
Wednesday, August 13, 2008


First, Gwyneth weighs 8 lbs 9 oz! That is, by far, the most weight she's gained in such a short amount of time...her new diet is definitely working!

Tricia's chemo didn't get started until mid-afternoon, and, although it only lasted a few hours (which is much shorter than the first round), she was not able to go to her transplant clinic, so we really don't know anything about her status. Fortunately, Tricia did not experience any side effects during the treatment.

They're on their way home now, and should arrive around 10 tonight. Thanks for your thoughts and prayers today!



  1. Awesome on the weight gain! And cute new pictures, too. I'm sure getting the chemo is made easier by being able to hold Gwyneth!

  2. Way to go Gwyneth!!! She is gettng to be such a big girl!!! Praying safe travel for your girls this evening and that Tricia will continue to not have any side effect the next few days and will get well rested.

  3. I'd been hoping for an update before I went to bed... something to thank God for in my bedtime prayers, for sure! :)

    Awesome for Gwyneth. I'm sorry Tricia didn't get to have her clinic visit, but GLAD she didn't have any trouble during her treatment.

  4. Wow what a BIG girl--way to go Gwyneth!!
    Still praying for Trisha!!

  5. Praying for safe driving and a restful day tomorrow for T and G. Love you guys.

  6. Way to grow Gwyneth! So happy to hear that her new diet is getting her weight up. Pretty soon she'll be a chubby little bugger.

    It's great to hear that Tricia didn't notice any side effects. I hope it continues that way.

    Have a wonderful evening with your girls!

    Amy in Pa

  7. You go, Gwyneth! Way to eat! Nate, you and Tricia are doing a GREAT job with that sweet baby girl. Praying for Tricia often (and the rest of you, too).

  8. Holy Cow!!! I will definitely be thanking somebody in my bedtime prayers for that amazing news tonight. Who knew she could gain so much weight in such a short time? I was POSITIVE it couldn't be much over 8 pounds - I'm glad I was wrong!

  9. if you think 8 lbs 9 ozs is big...there is NO way you are EVER looking at the scales when I step on them! lol

    praise God for good weight gain and for no side effects for Tricia.

    safe travels girls!

    still praying in sc

  10. Wow! I am impressed with that weight gain! Grow Gwyneth! Grow!

    Praying in PA that Tricia is ok :)

  11. Way To Grow GWYNETH! God is certainly watching out for your family... So glad Tricia's chemo went well. Hopefully all the tx news is great when she gets to that appointment!!

    Just so you know, I keep a daily prayer journal, and pray for your family specifically once a week!

  12. So glad she is doing so well and gaining weight. I pray things continue to go well for Tricia and the chemo isn't too bad for her. My prayers are with you.

  13. A little off-topic but I see you've reached over 6 million hits. Pretty staggering, huh?

    Good for you!

  14. Thank the Lord for the progress! We are praying.

  15. I've been following your story since a day or 2 before Gwyn's birth and have never commented. Today, however, I feel compelled. My youngest daughter (2 years) was born at 9 lbs. 9oz. Unbelievable that Gwyn is still smaller than some newborns! Pictures make it difficult to see just how tiny she is, she looks like her age, in pictures anyways! I can't imagine how tiny she is in real life! You are truly blessed...(as if you didn't already know that!)

  16. Thanks for the updates. Glad to hear Tricia did well with the treatment...and that Gwyneth is getting to be a chunky monkey. What a great feeling that must be for ya'll. Have a great day.


  17. Oh my goodness! What a great thing to hear about Gwyneth's weight!! It's always great to know your baby is growing and getting stronger every day.

    Praying that Tricia's treatment continues to go as smoothly as possible, and that she soon gets a great report from her doctors!

  18. What a big girl! That is wonderful. Prayers for a safe trip home and especially for Tricia's health.

  19. So happy to hear things went well! Ok, so I wasnt right about the weight, I was trying to give here a few more pounds, lol but its a wonderful weight gain for little Gwyneth or should I say BIG Gwenyth. Sorry Tricia missed her appt. but Im so glad she didnt have any side affects from treatment this week. Hope they made it home safe and sound to you and will be praying the progress continues to go the way it is.

    God Bless!

  20. Yay! Gwyneth is getting SO BIG!!! We might need a new Pug picture to compare! :)

  21. Go Gwyneth!!! That is great. I pray for a good report on Tricia and that the Lord's will will be done in that situation.
    In His Love.

  22. So glad Gwyneth is picking up so me weight. She look great in the pictures.
    Praying for Tricia through this round of chemo and for you as well Nate as her support person. As well as other family near to her.

  23. Dropping by to see how things are going... glad Tricia didn't have any side effects... hugs to her...

  24. Wow, a little porker! Way to grow Gwyneth!

    Sorry Tricia did not get her clinic visit in.

    Continuing to pray for your family.

  25. Woo hoo! That's a lot of weight gain! I was really close with my guess too! Glad to hear that Tricia's chemo went well and that she did not have any side effects. Thanks for the update. Continuing to pray!

  26. Great news on the weight gain! And I just checked out your blog count! over 6,000,000 hits!

  27. What a big girl, Gwyneth!! Way to go...keep up the good work!

  28. Great news! Guess she is thriving OUT of the hospital!

  29. Thank you Nathan for the update!
    Please give a big hug from us to Tricia and Gwyneth when they come back.

  30. i have been reading your blog many many times throughout the months and never commented because I didnt have a blogspot ...i am so glad to hear gwyneth's awesome is that! Your pictures amaze me ...the beauty and the love you capture in them is amazing!

  31. Wow. Offically chubby! Good news. I hope Tricia is doing well and feeling OK post chemo. My thoughts and prayers as always from Michigan.

  32. Aww congrats! So cute! You all remain in my prayers.

    Please remember Gina as well as she waits for her second lung transplant!

  33. YAY for Gwyneth! Clearly she is thriving on so much love and such a wonderful Mommy and Daddy :o) Sending a special hug to Tricia for all she is currently going through xxxx

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Yay for the weight gain =]
    And I am happy to hear Tricia's treatment went well.

    I hope that the side affects aren't too bad and that the chemo is doing it's job! Killing that cancer!

  36. that is such wonderful news! I am so thankful that God shows you His blessings and mercies DAILY!

  37. whooo hoo!!! on the weight gain. i cannot believe how close i was ( 8 lbs 8.4 oz LOL).

    i'm glad that tricia can do her chemo close to home. that is good news. i am sorry that you won't receive an update until the fall. i will be praying that her current treatment is working!!!!!!

    God Bless you all!

  38. This is certainly good news! And...even more exciting that you guys won't have to see Duke for a while. I can imagine the drive gets old after a while! : )


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