
Thursday, August 21, 2008

Quick Update

Tricia has been feeling better the past few days, except that she has been sleeping a lot. Tomorrow will be Day 10, so we're hoping the upswing is on it's way.

I, however, am not feeling well. I think it may just be allergies, and I've already been taking something for it, but I'm sleeping on the couch tonight just in case. I appreciate your prayers that I'll be feeling better quickly.

Gwyneth seems to be reaching, literally, a new milestone. She's finally beginning to reach out her hands for things, which should bring more fun times.




  1. Hey Nate. Sorry to hear you are not feeling up to par. Get a good rest tonight and we'll hope for improved health in the morning! God Bless!

    Va Beach, VA

  2. Nate, I sure hope you're only facing allergies but it would nice to be feeling 100percent!

    I'll be praying that you're feeling back to normal by tomorrow and that Tricia has a great day and an "upward swing."

  3. Nate: Hope it is just your allergies and you are feeling better tomorrow. So glad Tricia is feeling better.
    Susan from California

  4. Nate: I just wanted to tell you that I haven't posted in awhile, but that hasn't kept me for praying constantly for Tricia. God and I have had some real talks concerning her healing. My daughter, Megan, will be listed for lung transplant in early January--it's a terribly frightening process. I would do anything to turn this thing around, but it just doesn't look like it will happen. I haven't let Megan know about Tricia's lymphoma because I didn't think it would be good for her mental state going into transplant, but Megan does ask about Tricia a lot, we look at all the new Gwyneth pictures together, and we all pray for her together. Hang in there--surely the Lord has not brought you this far to leave you. Much love, Margaret

  5. Get well soon (both of you). Being sick when you have to care for immuno-compromised family members feels like such a slap in the face, doesn't it?

  6. definitely feel better - there is some sort of virus going around the northern part of NC - snotty nose, achy joints, crampy muscles, headache, diarrhea -- I thought it was allergies too, but have been sick all week with it -- hope that's not happening down your way --

    I hate the beginning of sick season -- I have to become a hermit, literally. People tend to go out and about while ill without considering the impact that they will have on immune compromised people. I usually have to wear a mask all through sick season if I want to go anywhere, and many times that just doesn't protect me enough and I end up sick any way. So, I've just gotten into the habit of staying in more often than not from about September through April really anymore.

    We are just getting ready to come into with the start of school and all the kids being jumbled up together again.

    I just wish sick folks would be considerable enough to stay home - they never know the impact they could have on another person who may not have a strong immune system - I have ended up in serious respiratory trouble from someone else's lack of consideration several times over the last 10 years... and the damage that is left every time leaves me with decreased lung capacity.

    I wonder -- have the doctors told you anything special that you will have to do for Gwenyth this flu/cold season? I'm sure Tricia must avoid sick people at all costs because of the drugs she's on, but curious if Gwenyth is considered susceptible to RSV or if she has had the vaccine already.

  7. reaching is the best! Feel better! Hope T is on the upswing.

  8. Sorry to hear you are under the weather Nate. I will be praying for you and Tricia.

    BTW, Tricia you look so beautiful in the newest set of pictures!!!

  9. Hope you start feeling better soon =]

  10. I hope you BOTH start feeling better!

  11. Praying for all of you. Your family is an inspiration to many. Thank you for your faithfulness.

    In Christ,

  12. Glad to hear that Tricia is feeling better and that Gwyneth is making such good progress.

    It is understandable that you aren't feeling 100%. You are under a lot of stress and pressure - more than any other young husband and father that I know.

    Please take good care of yourself. I'll be praying as always.

    Bev in Surrey, BC, CANADA

  13. I hope you feel better Nate. Tricia is so cute with no hair. You three are always in my prayers. I hope that maybe you will keep my husband Rick in your prayers. He is being tested for lymphoma. Hopefully we will have more answers before the weekend.

