
Thursday, August 14, 2008

End of The Day

Today was long. Tricia had a busy morning dropping off the rental car and then picking up our car, which is now fixed. I was busy setting up and playing with the band most of the day. It was hot out in the sun, and I made sure to wear two layers of SPF 50 sunscreen (don't believe the myths), so, even after a long shower, I'm still hot and greasy, but sunburn free. Tricia and Gwyneth enjoyed rocking out with us in the shade for a while.

I had some bad info yesterday...Tricia was able to make her transplant clinic, and everything looks good. Because she'll receive her remaining chemo locally, and because Gwyneth looked so good, we don't have to go back to Duke for a few months (which is awesome). They've decided to not scan Tricia again until after her fourth round, as opposed to after the second round as they had originally decided. So, we won't know if the treatments are working until early October, which is find with us.




  1. My kids and I were there listening to you guys for about the first 1/2 hour you rock! Sounded awesome.
    When you were doing your sound check and started to play "Everlasting God", my son said, "HEY, I know this song!" As the check went on he said, "Hey, don't they know the WORDS to this song?"
    Great job, y'all. We had a great time today.

  2. Nate: So glad your girls are home same. Wishing you all the best.
    God Bless.
    Susan from California

  3. Thanks for the update. Would you mind looking at the friends of pepe site and give us your take??
    Lots going on over there!

  4. Glad to hear those sweet girls of yours are alright. Hope yall can just relax this weekend!

  5. Praying for you guys! Glad you guys are doing well so far! :)

  6. Sure do like hearing the good news and that you guys get to be home for a good bit!! Still sending up prayers for healing for Tricia and continued growth for Miss Gwyneth!

    Have a great weekend!

  7. Glad to hear that things are progressing well!! We are rejoicing with you about Gwyneth's growth and we will continue to pray that Tricia's chemo is doing its job.

    The recent photos have been awesome! You all continue to be such a blessing to so many people through your wonderful testimony and your genuine love for one another. You seem to enjoy every moment and every day as the wonderful gift that it is- that speaks volumes to people following your story! Thanks for sharing. :)

    Continued love and prayers from VB,
    The Edwards family

  8. Glad to hear you all are getting a break from the trek up to Durham. Still sending lots of prayers your way for the chemo to be doing its thing and for the little rose to keep on blooming!!

  9. Glad that things are progressing well with Tricia's treatment. You all are in my thoughts and prayers daily.

    Although I know it is really none of my business, I can't help but echo Kari's comment above. I am so confused by whatever is happening under the comments section on the Friends of Pepe site.

  10. Wishing you all the best!
    Also, I would like to know the answer to some other previous posters as well. Since you mentioned Pepe on your blog, I have been a religious follower. What do you know about the happenings, it sounds like something fishy has been going on and wanted to know your opinion on the subject. Have you personally met, talked to or know someone who knows her? I really hope that we were not tricked into falling for something. Her blog has now been blocked. Update us please:)

    Lauren , Utah

  11. That is just awesome news! I hope you really enjoy this stretch of time free of dr appointments--but I know you will, because you know better than anyone how to make each minute count, and that is only one of the many things that I so admire about you!!! So happy to hear the good news!

    I am another one who has been caught up in the friends of pepe thing. Do you have any knowledge? I would HATE to think that so many people were being taken advantage of so cruelly!! But you may not even want to put such nonsense in your brain--really wouldn't blame you!

    Thanks--still praying!

  12. Yeah, that things are going so well! Too fun that you had both your girls there to watch you jam out at the beach.

    To speak to the other issue, I too have been following FoP and the events that unfolded today. I saw all the recent youtube vids of Gina riding her horse these last few months. So....Sadly, Kari, etc., I believe it's fake. The blog has been made private, and the jedisdream/gina "fotki" account, that posted all the pics of gina with her horse at clinics...just this June, have been locked down. Additionally, Paul Mooney's flickr site has a pic of "gina" that is the same as the one on FoP. Yet, he also has pics of a different girl, who is the same woman called Gina, with the same horse, Gracie, in the same state, that is seen riding in all the clinics in June in all the Fotki albums. Maybe this is all a big misunderstanding, but it appears less likely now. Very sad.

  13. Nate, I have never posted to you guys before but I wanted to take a moment and tell you how I have enjoyed reading over the past few months. Both of your 'girls' are gorgeous and you do such a great job writing about all your family has experienced. I'll continue to keep you all in my prayers!

  14. Awesome news Nate!!! By October Gwyneth should weigh 20 pounds :) Lots of resting thoughts to all of you tomorrow! God Bless!

  15. Wonderful news about both your girls ! My 17 year old son is a heart TX recipient (7 months ) and so I really relate to the rollercoaster ride that is the world of transplant.

    Please know that there are tons of prayers for you all coming daily from jersey !

