
Saturday, August 30, 2008

See You Tomorrow

Silly Girl...



  1. So cute! She looks different though in this picture. Maybe it is her position.

  2. you must still be by yourself - lots of posting going on, too much time on your hands???

  3. ok now that could be the funniest and cutest picture of her yet!

    nate your sense of humor behind the camera is wonderful!

    thanks for sharing!!!
    love in Him,

  4. she's so precious! i can't get over just how fast she's growing. i remember when your wedding ring fit over her wrist... :)

    Ah, God is good.

  5. I know you'll be glad when your girls are home. :)

  6. Dear Nate,
    We're not letting them come back. You'll just have to come up and get them.
    The Sister

  7. Haha!! That's a very "emo"/"myspace" pose! It looks like she took it herself!

  8. Too cute... You probably cant wait to see your 2 girls tomorrow!! Hope they had a nice trip and you enjoyed your time as well. Praying for safe travels tomorrow.

    Good Night!

  9. How adorable... our little girl Piper has the same outfit... soo cute!

  10. OK-I have to agree with the PP-it totally looks like she took it herself. Lucky girl. I didn't get MY Nikon until I was 33. Really you two, don't you think you are spoiling her just a bit by giving her her own camera this early? Of course, you have to be proud of the mental and manual dexterity this little genius had to pull off to take it herself. LOL! Have a great night.

  11. Cute pic! Your tips below made me laugh. The Food Lion one was classic! Even on Oak Island the tourists cram into Food Lion and buy everything in sight. The best time to go is around 6am on Sunday morning, lol. That store (the one ON the island) does more business than any other Food Lion store.

  12. Sooo so cute! what kind of formula does Gwyneth drink now? I didn't see that mentioned in the Q&A below.

  13. that's an adorable pic of gwyneth!

  14. Hey I think our preemie princess has that same outfit! Sweet!

  15. Baby tongues! I love them! I end up kissing my daughter right on her tongue a lot, she's only 15-months old and still mastering the fine art of kissing her mommy :)

  16. I was wondering if we could see Gwyneth with her pug. It has been awhile since a pug update. Thanks.


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