
Thursday, August 7, 2008


Do You Facebook? (HINT: CLICK THE LINK...)



  1. I facebook, but mainly to keep up with longtime friends. I can't stand myspace (that whole 'who has the most friends?' thing) and I refuse to let my facebook get like that.

    But yeah ... I have it. I like it.

  2. Yup. I have caught up with a bunch of old friends through "social networking." It's great!

  3. Yes I do. Keep in touch with lost and old friends, I found about 10 people from my college ministry group that I haven't see in about 6 years! I really like it!

  4. yes. but not as often as i read blogs.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I just started one, but it's not as fun as blogging or reading blogs.

  7. Yep-started because of my kids. I've found a few people I'd lost touch with too. Pretty neat tool. And by the way, I'll be "attending" your "event".

  8. Hey guys! I dont think he really wanted to know so much as to tell you that if you have it you should check out his bulletin... LOL.

    I posted it to my friends on myspace.

    Can't wait!

  9. I love me some facebook :o) And now it will remind me to come back here tomorrow night to ummm watch you go bald :o)


  10. So, do you have to actually be your friend on facebook to see what the link is? All it showed me was events from my current friends! But I love me some facebook! :)

  11. oh a new place for us to stalk your family? ;)

  12. I do, and I even got a message from your beautiful wife, herself. :) Made me feel special, actually. I enjoy facebook a lot. Great to keep up with out of town friends, share pics, and send notes of encouragement or just raz a little, too.

  13. I love facebook and I work with the teens at our church and it has been a great way to get messages and stuff to them!!!and them to me!!

  14. My newest and biggest time waste...I LOVE facebook

  15. Yes I have facebook and this is a friend of mine going thru cancer! If anybody can attend the benefit it will be a great time!

  16. Oh wow! That totally went over my head before!! ;o) Glad you posted the hint for us simple-minded people! Haha!

  17. Clicked on the link but it said that there are no events

  18. So can we invite you to be a friend on facebook? I need someone bald as a friend.


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