
Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Corolla is one of our favorite spots on the OBX. It's one of the more isolated areas of our beaches here...the 45 minute drive up the coast is one of my favorite places to travel, and there are very few things more fun than four-wheeling on the beach.

It was windy today, so we didn't get to spend much time outside of the Jeep on the beach, but we did get to drive around in the sand, and even came across a few of the wild horses that have free reign. I believe this is a moma and nearly full-grown colt.

These pictures were actually taken in Corova, NC, which is a group of houses that are only accessible by driving in the sand up the beach from Corolla. The pic below shows you just how unique this area is...



  1. *sigh*
    Ahhhhhhh. OuterBanks... nothing else like it. Wish I lived a lot closer... Thanks for passing along the cool pictures!

  2. I can easily see the beauty, in this place. Thanks for sharing it with us. Saying a prayer for Tricia, tonight.

  3. I love the horses off of the coast... we often go see the ones off of Beaufort NC but you don't ever get this close to them! LOVE THE PICS!!!

  4. Okay, I am going to sound like a fool for admitting this...but I had no idea there was actually such a thing as wild horses. Well, at least not in OBX. That is crazy and very cool.

    Looks like an amazing place. Thanks for sharing!

  5. What an absolutely gorgious place! I hope ya'll had a wonderful day together...
    Emily in Mississippi

  6. Wow! That is so cool! How beautiful!

  7. Amazing...simply beautiful...thank you for sharing for all of us that can't be there to see it in person!!! My 11 year old has been begging to see the beach...we live in Dallas.....Hope Tricia continues to gain strength and feel better!

  8. Hi Nate,
    First I want to say that I've been praying for your family. I don't even remember how I came across your blog but I'm addicted like so many other people. Your beautiful family has been through so much yet you stay strong with such a positive outlook. You are such an inspiration to so many. My husband and I have adopted 4 children and are hoping to adopt one more to complete our family. We are feeling called to adopt a child with Down syndrome. I would like to ask a huge favor from you. I will not feel offended at all if you aren't able to do this but I want to ask anyway as I know your blog has a ton of Christian followers. Anyway, American Express is having a contest. I belong to a group that helps to find families for children with DS from all over the world called Reece's Rainbow. If RR wins this contest, they will get 100 grants of $20,000 each which would cover the cost for adopting these 100 children. Our project is currently in 19th place. We have about 6 days of voting left and the top 25 make it to round 2. We are trying to get the word out to as many people as possible to vote. You don't have to have an AmEx card to vote. You just sign in as a guest and nominate your favorite project. There are 1190 different projects and RR got signed up the very last day of registration. I know this is off topic for you but I'm trying to reach a few blogs I'm faithful to that receive a ton of traffic. Here is the link if you'd like to check it out. Again, I won't feel hurt if you choose not to post to your blog or delete this comment. I'll still pray for your family and love you the same. P.S. I actually liked Tricia's hair when it was really thin and short :) Of course she's is gorgeous bald too.
    Sarah Maples

  9. Oh my gosh! Those wild horses are SO amazing! They must be so beautiful running on the beach. So glad you had a wonderful time and hope everyone is feeling better.

  10. How cool. What a neat spot.
    Would love to check that place out someday.

    Gwen-y gwen looks bigger! She's too darn cute...that precious girl.

  11. Wow, this looks absolutely beautiful. It just blessed me to know that you and the girls enjoyed the beauty of this place and had a change of scenery! So stoked for you!

  12. Those are great pictures. It looks like a really neat place to visit.

  13. Count me among those who would like to visit your area some day - I had not heard of the Outer Banks before (although I had, of course, heard of Roanoke Island, but didn't know where it was). I have been looking at them on Google Maps, and it looks like a lovely place to live and work.

  14. What beautiful pictures! We vacation on the Crystal Coast and drove up to the Outer Banks one time. Your pictures are making me miss Shackleford Banks! You are an awsome photographer. Keep up the great work!

  15. This is exactly the kind of day I prayed for you three to have "someday" when things were their scariest (back in Jan/Feb!) You of all people know that EVERYDAY is a blessing - thanks for reminding us!

    refreshing in ohio!

  16. You are so lucky to have seen the wild horses! We have never once seen one! Granted, we've only been there 5 times but you'd think we would have seen one at least once. I'm so jealous. Lol.

    Enjoy the rest of your week!

