
Thursday, August 21, 2008

Going All In

A few nights ago, I buzzed Tricia's remaining few hairs almost as short as mine. Tricia, you are amazing!



  1. You two are so cute! Tricia, our prayers continue for you!

  2. Tricia,

    You are one beautiful, amazing, Godly woman. Continuing to pray for you!

  3. Tricia, you look BEAUTIFUL! Your smile has touched my life in ways you can't imagine! And that man of yours has taught my teen daughters WHAT they need to look for as their lives move into adulthood. They are now praying that God will bless them with such a wonderful husband as you have. The two of you have brought and taught SO MUCH to all of the entire world!! God has used your love for each other to teach us and bless us....and we THANK YOU!

  4. YOU TWO LOOK AWESOME!!! Who knew bald could be so beautiful/handsome :)

  5. You put the beautiful in the "bald is beautiful!"

  6. you look amazing even without hair... you guys look precious together!!

  7. My last comment is directed to Trish. Sorry Nate :)

  8. You look AMAZING!!! Hair or not, your smile lights up the world!!!!!

  9. Tricia, you are so beautiful inside and out. You don't know me at all, probably never will, but you, Nate and Gwyneth have touched my life in such a way that I won't ever be the same. I am so grateful that I somehow came across your blog, Nate, and I am thankful that the 3 of you continue to let us walk a very small part of this gigantic journey with you. I am praying for all of you and sending you all the good positive vibes I can muster every day. Stay strong!!!!! *HUGS*

  10. Not may ladies can pull off the bald look and still look good. Tricia has pulled it off, it looks great on her. I think its' a sweet look.

    Do you guys need a supply of Edge?

  11. Bald is beautiful!
    Good thing your heads are not lumpy- haha. I know I would never be able to pull off that look so nicely :)
    We're praying for you guys!

  12. Alright, now that just take's the cake -- she's gorgeous even without hair -- now how fair is that to the rest of us?????

  13. Tricia IS AMAZING for sure....your whole family is amazing!

  14. I think you are going to start a new trend!! Beautiful:)

  15. When I was pregnant and had to go off coffee (for me, 1 cup leads to 57 cups - it's sort of all or nothing), my husband went off coffee right along with me. While my caffeine withdrawl was a tiny pinprick to the gash of chemo you guys are facing, it still helped to have a loving supporter in the trench with me. Seeing your bald heads and big smiles, I'm reminded of that solidarity and know the two of you can face anything together!

  16. ok i created this account just to tell trisha how beautiful she is!

    I have been following your blog since before gwyneth was born and you guys have blessed my life in SO many ways. I have cried many tears with and for you...prayed many prayes for you all while scrubbing into the NICU for my own litte man. Watching the hand of God has amazed me like I never expected it to when we were little in Sunday School. Thank you for being open, honest and willing.

    You guys are just great!

  17. Stunning Tricia. Nate, you don't look half bad, but you've got nothing on that beautiful woman of yours! Your beautiful bald heads just give God that much more room to reflect HIS light off of! :) Hope you're feeling okay and that this round of chemo will not be too rough in the aftermath. Again, you look simply amazingly, wonderfully made, and beautiful... much love, from MO.

  18. So precious! Tricia, I admire your strength that can only come from the Holy Lord!

  19. Tricia-
    We love you! You look beatifal as always and well your other half is not to bad bald either. HAHA
    Praying in PA

  20. Tricia, you look incredible! I hope you are beginning to feel better- our prayers continue for you!

  21. She is still beautiful and simply amazing.

  22. tricia, i am amazed by your ability to look radiant with or without hair!!


  23. Gorgeous!!!

    Poor Gwyneth is probably thinking "Darn it, I finally start learning to pull hair and you people shave it all off!"

    You two rock those looks!

  24. Seriously ya'll are the cutest couple EVER!!!! Now you just need a pic of sweet Gwyneth's bald head too!!! That would be a cute picture!! Ya'll are so blessed to have eachother. Hope Tricia is feeling better and you have a nice week!

