
Saturday, August 9, 2008

Good Night!

We increased our take from last year to more than $1500 tonight (which is great news, since we're hoping to double our Great Strides goal from last year)! Lots of pancakes and fun! Thanks to everyone who came out to help and eat! And, the best part about it was, I didn't organize anything...I just showed up!

A special thanks to Patrick, James and Brian for giving 4 hours of their time and energy to cook, and to Steve the Dream for coming out on his own time and providing some great live music.



  1. Hi Nate,

    I left something for you on my blog. :)


  2. We couldn't be there (Living in Florida, and all), so we made pancakes for dinner, and donated to your Great Strides walk!

    Almost as good as being there!

  3. yeah... living in Cali sure has been a bummer when I see all the fun events out your way to come and support! so awesome to hear of another great turnout.

  4. Glad all went well. You are inspiration to all us in the "cf world" a mommy of a CF'er I find much encouragement and joy in all you do for multiple causes...God Bless!

  5. Reading that? Truly makes my birthday even better =) I am so happy for the awareness you have spread for cancer and cf research. Good luck!!

  6. I must say that the pancakes were great. But the real treat was being served by Nate. You could tell he had his heart and soul into it. And to see him and Trish eat dinner together was a blessing. The admiration that my family felt was a true feeling of love and hope.

    Thank you Nate,
    for showing the right way to be humble and love something so much!

  7. Nate and Tricia, thank you for raising money for CF. My little Froggy thanks you too!

    Every year since Froggy was diagnosed, we have jeopordized friendships, personal and business relationships to fundraise. Our feeling is, "Yes, we're asking for money, but it's for our daughter's life" So if people don't understand that, we're okay with losing people as friends, or business associates. It's so incredibly important. So far in only two years of fundraising, we've raised over $50,000!

    I'm so glad you guys are doing well, shaved head and all. Thank you for bringing the much deserved attention and money to CF research.

    And from the last few pics, it's incredible how much the babe looks like her mama. Their features are incredibly similar. Sorry Nate, you're cute too, but mom and babe take the cake! Much love. Elise (mama to Addie 2w/CF)

  8. Hey Nate,
    Great job on all your fund raising. That is awesome.

    Just wanted to let you know that because of your blog, my friends (who are on vacation in the OBX), were able to attend a great church today. They said it was great!

    Take care!

  9. what a story you have here!

    Thanks for sharing it.

    you have a beautiful family.

    OH, and for the record. NICU, while a wonderful thing to as a second home. As do hospitals in general.

    Glad you have everyone home, finally. Keep them there,huh?


  10. I am so happy you guys had a great night and turnout. Wish I could have been there, but being I'm miles away, it would have been a little difficult. You guys did a great job, so I thank you and all who have helped once again for helping in this fight against CF.



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