  16. Praying for Tricia and minimal side effects from this treatment. I am glad your Girls are home Nate. Also glad transplant clinic went well. Glad she is able to get treatment closer to home. That will be so much easier on all of you.

  17. So glad to hear the good news. I'll continue praying for the chemo to be the tool God uses to heal Tricia completely (well the Lymphoma at least).

  18. I'm so glad to hear the good report. Your family is in my thoughts and prayers.

  19. Just wanted to let you all know that I think of you often and check your blog several times a day. What a wonderful family you have! Your daughter is truly blessed.
    I watched "the shave" go down and actually think that you like quite nice "Sinister" in some photos though. :)


  20. I'm so glad the check ups went well! You all are amazing!

  21. Yay! Glad the checkups went well!! Perhaps we can see a video of your band?? When are you going on tour? (haha)

    Glad all is going well for you; you have a beautiful family, and your love radiates!

  22. It all sounds good to me. Still praying here! We are trusting the Lord for His best for all of you.

  23. Nate, thanks for the updates. Little Gwenyth is growing like the sweet little "rose" she is. Praise God! Tricia, what can I say...... You continue to amaze me. I will continue to pray for you and that the treatments do not make you ill. I will also continue to pray that the outcome with test to come in October is yet another "Miracle" of God's Perfect Will for our lives and He heals her completely.
    Thanks again for the updates.

  24. Im so glad to hear things are looking well for Tricia and your little girl. Im glad they are home safe and you all are together again. I hope you all are having a fantastic day!

  25. Thanks for the updates.Glad to hear that you are sunburn free!

  26. You guys are so awesome and inspiring for me. I am awaiting an angiogram and a chance of bypass surgery and I'm totally blown away. I'm a diabetic so it'll be tough but when I see what Tricia has gone through, it really gives me strength and hope. Thanks.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Glad that she was able to make it to her appointment and everything is looking good.


  29. I've been meaning to comment for some time now, I just wanted to thank you for sharing your life with us, and say that your family is such an inspiration!
    God bless you!


  30. I've been meaning to comment for some time now, I just wanted to thank you for sharing your life with us, and say that your family is such an inspiration!
    God bless you!


  31. Nate,
    I've been following your blog for a long time now and have read Pepe's too. But now I can't get in and I'm not sure what you are referring to in your recent post. What happen? Thanks and God Bless, Jodi

  32. Glad your concert went well. Tricia must be happy to be back and able to stay close for a while. You scared my when you said bad info yesterday but I was happy to see that it was just miscommunication. I'll keep praying that Tricia's next scan is clear. Enjoy your weekend :-)

  33. THat's great news! Oh Happy Day!


  34. It sounds like both of your girls are doing wonderfully.

    Will you be posting clips of your band playing? Perhaps a Christmas album fundraiser might be an idea?

  35. I can't believ how fast Gwyneth is growing. That is great. Glad to hear Tricia made it home safely.

    So did your 2 coats of SPF 50 work or are you shake and bake?

  36. Hoping the chemo is doing it's job. I also hope the next 2 months bring you lots of peace while you wait.


  37. Nate,
    I know you don't know me but I feel as many others that we know you all. I heard of your family & story thru a friend and check out your blog almost daily and will continue to pray for you all!!

  38. Much love to Tricia and continued prayers always. The Lord...

  39. Happy to hear the good news, hope you all have an relaxing and enjoyable weekend!


  40. Always glad to hear things are progressing in a positive way for both of the beautiful ladies in your life.

    The burning question of the day is the bald head, and are you planning to keep it that way, or just waiting patiently for it to grow?? :)

  41. I am so glad to hear that both of your girls are doing good right now. My prayers continue for Tricia and her chemo to be doing its job. I hope you three have a wonderful weekend together. Gwyneths added weight looks so good on her!! She is looking more like her mommy day by day.:)

    Love, Laurie in Ca.

  42. Glad to hear things are looking good. Still praying for you and your girls.

  43. All that sunscreen ... i would hope that your head didn't get burned ... i could only imagine the pain. I think that it is great that Trisha and Gwyn made it in time to rock with you!
    Happy Thoughts!

  44. Hi Nate!

    I don't think I've ever commented, but a co-worker of mine and I started reading your blog recently and we're praying for all of you! We work for the Gift of Life Michigan in tissue donation, and work with organ donors when they are also donating tissues. I am so happy to see a recipient doing well, getting better! I pray that Tricia overcomes her post-transplant disease, and that you continue to have strength while watching your beloved go through this, and that the little one is able to carry on your love.



    Everyday thinking and praying for you guys! You all are my super heros!!!!!

    May God contuine to bring healing into Tricia's body, huge blessings and abundance to contuine to flow into your lives, May He send unexpected new GREAT things and that your creative mind and both of your talents flow. Many Many Many blessings and love!

    Christine and Shaylin!


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