
Wednesday, August 27, 2008


I know that lots of people have questions for us...I haven't done a good Q&A in a while, so here's your chance to ask.

I'll answer any question about the stuff on our blog that I am able and willing to answer and that I haven't already answered before like 47 times. I'd recommend that you first use the "labels" feature over on the right of your screen, or look at all of the previous Q&A's. I'll close the comments under this post on Friday morning.

Just to make it easy for you, Gwyneth is still on oxygen, but we take it off at times for several reasons, which is why some pictures show the cannula and others don't. I promise that you won't be able to miss my post on the day we're told she no longer needs the O2.




  1. Hi Nate!

    I was wondering how you choose which organizations to support. You have so many that apply to your unique family situation - how do you choose who gets your time and money?


  2. What is your best "Daddy moment" this week?

  3. In the face of such drastic earthly trials, does your faith ever waver?

  4. My question is for Tricia. How is motherhood going for her? Is she settling into her role as a mommy? It is such a huge change, having a little one.

  5. Yes, I too have been wondering how the house hunt has been going.

  6. My son, who is now 18 months, is a former 24 weeker. One of our big challenges was, and continues to be, getting him to gain weight. In order to assist him on this, his food has always consisted of a crazy concoction of preemie formula, breast-milk, safflower oil, Simply Thick, etc.

    I'm curious, is Gwyneth on any special diet to aid in her growth?

  7. Apart from any obvious chemo side effects, how do Tricia's new lungs feel? Does she feel like she can breathe more easily than she could last year?

  8. Does Tricia have any new post transplant likes/dislikes?

  9. I have some questions (some were already asked), but here they are anyway:

    1. How is the house hunt going?
    2. What kind of diet is Gwyneth on? Will you be able to start her on solid foods soon?
    3. I remember you noted that Tricia no longer craved Cranberry Juice since the transplant. Anything else quirky like that?
    4. How are YOU doing, Nate? How is it going back to work, caring for Tricia and being a new daddy?

    Love your blog. Your family is always in my prayers.

  10. Are you planning on a second child any time in the near future?

  11. Where is (in your opinion, of course) the best place to eat on the OBX? And if that place isn't seafood, where is the best seafood on the OBX? We're coming next week!

  12. I hope this isn't too personal of a question or I hope I don't offend Tricia's family by asking...but here goes--

    Does Tricia know of or have any contact with her birth parents/family?

    If it is too personal of a question, my apologies. Just delete me....

  13. Hi Nate,
    I was wondering if Tricia was able to care for Gwyneth alone or does she have a nanny/helper?

    Does Gwyneth sleep through the night yet, or does she still require night feedings? Does she eat solids yet?

    What reasons does Gwyneth need to be off the oxygen at times? Does that help strengthen her lungs? Or, is that just for the photos?

    If so, do you take turns getting up with the baby?

    Do you still need anything for the baby or do you still have enough stuff from the shower? If not, what do you need for her most, clothes? or other stuff? (I would like to send something!)
    Thanks in advance for answering our curious questions!
    Have a blessed day!

  14. If Gwyn was born at 40 weeks, how old would she be now? Also, what is a typical day like for you guys?

  15. Do Tricia and Gwyneth still need to avoid crowds and will this continue to be a concern once cold and flu season kicks up again?

    Will the new lungs help with Tricia's CF-related digestive issues or does the transplant only correct the breathing issues?

  16. My husband was recently diagnosed with adult onset CF. I also have a daughter who is a carrier who has symptoms(she is just like her daddy). I have found myself overly cautious some say paranoid about them getting sick and being around sick people. I noticed on your blog all the things Tricia does and the places you go etc. with gwyneth. My question is do you take extra precautions at all and what are they.
    Thank you for your time.

  17. My question is simple, I guess.

    How are YOU doing Nate?

  18. Nate,
    You truly are a brave trusting soul! And I love you for that!
    I love what you have shared about being preemie parents and the adjustments to parenthood in the NICU (because I can relate to that) I have sent a few new parents to your blog just to read those posts. So, do you have any new insights on being a preemie parent at home for the first few weeks, months?

  19. How are things Progressing with the OBX CF Walk?

  20. Not a question - just passing this along. As this blogger also stated, don't know about its legitimacy, but I was able to sign up as a guest member to nominate it, too. It's a young CFer trying to win a HUGE grant to promote organ donation awareness. More info here -

  21. My husband and I have been considering a big vacation for our 7th anniversary. NC has come up as an option. (We live out here on the west coast so someplace with warm water is a must) If we were to come to the OBX what month would you recommend coming? What things would you suggest doing?

  22. I know it's way in the future but will you homeschool gwyneth?

    also, wondering when gwyneth gets to start solid foods?

    oh yeah and what is her adjusted age? or do you just say she's 6 months old?

  23. I don't have any questions for you, but I do want to take a moment and give you a great big KUDOS. You (and Tricia) have done such a wonderful job with little Gwyneth. Raising a premie is such a challenge, and she looks so good! Also, another shout out to you for what a great support system you are for Tricia. I marvel at how you do it all on a daily basis. You all are in my prayers.


