
Sunday, August 31, 2008

Prayers Tonight & Tomorrow

Having experienced several hurricanes here on the OBX over the past 20+ years (although nothing quite like Katrina and other monsters), I'll be praying, tonight and tomorrow, for those who have been and will be affected by Gustav...looks like he's a monster. I encourage you to take some time to do the same.




  1. We have been and will continue to be praying here in South Florida, we've had our share of hurricanes too and isn't nice to go through. Also praying Hanna doesn't head your way and cause too much trouble.

  2. We have had our share here in Wilmington, NC, and I am praying for those in the path of Gustav!

  3. I definitely will. My younger brother is in Texas right now, in Kilgore, and so that area will definitely be in my thoughts and prayers!

  4. Thank you for posting this reminder! We will be in the midst of this mess starting tomorrow night and will be greatly affected. It's so nice to know that there are other people out there concerned about us all!!

  5. Jack has relatives that just got settled into a home this spring after Katrina....
    praying for ALL in G's path.

  6. Thank you so much for the thoughts and prayers. We are a strong, close knit, community here in Diamondhead, MS. We went through Katrina which made us stronger people. We are waiting for Gustav and praying. I will be praying for much of today and tomorrow. Best of luck to anyone in the path and God Bless.

  7. Our church here in MN said had some prayer time for those in the path of this storm this morning. Will continue to be in my prayers!

  8. Have been & will be praying... I traveled to Waveland, MS to assist 8 wks. after Katrina and will never forget the mass devastation there. Praying for God's hand of protection over all in Gustav's path.

  9. The prayers are much needed, your right, and although everyone in his path or that will be affected in some way need prayer, I feel a special burden to pray for those that dwell in New Orleans. It is so soon after Katrina and these people have already suffered such devastation.

  10. If I recall correctly Katrina was a 2 when she it. There is a great possibility that Gustav will hit as a category 5. The very thought makes me sick to my stomach.

  11. We'll be praying, also. My dh was supposed to leave for Laredo, TX tomorrow. He goes there once or twice a week (trucker), so we've been watching the news closely so that he knows when he'll be able to leave. I'm glad he isn't down there right now!
    Hope you don't have problems with Hannah, Nate & Tricia.
    Aspiemom in GA

  12. My husband and I spent a week this past January doing some hurricane relief work in Gulfport, MS with a group from our church. Having seen first-hand how hard the people there have worked to rebuild after Katrina, and how much there is still to be done after three years, it just tears us up to think of the potential of that destruction happening all over again, in places that are just starting to come alive again! We have been praying, and will continue to do so! Thanks for reminding all of us, Nate!

  13. My thoughts and prayers are going out to everyone even remotely in the path. Thinking nothing but good thoughts for all of you...

  14. Thanks Nate... I'm right here is Beaumont/Port Arthur, Texas We go thit 3 years ago by Rita and lost our home... We had a mandatory evacuation this morning... Although hubby and I didn't leave.... We just thought for some reason we were safe from this G Monster.....

    Gosh I know NOLA cannot withstand another Moster and I have family down there... Thankfully they got out.... Now lets just pray they have a home when they return to NOLA.....

  15. Thanks for the prayers. Even though we arent right on the coast we are right in its path. A little nerve wracking. Thanks again for praying.

  16. Been praying and will continue here in Idaho!

  17. We will be praying here in Oregon. I never experienced before and i can't imagine what they have to go thru. I God will protect them :-)

  18. And praying for Hanna right on Gustav's heels!!!!

  19. I stand in agreement with you. Having experienced a Hurricane 3 about 12 years ago, I was humbled by the Lord's power. It was such a humbling experience. Thanks for remembering others when you have so much going on personally.

  20. Our whole Church had prayer for them tongiht!!! Check out my blog sometimes. I keep up with your from a friend of mine & the pitures of your little girl & wife are the ones of you ....well....haha but I appreciate your strength you have thru Jesus Christ!! He can do anything!!! you are an ispiration!! mine is

  21. Hi Nate,

    I just wanted to let you know I recommended your blog on my post of 'Blog Day' today (I was supposed to post it yesterday during Blog Day, sorry!) Your blog is really inspiring. I love it!

    Happy blogging :-)

  22. Checking your blog tonight in the driveway of my South Louisiana home. Thank you for prayers for Gustav. We live near the area most severely affected, but thankfully all our friends and family are well with relatively minor home damage. Without power since Monday and no sign of it coming soon. "Divining" internet from a neighbor who has his modem hooked up to a generator. :^) Modern technology! Wonderful!

    Praying for you guys with Hanna. Please remember all those in the path of Ike. It is looking scary. I just saw information on it tonight when checking online. We have had a hard time getting ANY good news lately, even on the radio.

    Take care. As always, praying for your sweet family.

  23. Just back online after Gustav. We lost our house, but my husband and I (and our pets) are unhurt. The Duke TX Team is pretty wired up about having me as uninvolved as possible in the clean-up of what remains of the structure. Molds are BAD for us double lung tx'ers! Glad Hanna didn't hit you too hard and hope your girls continue to grow strong!

    All the best from Baton Rouge!

  24. Just back online after Gustav. We lost our house, but my husband and I (and our pets) are unhurt. The Duke TX Team is pretty wired up about having me as uninvolved as possible in the clean-up of what remains of the structure. Molds are BAD for us double lung tx'ers! Glad Hanna didn't hit you too hard and hope your girls continue to grow strong!

    All the best from Baton Rouge!


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