  25. You two are ALMOST as adorable as Gwyneth! :)

  26. What a beautiful couple!!!
    Have a great day!!

  27. Captivated by your story and the love you have for one another. Thank you for continuing to share the good and the bad. I know that you have shared the hope of Christ with so many. I can't help but feel like I know you guys and I know that is the body of Christ in action. We'll continue to lift up your burdens here in Texas. Take each day one step at a time:)

  28. Tricia, you are an amazing woman and you look great!!

  29. That's what I call LOVE.. pure, simple, and without hesitation.

  30. Absolutely STUNNING!! All of you!! No doubt about it!! Praying for all of you!!

  31. Awwww!!! Tricia - your even beautiful bald!!!! Still praying for you this week as you go through all the side effects of chemo. It's so amazing to see pictures of you with EVERYTHING you have been through - and you are still smiling!!! God bless you!!!

  32. your love takes my breath away daily.

    thanks for sharing :)

  33. Look at that smile! You rock!!

  34. Sweet. You two are the perfect example of unconditional love.

  35. Beautiful! It shows off your beautiful eyes!

  36. You are beautiful.

  37. She IS amazing! Does she ever compain or act self conscious? I wish I could be more like Tricia! Graceful! Seriously GRACEFUL!

  38. Tricia, you're my hero!

    Bald=beautiful :)

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. i LOVE the pictures!! Tricia you look glowing and beautiful as usual...nathan thanks for making her so happy!!!

  41. I think it's neat you two match. The circumstances aren't neat, please believe me, but I think it's neat that you are both going at it full steam ahead.

    Blessings on you both.

  42. You guys make a beautiful couple. I pray that this chemo is kicking some butt inside your body!!

  43. That;s my new favorite picture. Tricia your beauty cant be put into words. You are amazing

  44. You guys are amazing and make me cry.

    Tricia, there is no doubt in my mind that you are one of the most loved women on the face of the planet! Wow. The love (that has come from your blog) overwhelms me constantly!

    Everyone is right, Tricia, your smile is amazing!

    Rebekah Larson

  45. You guys are awesome. Based on the pictures, it clearly wasn't Tricia's hair that made her beautiful!

  46. His and her haircuts!! Awesome!!'re so strong!'re so supportive!

    Lots of P&PTs for you as you continue your fight!

  47. And she seriously still looks BEAUTIFUL!! Thinking of you guys, and praying for you, too!

  48. You guys look awesome. Continuing to send prayers your way my friends.

  49. I didn't even notice the hair being gone, all focused on were the smiles! Still praying.

    Hugs & Blessings!

  50. Tricia, you look absolutely stunning. Not many people could pull that off!! Many prayers for you and your family!!!!

  51. Your both amazing.
    Nothing more can be said.
    Praying here in Michigan.

  52. Tricia, you are beautiful and my absolute HERO!

  53. The two of you are so precious. Tricia, I dont think anything can take your beauty away. You are simply beautiful no matter what. And Nate, I would have to agree with you and say that is Tricia AMAZING, in so many ways! Tricia, keep smiling, your smile can light up the world.

    Go Bless!!
    Angela :)

  54. Tricia - few women can pull off bald - you totally can!! Praying for you!

  55. Tricia you look beautiful bald!!!

  56. You are BEAUTIFUL!
    It is your sparkling eyes and beautiful smile.

    You just shine!

  57. Tricia has the best bald head. Truly. :)

    I think we should do a photo of the three of you "baldies." I think Gwyneth may have the most hair, if you don't take Nate's facial hair into consideration.

    How often can a seven-month-old say that? :)

  58. I wish I would look that good as a bald person. Tricia, you are stunningly beautiful!

  59. Tricia, you look BEAUTIFUL!!!!

    Nate, you are an awesome man to stand by your wife and shave your head too. She is truely blessed to have such an amazing person as you to stand by her. I can only hope and pray that things look up. Your faith and your love for eachother are inspiring beyond words.

    As for going bald: YOU TWO HAVE BALLS!

  60. Very sexy! What does Gwyneth think?

  61. amazing and beautiful your Tricia is!!!

  62. You still look amazing Tricia. You too Nate. ;o)

  63. Tricia looks beautiful - as usual. Continuing to pray for her that she feels better and that the chemo beats the cancer.
    Much love and hugs.
    Susan from California.

  64. Nice picture. Beautiful! You two are adorable! CUTE!!!!!Now Gwyneth in and it makes a really nice threesome:-)

    Continue to pray for you, praying that everything goes well.

