
Thursday, August 7, 2008

Play Time



  1. Love the hat! Good luck with the haircut tomorrow!

  2. She is incredibly edible!! I could eat her up, she is too darn cute. You give this woman baby fever!!

  3. She's totally adorable!! Every time my 17 month old sees Gwyneth she goes "Beeee Beeee (baby) I wuv yewwww (her little southern accent)" Then blows Gwyneth a kiss, and calls her self a "fweet giwl (sweet girl)" because she gave Gwyneth love. She's seen Gwyneth's pictures enough to know who she is :)

    Can't wait to see your nice bald head :)

  4. She's so beautiful! In that third picture she looks just like her mommy!!

  5. These pictures of Gwyneth and the ones taken of her and Tricia are just too precious for words!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. She is so cute!! Loved the pics.

  7. Absolutely adorable, but then again, what pic of Gwyneth isn't adorable.?

  8. All of these pictures are amazing! Glad that she is doing so well! Can we see a picture of her with her pug just would love to see how much more she had grown!

  9. I laugh that you take soo many pictures of the same pose. You are definatly a first time dad, and a proud one at that. Keep those pictures coming, and love the videos too.

  10. Love the pics... she is just too cute!

  11. Gorgeous! Such a cutie pie!

    Interesting that your bald hair day will coincide with the opening of Summer Olympics 2008!

    Marissa :-)

  12. Oh Nate and Tric...she is just so cute..Pictures of her w/o her oxygen on! I just LOVE seeing her whole face.
    love and prayers,

  13. As I was looking at this post it occurred to me that I should warn you of something to come... at some point down the road she and her friends will realize that wherever you (Nate) are, there too is the camera... Now, for picture hog little girls, that is a great thing. For their friends ... well, your child starts telling you that her friends complain that you take too many pictures... :-D Just thought a warning was in order!
    (love the pics btw)

  14. I think these are some of my favorite pics so far! What a cutie. We are praying.

  15. Love the pics from the past several posts (well, love them all throughout) but, my is she growing!!! (Doncha love the vocal exercises at 3 am??) Much love and prayers to all of you.
    God Bless,
    Jamie in Texas
    PS Both you and Tricia look like you're holding up ok! (Get the Visine yet?) ;)

  16. What a sweet baby! Those eyes are HUGE!!! I love little babies with great big eyes....


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