    Amy in Pa

  17. Thanks for the pics Nate. I remember taking my Jeep Wrangler up to Corolla on the beach. It is one special place on the planet! Glad you guys get to enjoy it. You are in our prayers.

  18. Wow....that is so cool. I never a knew a place like this existed. Is this a place anyone can visit?

  19. So beautiful and it looks so peaceful! Glad you had such a great day!

  20. It's amazing to think that, in the not to distant past, the entire banks looked like this. Shoot, when we were born there was only one stoplight on the beach and that wasn't long ago at all!

  21. Beautiful! Great pics! I hope you all had a great time. Looks like a really great place to visit. I hope you are feeling better and hope Tricia is having a great day too! :o)

    -Lisa Collinsworth

  22. Wild horses?! Wow, I want to go to the OBX some day!

  23. I'll have to have Brenda and her husband take us to see the wild horses when we are up there in TWO weeks! What a beautiful sight to see animals roaming wild.

  24. Ten more days and counting till my family gets in our van from south Jersey, and makes our way to OBX. Can't wait!! The two things I am looking forward to doing, besides just relaxing on the beach, are going to your dad's church, and going parasailing. So which beaches are better? NJ or NC? See ya there:)

  25. Very Cool. Glad you enjoyed it. Nice photos of the horses. So pretty they are.

  26. Looks so beautiful and such an ad for free and easy.

    You guys continue to inspire me. Keep on keeping on!

  27. Tell Tricia "Jon and Kate, plus 8" is one of my favorite tv shows also. I just watched their beach episode but did not know what beach they were on. I'll keep Corolla in mind when we travel East again. I just looks beautiful!


  28. Great pictures! Didn't know you could still find places like that in America.

    I gotta get to NC sometime. Was there at Bragg once, but not for sight seeing.

  29. My husband has been there a few times on various vacations and we tried during our honeymoon, but weren't able to make it. I kept saying "can we go see the wild horses now?!?" hah It's such a beautiful place and we hope to move there one day. I, of course, keep saying we have to wait to win the lottery whereas he keeps saying we can live on seaweed and sand hah

  30. Cool! Horses! My daughter (who aspires to be a vet) thinks horses on the beach is awesome! Glad to hear you guys had a good trip! Thanks for sharing.

    ~Sara in MD

  31. Wow! Its beautiful there. One place I would love to go for a day. Its been a while since I have seen wild horses on the beach.
    Glad you had a good day.

  32. My girlfriends parents have a little house down at OBX! They go down every summer!

  33. Beautiful pictures... we were there about 5 years ago. It was so great to be on the beach and have wild horses so close.
    I'm glad you had a good day! Thanks for sharing.

  34. I love pictures of the beach, but the horses add even more beauty to the pictures that you captured. I can see why it is one of your favorite spots on the OBX.
    Have a great time.

  35. I just saw this on John & Kate Plus 8. . .and thought how wonderful it would be to visit. your pictures are proof that I would love to go there sometime. I've never been to the east coast- but dream of going someday. I live in the midwest - Chicagoland to be more exact. . . not nearly as pretty. You're blessed to live there.
    Praying for you guys!

  36. Hi Nate & Tricia ~

    North Carolina is one of my favorite places on earth! Your photography is beautiful. Thanks for sharing with us.

    I'm glad to hear you're both feeling better - still praying for you guys.

  37. We are leaving in a few short days for our first real vacation ever! The kids will see the ocean for the first time and while the trip to Disney World overshadows the beach in excitement right now I know they will remember it forever! Just praying the hurricanes stay away from our side of Florida!

  38. These pictures of the horses on the beach are so beautiful that they almost don't look real! Wow, I want to come visit there now.

  39. What great pictures!
    I just got back from my first trip to Duck, and I just about relocated there. It's so beautiful.

  40. Corolla is just about my favorite place on earth. We have vacationed there the last few years- actually staying in a house that is pretty much at the end of the road. This year, we were treated to more horses than we have ever seen.

  41. this part of the outer banks is my absolute favorite part as well. It is a gorgeous part of the OBX - if I could live at the beach, this is where I would live! Incredible pictures.

  42. Corolla has long been my favorite place in the world. It's a long drive from Indianapolis, so unfortunately we don't get there but once every couple years. It's so great to see you all out and about!

  43. Oh my goodness, we were just there in July and I can see the house we rented in your picture. We never saw that many horses! :)


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