  65. Awws...
    Now then wheres the picture of the three of guys are all prefect for the other...with or without hair...

  66. Bald IS beautiful *wink*

    Keep on striding forward Tricia and Nate. Gwyneth is as beautiful as ever and goodness how she has grown! Nate, you are the epitome of what a husband should be and is. Tricia, you are one wonderful mama. Gwyneth, you are an angel on earth!

  67. love it! you guys are the cutest!

    April Horton

  68. Tricia, you look lovely. The shine from your eyes and smile are so bright and beautiful.
    Praying for your healing.

  69. Okay, not fair. One woman should not be allowed to look beautiful with hair and a shaved head!
    You guys look great.

  70. Tricia, I've been meaning to mention this but now that you're rocking the "Bald and the Beautiful" look I just had to have *the* nicest eyebrows and eyelashes! You could seriously do ads for eye makeup. Not many people can be as beautiful on the outside as they are on the inside, but you two really pull it off!

  71. Tricia is going to start a fad. I think I'll shave my head. It sure would be cheaper and easier, too. I don't think I'd look as cute, though.

  72. Tricia, you are toooo beautiful. I continue to pray for you. You are such an inspiration of faith. Keep going girl!

    Hug, Susan

  73. Tricia and Nate - tears of joy fall as I look at your pictures. God brings you both to mind so often - that I feel like we have been friends forever!

    Your pictures are adorable and the love you share shines so brightly - one can't help but be touched by His love pouring out of you both!

    Have a blessed day and know that we pray for you daily!

    Trusting God for more miracles in your life!

  74. How cute.....Tricia looks better than nate...sorry Nate...she can really carry off the bald thing. My oldest (n her mid 30's) and her hubby shaved their heads in a fund raiser for pediatric cancer research in the spring...she looked good w/o hair too. You guys are great

    Shari nc

  75. :D (thats my toothy grin)

    Now we can really see so much of Tricia in Gwyneth!

  76. Tricia looks just gorgeous! Nathan will have to keep the razor busy to keep up with her. Prayers continuing... Oh--I did see a T-shirt somewhere that read "I'm too sexy for my hair." You two should wear those!

  77. Beautiful!!

    We continue to pray for you!

  78. Tricia, you are an AMAZING woman. You have touched so many lives. Seeing you with that HUGE smile on your face with that beautiful bald head just lights up my day. Your family is amazing. Thank you so much for sharing your incredible story.

  79. Tricia, You are amazing & you look beautiful! I continue to pray for you in this new battle & I know that our amazing God can do ALL things!!
    Emily in Mississippi

  80. I love you guys! I am going through a trying time right now and you are such inspirations to me. Thank you for sharing your story. You give me hope!

    Heidi Reed

  81. Tricia you are beautiful!!! Nate you are okay looking bald also ;)

  82. "Amazing" is the understatement of the year!!! :)

  83. Hair or no hair, you are beautiful Tricia. Great pictures!

  84. You guys are so cute!!!!
    Tricia you look beautiful.


  85. i see beauty.

    saying prayers for strength and health...

  86. Tricia, you have a gorgeous shaped head! ;)

  87. First of all - you are both gorgeous bald!

    Secondly - these pictures are such a testament to the type of couple you are - the type of people you both are. You have just had to shave the remaining hair from your wife's awesomely shaped melon and there the both of you are - ABSOLUTELY BEAMING. You can seriously FEEL the love in the pictures.

    Absolutely mind boggeling... how precious your family is.

    Prayers continue!

    Much Love,
    The VandeCastles

  88. You both look ravishing together! Still praying for all of your well-beings.

    Marissa :-)

  89. You two are precious! Tricia, you look gorgeous as always. Your heart is bigger than anyone I know! Now you all need to take a picture of the three of you before Gwyneth gets anymore hair. :)

    Hugs from El Paso,
    Karla and family

  90. Wow! She is amazing! We all know that! But she is so beautiful!

  91. An absolute inspiration to all of us. I wish your family only the best! What a beautiful family, with hair and especially without! Thank you for opening your lives to us so we can see God's miracles through your family!

  92. Jesus just shines through that smile of yours...You are truly beautiful, Tricia!

    Blessings to you,

    Southern CA

  93. If that isn't inspiring, then I don't know what is!
    God bless your family!

  94. Tricia you are A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. Your smile is precious, and my prayers for you are many. I pray that God rids you of the cancer completely, The God I serve is capable of just that.
    Nate you are a precious husband, you both make me cry when I visit because you have such a blessed life among the hardships.
    I pray without ceasing for you all.

