
Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Two of a Kind



  1. The second pic is too precious. You have 2 beautiful girls in your midst. I am glad to here Tricia is feeling fairly well and pray this continues for her. I am also so happy that your goal of $3000 was reached. Could you post Friday's show time again? I am looking forward to it. There is something about a man shaving his head that seems to get people to act on something. At pour church my husband is church training director and he and the Sunday School director said they would shave their heads if our congregation could reach 100% Bible readers! We hover around 90-95% and are waiting for that 100%.

    I continue to keep your beautiful family in my prayers, may God continue to bless you all.

  2. How adorable!

    I was just thinking, if Tricia loses all of her hair, and you have to shave your head in a few days, and Gwyneth's hair is pretty fine'll all match!

    I bet Tricia will look just as beautiful without hair as she does with it. And she could certainly pull off any kind of hat in an Audrey Hepburn kind of way! (Which is a GOOD THING)

    Still keeping you all in my prayers and loving that you continue to share a little about what's going on in your world. Thanks!

  3. Hi Nate-

    You don't know me (I'm sure you get that a lot), but I've followed your blog religiously for some time now. Your courage and faith continue to astound me- God is truly miraculous.

    I have a prayer request, if you have a minute. A friend of a friend of mine here in Texas just had a baby girl at 35 weeks gestation. The mother contracted a virus during labor, and the baby is currently on ECMO struggling to survive...she is literally clinging to life. The Larsen family desperately needs any prayers you and your amazing readers can shower down on them. Their blog: I am sure they would appreciate any thoughts of hope and prayer anyone can offer. As I am sure you are familiar with, they are literally in a minute by minute, hour by hour situation. They have been posting pretty regular updates on their sweet baby girl.

    Thank you so much- you have no idea how your words and your family have touched my life.

    Much Love,
    Mary from Texas

  4. They are just so beautiful! I love the pictures too :-)

  5. Precious!! You can see the love on both of their faces :-)

  6. Why, yes they are. Tricia and her little mini-me are too cute! (Or is that, two cute?)

  7. Two BEAUTIFUL girls!! We love you guys!

  8. Wow!!! Those are just too beautiful. :-)

  9. Nothing is sweeter in the whole entire world than a momma kissin' her sweet baby girl (ok I have 3 girls) I say give as many as you can cause its never enough. I pray she and your hubby is all the meds you need to live a lifetime of happiness.

    Praying as always,
    You R all blessed! (and I love the comment about all the baldies:) Only a true beauty can look good bald and I think the votes are already in that you will all look wonderful:)


  10. I was just thinking last night that I would like to see some new pics of Tricia.

    Can't wait to see you bald!

  11. So precious! Praying for those sweet girls of yours!

  12. Beautiful pictures of your girls!!

  13. Ahh, those belong in a frame on your wall!

  14. Oh now these need frames. They are precious!
    Nate when you get a few minutes. Doesn't have to be today. Just curious about setting up something on a Trust Fund pertaining my Medical. I just need to kinda pick your brain so I can learn more in and outs. Thanks.
    No set time frame just when you have a few minutes.
    Love the Pictures.

  15. I love it! Gwyneth has a personality!

  16. It's great to see your two girls together Nathan!! Wonderful!!

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. I love the way Tricia's teeth go together when she smiles!

  19. beautiful. What prescious photos

  20. These are some of the sweetest pictures you've posted so far. What beautiful girls! And what sweet, sweet poses!

  21. How lucky are you to have 2 such beautiful girls, you must have done something right in your life.. lol! I love the second one!! Hope Tricia is feeling as well as she looks!


  22. That is so awesome. Love seeing pics of mother and daughter. They look too precious together!

  23. Great pictures! Gwyneth is so cute :)

  24. Sweet pictures. It's great to see Tricia's smiling face today. Still praying for ya'll.


  25. Beautiful photos! It must be more and more fun being around Gwyneth as she is old enough to be more interactive. Prayers continuing. Are you going to put a bald pic of you on your masthead? I'll be working and won't see the live action.