  14. Get well soon Nate! And I agree Tricia is amazing. But I heard on our local news today something I agree with.

    A cancer survivor said it takes a village to raise a child, and it takes a village to help someone thru cancer! Chemo just plain stinks. I can't imagine Tricia having to go thru this after all the other stuff she has conquered! I also heard a guy say the other day that God only puts you thru what you can handle but he wished he wasn't so strong...ha ha. Not that I believe personally God puts ppl thru all this. But I'm pretty sure that after all this Tricia is just like Wonder Woman and invincible. Maybe you should put a phone booth somewhere closeby for her, ha ha! She's a toughie!
    Talala, Ok

  15. Oh my gosh, poor Tricia! Well, at least all the sleeping should be helping her body recover and heal from the chemo. But, I got a bit worried when I read that she has been sleeping most of the time, who has been keeping an eye on baby Gwyn?

    Also a tip, when we went thru chemo treatments, grilled cheese sandwiches were tolerated very well and were an easy snack to fix to keep up the calories. Ice cream is another great one! Feel better, Miss Tricia!

  16. Oh and I meant to ask, will baby Gwyn be getting the synagis shots to protect her against RSV? We had a preemie too, and went thru the RSV quarantine period, Oct-April, and the shots as well! Good luck!

  17. Take care of yourself too Nate! Thanks for the updates and pics. We are praying for all of you.

  18. I'm sorry you're not feeling well... take care...

  19. HOpe you are feeling back to strength again soon Nate, take care of yourself.

    Thanks for all the pictures and updates, lots of love and prayers to you all.


  20. Prayers are with you Nate. i hope you feel better soon and that if not allergies, it doesn't spread to your girls. I am glad Tricia is doing fairly well and Gwyneth is reaching out, literally:)
    In His Love.

  21. Sorry to hear you are not feeling well. Will be praying that both you and Tricia feel better QUICKLY!!!


  22. Yeah, Tricia's body probably needs lot and lots of rest right now. It's awesome how sometimes your body tells you exactly what you need. Tricia is one amazingly strong lady :-)

    Nate, I hope you get to feeling better soon!! I'll say an extra prayer for you today :-)

  23. Nate, praying here. I know how miserable allergies can be.

  24. Praying for your health and the health of your beautiful girls..
    Tricia (N.VA) xoxoxox

  25. Thanks for the update. Praying for you all today....


  26. Hope your feeling some better Nate. Also hope it is allergies verses something else. Glad to hear Tricia is doing better.
    Glad Gwyneth is showing milestones, its so special.
    Theres a saying I have sitting on my desk. It says. * He brings us to it.He will bring us through it.*
    We are praying here in Michigan.

  27. So glad to hear Tricia is feeling better. I hope she has made it through the worst for this round.

  28. ihope that you feel better uncle nate and aunt tricia



  29. Hope today is a better day for both of you, and that all three of you got some good sleep last night!

  30. Hoping Tricia and Nate are both "on the upswing." Gwyneth, now you can reach for Daddy's beard! Oh, the fun ahead. Prayers continuing.

  31. HI Nate & Tricia,
    Just wanted to drop a quick comment and let you know that I love the new (no hair) styles. Tricia, you look absolutely beautiful! I'm afraid that I would look no where near as pretty. Makes me wonder, though, if I'd have as many freckles on my head as I do on my arms and face!

    I've not commented much since you've been out of the hospital. I was just kind of letting you live life and enjoy the free moments of your day with the baby and with each other. That's not to say that in any way I've stopped my prayers for your family. I continue to lift you to our Lord in prayer and rejoice with you in all the little blessings.
    Have a great day!

  32. Thanks for the update Nate! So glad to hear that your little girl is gaining weight and developing well! Also happy to hear that your other girl is feeling better! I'll keep praying for your whole family as you go through faith strengthening time.

  33. I am so glad that she feels so much better :) Praise God and praying that she will get to feeling back to normal soon.

  34. Praying you both feel better and that 'day 10' is easy for the both of you! I think Tricia looks beautiful - with or without hair!!!


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