  95. yes tricia you are amazing and beautiful with or without hair!!

  96. I think you're both beautiful!!!!

  97. Lovely, the pair of you. Does this mean Gwyneth has the most hair in the family now :D

    I also want to thank the two of you for being so open and honest about your faith. Nate your blog helped me so much to talk openly about my walk with God, I'll always be grateful for that, Bless you.

    Praying for you all as always.

  98. Aw you guys are so cute, God Bless you Tricia, you are a inspiration!

  99. What was it that I heard once....something about a bald head being a solar panel to your love machine...hummm. You guys look great!

  100. Tricia, you are beautiful! I hope someday to have the courage and grace that you have, no matter what's happening in life.

  101. The Bald and the Beautiful...nice job!

  102. Tricia you ARE amazing! Strongest woman I "know!"

  103. She is beautiful!
    You are both so amazingly strong. I look up to Tricia in so many ways!

    Keeping you all in my thouhts =]

  104. Bald and beautiful! You make a totally cute couple. :)

  105. Tricia,
    You are still one beautiful, amazing and strong woman. Will pray for the best for your family.
    Elaine from MT

  106. Wow! You would think that the first thing one would notice would be the lack of hair but honestly, that smile just blows me away! After all your family has been through, the joy is what is most striking! Thanks for sharing your journey and your pictures.

  107. Tricia is absolutely beautiful! She doesn't need hair to be gorgeous! Our prayers are with you!

  108. You guys are so cute together, hair or no hair. Definitely the bald and the beautiful!!

  109. She's still absolutely stunning! Love the pictures!

  110. What I find so beautiful is the similarity between this picture and your wedding picture. Same loving gazes; just a bit less hair. An inspiring portrait of true love. Thanks for sharing!

  111. Love is an awesome thing! You both look like smitten teenagers:)

    Praying a blessing over your marriage for many more years of happiness together.

    Not many can pull off the bald look but U 2 seem to rise to the top yet again!

    The Dovels

    ps wheres the cutest baldie of them all?

  112. So beautiful. You two radiate happiness. (((hugs)))

  113. Tricia, you are beautiful. With or without hair!

  114. Tricia you look great! You have such a cute head! The two of you are so amazing and fun. Prayers continue for you.

  115. She's a bald beauty! Pulls it off nicely. Only a confident woman could I think. I just wanted to drop a note, I hardly ever do. I check on you guys often and pray often. Your family is in my heart.
    Oh if your interested in my site email me and I will share. I don't want to sound like I am soliciting or anything.(which i don't sell anything anyway)

  116. She's a bald beauty! Pulls it off nicely. Only a confident woman could I think. I just wanted to drop a note, I hardly ever do. I check on you guys often and pray often. Your family is in my heart.
    Oh if your interested in my site email me and I will share. I don't want to sound like I am soliciting or anything.(which i don't sell anything anyway)

  117. She's a bald beauty! Pulls it off nicely. Only a confident woman could I think. I just wanted to drop a note, I hardly ever do. I check on you guys often and pray often. Your family is in my heart.
    Oh if your interested in my site email me and I will share. I don't want to sound like I am soliciting or anything.(which i don't sell anything anyway)

  118. well i guess this doesn't show my email. so my website is we have several people who ask about Tricia and you all the time.

  119. i think that aunt tricia still looks like my beautiful wonderful aunt even without hair, hair dosen't make you beautiful its the inside that counts!!!



  120. I see Jesus in both of you. And it's a beautiful thing to see.

  121. Awwww.. how awesome you both look!! Now Gwyneth has more hair than you two do.... just don't buzz her's Nate. LOL.

  122. Tricia, You look gorgeous! That first picture of you and Nathan is magazine material!

    Still praying!

  123. A beautiful photo of two beautiful people. And the 2nd one is a hoot - really shows your wacky personalities!
    Sending out best wishes to you

  124. Tricia, you are gorgeous!! :) Hope you guys have a great weekend!

  125. I agree - I love the unity! Plus - Tricia is amazingly beautiful no matter what =)

    Nate - not going to beautiful for you but I don't know...I might be a fan of bald for you!