  24. I am lookingfor more informaton into organ donation. (for a few reasons) what is the best place to go or look up to get info? My son's friend passed away ast week in a care accident and she was a donor. I am also searchng fora thesis statement for school and am searchig for something to do with organ donation. Your stry truly inspired me and have becom passionate about organ donation.

  25. Is Tricia planning to wear a wig any of the time or is she just going to let her beautiful, bald head show?

    BTW, I do not in any way think Tricia needs a wig. She looks fabulous!

  26. How is Tricia so fortunate to not lose her eyebrows?? :)

  27. My 3 year old son is adopted. Tricia, do you have any advice on when and how I should talk to J about this. Do you lament the fact that your birth mother gave you up. Do you feel like something is missing as a result of being adopted? Of course, I pray about it regularly, that's the most important thing--but any advice, words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated.

  28. You three are amazing! My questions are:
    1. How much does Gwenyth weigh?
    2. Do you still take pictures of Gwenyth w/her pug?
    3. Are you still house hunting?
    4. How are you doing Nate?
    5. What is Tricia's favorite part of being a mom?
    6. How long do they think Gwenyth will need to be on oxygen?
    I guess that is alll. God Bless all of you. Thank you for sharing your story with all of us!!

  29. Your faith has been an inspiration to me. Other then that was has been the single biggest thing you have learned throughout all of this??

  30. Ellen at 1:23 asked essentially the same thing I've been wondering. Aside from the cancer (which I'm not minimizing at all), are Tricia's new lungs doing everything they should be?

  31. When do we get the next part of your "how you got together" story?

  32. Can you please explain a little more about "Trunk or Treat"? It sounds like something my church would have fun doing. Thanks!

  33. Hi there!

    I noticed that you have had her around lots of family members as well as church members. (in photos) Is it still a concern of yours and the docs for her and Tricia to stay away from lots of people?
    Do you believe in vaccinating Gwyneth ? And, if so will she be getting the Synagis vaccine for RSV prevention in addition to her other vaccines?
    Is Gwyneth cloth diapered ?
    Does Gwyneth sleep in her own crib in her own room or in bed with Tricia and you?
    What kind of formula/diet is Gwyneth on? does she drink juice yet?
    What is her favorite food/s?
    Does she like to go for stroller rides?
    Besides the oxygen , does she still have any residual health concerns? How is her eyesight now since her surgery?
    Have you found a house to buy yet? If so,do you plan on staying in your current neighborhood?
    Ok, sorry for all the questions! Thanks for taking the time to answer them!!

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Nate,
    Is Gwyneth being evaluated for any kind of early intervention for pt? Is she meeting the standards for her adjusted age. I also wanted to encourage you that our preemie (my nephew) is now a busy, sweet and extreamly smart 4 year old. Be encouraged that she will get there too.

    Melissa Dovel
    North Texas

  36. If Gwyneth was a boy, what would her name have been?

  37. exactly did you know that you were at 10,001 pictures taken on your camera?

  38. Hi Nate!
    I am a long time reader, but fist time commenter. My question is regarding your BIL (Jeff?). I cant seem to find the link regarding his cancer, and the fundraiser info. How is he feeling? I used to read Janet's and Megan's blogs also. Why has their link disappeared? Also, how did you come up with Gwyneth's name? Was it a family name?

    I enjoy reading about your family, and wish you all the best. Thanks for an insightful look into your world. Blessings to you, Trish, and Gwyneth

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Have you had a chance to check out everyone's blog who has ever left you a comment? I DO realize that you are a busy man, but just curious...

  41. I just thought of another question... I never really figured out how Gwyneth is named after Tricia. Could you tell me the relation there?

  42. I thought of another one. Since the ladies are going to be out of town for a few days, is there any possibility that you are going to rest? Really.

  43. I love your pictures! What kind of processing do you do? I really like that "glowy" look you use on some of them, and would love to know how to do it.

  44. What is your favourite children's book to read to Gwyneth. What special songs do you sing to her?

  45. Hiya Nate!
    Are you or Tricia fans of Gwyneth Paltrow, I was wondering if that is why you chose to name your daughter after her?

    Does the hospital provide you with all of the special baby formula for Gwyenth for free or do you have to buy it on your own? I know those special preemie formulas are quite costly because my aunt was complaining to me one day about how much it cost her to buy the special formula. She said she spends more on the formula each month than her mortgage!!!!
    I know health insurance doesn't cover everything and I feel badly that you guys must likely still owe an insane amount of money to Duke for all those many months that Gwyenth spent in the intensive care nursery?
    I was also wondering if you would consider doing a special "online" fundraiser (for your readers) ,for Gwyenth's extra medical expenses. I know I would be honored to contribute toward it!! I can almost bet your other readers would as well!

    I appreciate you sharing your very blessed story with all of us. It inspires me ,daily, to be the best that I can be. Thank you for that. And, tell Tricia, she looks stunning ..bald. Not many can carry off that "look" as she does with class and dignity. You must be awfully proud of your wife.
    Have a great day, Nate!!
