix LOL...

    When I saw her, I just flashed back to a pix you posted here with the exact same expression on your face...

    She is daddy's girl for SURE! :-D

  62. Eight thousand...very normal.

    Eight thousand and one...not!

  63. ABSOLUTELY normal! LOL!! Imagine how many pics I have (twin girls born @ 23 weeks 5 days)--I had a buy an external drive a long time ago & I'll bet we're almost at full capacity on that one! Besides, how can you not have 8,000 pics of that cutie pie?!

    Hugs & Blessings!

  64. Lol. If it's not normal, count me in with the abnormal.

    She's as gorgeous as ever!

    Apryl in NC

  65. So normal. I will warn you though, my kids now go hide when they see my camera come out.

  66. I'm not keeping track of how many of my photos have Edward in them, it would be too crazy haha!! I think the trick is to keep it up past the baby years.

    I can't believe how grown up your little White Rose is looking these days, she suddenly seems to look like a little girl :o)

    Truly amazing, love to you all xox

  67. Totally wonderful. One of these days she'll be all grown up and you'll have these wonderful 8000 and more pictures to look at and remember how little her fingers and toes were. What a beautiful little girl you have. Gweneth is such a miracle.

  68. It's certainly normal, I dont leave my house without my camera!! You can never have too many pictures... pictures are memories you will ALWAYS have to look back on!!! So you just keep shooting away with that camera and I'll be looking forward to seeing many more to come!


  69. Shoot I must not have read the blog where you said what kind of Canon your wife got you...My hubby just got me the Canon 40D this spring, but I'm only at picture # 5806!

    So what camera do you shoot with?

  70. Of course it is normal when you have such photogenic subjects to photograph. HAAAA!

  71. yeah, as normal as the amzing story of your adorable daughter (and wife!) is!

  72. So cute, we are still praying. May God bless your beautiful family.

  73. Um - perfectly normal... well, if comparing that to my pattern makes it normal!!! least it makes me not look so strange :-)

  74. Totally normal... our daughter is 5 months old and I wonder when I will start to back off taking pictures of her. No time soon, that's for sure!!


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