    PS: Gwyneth now apparently has the official "longest" hair in the family!! =)

  126. beautiful and bald! who needs hair anyhow? happy thoughts to both of you!

  127. Jsut look at your noggin'! The first thing that came to mind was "fresh, clean, beautiful"! You are radiant.

  128. You guys have GREAT BALD HEADS!

    Cute pics as always.

  129. What great pictures! Continuing to pray for you all!

    Kelly Brown

  130. What great pictures! Continuing to pray for you all!

    Kelly Brown

  131. What a beautiful, STRONG couple! I cannot wait to see all the amazing things that God has in store for you!

  132. Super model tricia! She looks good bald! I love that you're supporting her in this too! Still praying for you guys! you should take a picture of the three of your lovely heads together! Beautiful image, literally and metaphorically!!!

  133. awww, that's awesome!
    You are such an inspiration to many, girl!
    Stay strong!!!

  134. Amazing AND beautiful... (I'm talkin' about Tricia here... Nate is just amazing). You are an incredible family, and you've more than proven that we are made in HIS image!

  135. And STILL smiling. Amazing, Girl!

  136. You know what they say, that God only made a few perfect heads and the rest he had to cover with hair! Awesomely brave and beautiful!!

  137. I like what Rhonda said above me. :)

    You two rock!

    Love the look!

    Praying in VA!

  138. Prayers all over the place for you Tricia! I lost my hair to chemo when I was a kid and to this day it amazed me that like you after my hair was gone my eyebrows were not! It was these little oddities that kept me guessing!

  139. Adorable. Now you are twins. LOL I am so glad that you are making fun of a time that I'm sure is rough for all of you. I hope you are feeling well Tricia and you are beautiful and don't ever think different. I hope that your sleeping is making you get better and that you have lots of help there for taking care of you, your baby and your hubby too. Hope he is feeling better soon so he can be strong for you.

  140. This comment has been removed by the author.

  141. Tricia, you look wonderful! I love how in love you two seem to be and you can see it in these pics. You're gorgeous!

    Praying for you all as always!

  142. Tricia you look absolutely beautiful. Nate you facial expressions are definitely one of a kind! You two make a cute couple.

  143. I'm in complete awe of your strength! Praying for you both.....

  144. Tricia, you are so beautiful, inside and out. And I mean it when I say that NOT every woman could pull off the buzz cut like you do! You are stunning.

  145. Tricia you look fabulous with or without hair. Like my grampa says: "God only made so many perfect heads...the rest he covered with hair."
    God bless!

  146. We are praying the chemo does the same to the cancer as it did your hair, makes it go away. Hang tough you two!

  147. Tricia, you are beautiful! Oh, and Nate, you look pretty good yourself!

    refreshing (and praying) in ohio

  148. Tricia, you are beautiful! Praying for you...

  149. Seriously-this woman is beautiful-hair or not. Don't know many people that would be true of.
    What beauty and courage!

  150. you both continue to amaze and bless me with your courage, perserverance and wonderful approach to life.
    You are the best of everything!

  151. Don't you two just look adorable?! Get well soon Tricia!!!

  152. Nate, The picture of you and Tricia brought me to tears and to the realization that Bald is truly beautiful! THanks for sharing.

  153. Tricia, you are just beautiful and it's funny that someone mentioned your eyebrows. I noticed them a while back and thought they were perfect!! I have a friend who was an eyebrow model. You'd be perfect for that. : )

    I'm praying for good health and energy.

    Nate, I'm praying you aren't getting sick. Take of yourself as well.

  154. You are a BEAUTIFUL and AMAZING WOMAN Tricia!!! You are a Role Model, For Sure and For Real!!! :)

  155. Your story is so inspiring. I pray for you as you travel this road together. Your love is a wonderful reflection of Christ's love for us.

  156. good for you Tricia!! you are truley amazing!

  157. You two are GORGEOUS!!! And so dang inspirational...thank you! *BIG HUGS AND PRAYERS from first-time reader in Denver, CO*

  158. I;ve never commented before, but after those pictures I have to tell you that 100% agree with your comment that Tricia is amazing. Your smiles brighten my day.

  159. The Bald And The Beautiful....don't forget your suncscreen (wink)

  160. I just wanted to say what a beautiful couple you are. Keeping you all in my heart and prayers. I think about you guys often.


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