
Thursday, August 21, 2008

Radio Interview Friday Morning

If you're in or around the OBX tomorrow morning around 8:10am, listen for me on Beach 104, talking with Moose and Jody about our Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Day this Saturday (more about that later)! They're the same guys that interviewed me a few months ago Here.



  1. for those of us not in the area any way you can send us a link to listen via the internet?

  2. Pass along to Tricia that she has a beautiful head! She has AWESOME ears. That's something God didn't bless me with...mine stick out a bit and are different but at this point in life....I have AWESOME hearing. It's amazing how your priorities change. Hope Tricia is feeling better. I pray for you and your family daily! Cheri in MO

  3. beautiful head! And ditto the internet link if there is one.

  4. Good Luck on the radio tomorrow!! :)

  5. Hi Nate, I heard you on the radio this morning as I was on my way to Chesapeake for an appointment. You sounded great and I got teary eyed when you talked about shaving your head and how Gywneth now has as much or more hair than her parents. Good luck on the fundraisers tomorrow for CF Awareness Day.
    Irene in EC


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