
Sunday, August 10, 2008

Friday Night



Our good friend, Rich wanted to join in the fun to show Tricia his support as well.

Buddy obviously has some experience with shaving heads...



  1. You look good bald... giving Mr. Clean a run for his money!

  2. It was awesome to watch it all unfold live!!! The internet is amazing! Glad you are able to use it to accomplish so much good in this world!

  3. The bald look is pretty cool. I sport that look myself. I have to say though that mohawk was stylin'!

  4. Looks like a lot of fun....and all for a good cause!!

  5. love it! way to go nate! what a statement!

  6. we enjoyed watching your live web-cam Friday night....These pictures are great! you can pull off the bald look too! Looks good Nate!

  7. Hey, I think you look great bald. You should keep it that way for a while.

    Katie in Dallas

  8. Dude, you sorta look like an ex-con...


  9. I like it! I think you should stick with the bald look. ;)

  10. That is so cool! What a statement for all of you to make!

  11. You know, bald is in! I know many bald men, including my brother, dad and a good friend. And, somehow after a guy goes bald we don't remember what they looked like with hair and don't want them to grow any of it back either. Congratulations!



  12. I quite like the clean shiny look! Way to go!

  13. Awesome! You definitely have the head shape to do bald! It looks good. :-)

  14. Nate, you rocked the hawk! I like the bald look. I had fun watching the web cast, and it looked like you guys had fun too!

  15. Love the bald look! Praise the Lord for the good you have done for many!

  16. Tricia please don't beat me up. But Nate looks kinda sexy with a bald head. What do you think?

  17. Nate, you head isn't as ugly as you led us to believe! My husbands is much uglier. You should see the lumps this man has in his head!

    Anyway, I enjoyed watching. It was especially cute to hear Miss Gwenyth in the background!

    Oh, and totally off topic but I have a song suggestion for you for your White Rose montages that you do. Have you heard the song "Daughter" by Loudon Wainwright? It's great, imo. He's a YouTube link to it...

    We love it!

  18. the mohawk is a good look for'll have to keep it sometime in the future :-)

  19. guys are following your lead and standing solidly behind the fashion of the day..

  20. Other than your head needing a little sun... I think it looks great. It suits you. I actually even liked the mohawk. :)
    What does baby think of Daddy's new look?

  21. cool photos!, i thought that Nate , you look really good with the mohawk! i think you should grow a mohawk when u grow your hair back!! :) what about it eh?

  22. you guys were cracking me up...oh and love the interpeter!

  23. You look great without hair! Praise the Lord for your creativity and sense of humor! Stay strong in Jesus!

  24. I agree with Rick. He said this morning he felt like he outta shave his head. Let me be the first to say that I agree with him. I will go as far as to say.......if he does, I will. At least I have a "head start on him".

    C'mon Rick, would it be great to look out among the crowd on Sunday....and see a sea of shiners?

  25. It's nice to know Tricia has such a good support group. You, Gwyneth and Tricia will really make a statement together!

  26. Are you going to hit 6 million on Monday?

  27. A different look for you! At least it's not too cold out there yet for your newly naked head!! A very worthy 'do' for a very worthy cause. You all seemed like you had alot of fun in the process too!

  28. Handsome guys!!!

    There was a boy at our church, who had ALL and when he started chemo, we had a shaving party at church.

    In the end, twelve men (including the priest and choir director), five boys, one older lady and one young girl all got their heads shaved. Most amazing thing, still makes me tear up to call to mind.

  29. Umm, you guys look a little scary to me. (Just kidding.)
    Looks great! Y'all did a great job.

  30. i think you look great bald. also, considerably fearsome.


  31. Actually Nate, I disagree with your previous comments. You look great as a baldy! Sending lots of love and prayers to Tricia...

  32. Nate, I think you look very handsome with you shaved head! Very proud of you. I'll be shaving my head one day as well... Still building up on the guts!
    Very proud of you and your other bald friends!
    Take care and love to Tricia.

  33. Nate, the seventh picture up from the bottom, with your head shaved and face scrunched up, looks so much like Gwyneth! You are a crazy man on a mission. We are praying.

  34. I think that last picture looks like some kind of Rock Band! And I think that you look better bald! It's workin' for ya Nate. Tricia is so blessed to have a husband that loves her and supports her like you do. God Bless you all.


  35. Loved the mohawk!

    I just have two words for you.

    Sun screen.

  36. What?!? Only 1 tan head in the bunch! :)

  37. That's just great on so many levels!!!

  38. great photos & i loved watching the video as well! do you have any recent photos of Gwyenth with the pug?

  39. I still so think you should have done the mohawk. You look totally punk in that picture.

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. Awesome mohawk!!!!!!

    Now all you need to do is shave the sides of your beard off and then you'll look REALLY hot!
    oh, and then get a Harley ;)

  42. It grosses me out ever so slightly that this fun was all taking place in the kitchen... :)

  43. yey uncle nate you did it now you are bald

  44. Video was halarious! And the new do's aren't bad the way, you do know that the retired wrestler, Ivan Koloff lives here in Ayden/Greenville area, right?! Him & his wife are so nice. Just thought you might like to know, in case you ever wanted to look him up. Still praying for you & your familia.
    Jo & the fellas


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