  26. When I see Gwyn and Tricia together this way, I see great resemblance between them! They are such sweet pictures - definately frameable! And luck has nothing to do with it... the Father has BLESSED you with 2 sweet and amazing girls!

  27. Very beautiful pictures. You're all still in my prayers.

  28. Incredibly sweet. I love all your pics, they epitomize the meaning of life and all we have to be thankful for.


    Thanks for sharing!

    How is Tricia feeling today?

    Thinking of you all!

  30. Awww... There is nothing sweeter. Those are the best moments ever.

  31. Both Tricia and Gwyn are beautiful! So sweet. Also, like the vocal exercises photos in your previous post. Thanks for sharing these cool pixs!

    Marissa :-)

  32. Today August 6th 2008, In honor of Trica and all other adults and children fighting cancer, I went and cut off 10 inches of my hair to donate to Locks of Love so that someone out there will be able to have the hair that they always dreamed of having. By the way the pictures are just precious and adorable.

  33. Awww! What gorgeous pictures!Two little miracles together, God bless them both!! :)

  34. Those just might might be my most favorite set of pictures ever. LOVE THEM!!!

  35. Simply beautiful. Sending all 3 of you lots of love. Thanks for keeping this blog updated Nate, the photos cheer me up so much when I'm having a rough time healthwise xxx

  36. Absolutely adorable!!
    Stacy :-)

  37. Those are the two most beautiful miracles I've seen in a long time. You're a blessed man, Nate.

  38. OMG this is precious!! Your girls are lucky to have such a good photographer around!

  39. You have a beautiful family.

    I just wanted you to know that you have touched my heart. I had 2 brothers with CF, one who was able to have a double lung transplant that enabled him to have another year of "healthier" life.

    The day he learned that he was going to be listed for transplant is the day I learned that my 2 year old daughter had leukemia.

    I thank God every day for His blessings and I will keep your family in my prayers.

    We just made the 8 years post-treatment mark for my daughter and still take every day one at a time.

    You are a very strong person for taking on such challenges. Just remember that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

  40. Oh wow, how beautiful. Gwyneth is really starting to look a lot like Trish

  41. Oh my goodness, that baby is getting way cute!!

  42. As always...your pics are just awesome. I've contemplating going to college and doing one of two things...photographer is one of the things I've thought about. I would LOVE a new fancy camera...Oh' would I ever.


    PS....I've nominated you for an award.

  43. WOW I didnt realize how much they look alike until I saw these pictures.

    You have TWO beautiful women in your life!

  44. What beautiful girls you have!

  45. Adorable and cuddly as usual!

    You are doing such an amazing job... as a husband, as a dad and in raising awareness. Please consider checking out our Bogging for Blood Cancer event at We'd love to have you and any of your readers participate in spreading the word of the importance of the Light the Night and LLS mission.

    Thanks so much and CONGRATS on far surpassing your goal!

  46. Such adorable pictures! The love is so apparent.

    This blog is my favorite. I was so excited to have you sign my blog after I posted about your family. I felt like a celebrity had signed it.

    I am praying that Tricia stays strong and handles the chemo with no problems.

  47. Your girls are absolutely GORGEOUS!!

  48. You capture the BEST moments!! Love the pics..just adorable!!
    Both your girls are beautiful!

  49. OMGosh....These are PRICELESS!!!! You are turning into quite the photographer...I am totally impress with your skills.

  50. You have two very beautiful ladies in your life. I know you feel so blessed and they are blessed to have you to take care of them. CAthy & Annabel

  51. We are praying for those two girls to have a full and productive life together! Thanks for the great pics.

  52. Beautiful pictures of 2 very precious gifts of life

  53. LOVE these!! Just beautiful!

    You guys are in my prayers!

  54. Tricia really has enviable eyebrows!


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