
Friday, August 15, 2008

Up Close and Personal



  1. Beautiful shots. I've enjoyed the blog today, both that you're thinking the best of people and focusing on the positive. Good for you.

  2. love the little close up shots of Gwenith.Totally love the little fat baby hand shots :) it reminds me of my daughter,when she was a baby..Babies are so cool! & not 2 mention cute :)

  3. oh my goodness those are beautiful. frame them all. :)

  4. Poor Gwyneth - you will have zillions of baby photos to embarrass her with when she brings her boyfriends to meet the family! ;)

  5. Those are so cute Nate.
    That was one of my favorite things. When Lizzy started to finally get some hair.:)
    She is so beautiful. :) God Bless

    Lisa in SC

  6. There is really nothing cuter in the whole world than cute little baby feet. : )

  7. I just love pictures of baby feet and hands. Great pictures.

  8. Nothing sweeter than baby feet. I still love my 6 year old's feet, but I'm less apt to kiss them now. Fresh from the tub and I just might. Feet and ears are my favorite baby parts :-).

  9. That baby gets sweeter every day. She's GORGEOUS!

  10. I love chubby little baby feet!!

  11. I love the baby hand and feet shots. I have several very similar of my little boy born in April, although you camera is far better than mine. She is such a beautiful little girl!

  12. WOW!!! I love those lipps!! Give them a kiss for me! Nothin sweeter than kissin baby lipps!

  13. Shock and awe...
    Shock...she's getting SO BIG and SO BEAUTIFUL!!!
    and AWWWWWWWWWWWW isn't she just the cutest thing around???

    Stay safe in the storms that are headed our way!


  14. I love baby feet. Whenever people bring their babies by the office I always ask to see their feet!

    Those shots are adorable!

    Keeping you in my prayers!

  15. Those pics of Gwenyth are adorable! I especially love the hand & feet, I adore baby feet. I'll bet you have enough pics of her by now to start your own art studio!

    Hugs & Blessings!

  16. Adorable shots, Nate! Does Tricia ever play with your camera?

    I see you've passed the 6 million mark!

  17. Beautiful baby starting to get pudgy! Cute, cute!

  18. Oh Nate! these are spectacular, those tiny,precious, feet! What a treasure trove of pics these are!
    I love to think that one day those same little feet will be dancing around the house, running on the beach... the Lord is sooo good!
    Have a great weekend,

  19. I have been meaning to say for a long time that I LOVE your photo's. These are especially cute. I really like the one of her onsie. Great perspective!

  20. Great pictures!!! You have such a knack with photography. Very impressive.

    Have a great weekend!

  21. Seriously???? Could she be any more precious???? She is such a miracle and it is so wonderful to watch her grow....God is so good.
    Praying that Gywneth continues to grow stronger everyday and that Tricia is feeling well and gets well rested this weekend.

  22. Absolute perfection...only Jesus can do that!

  23. The little feet are the most precious tiny things!!! Soooooo cute, and very neat shots as well. Prayers of course continuing.

  24. Oh how adorable and thank you for sharing! I just love little baby toes ;-) I have always referred to them as little "niblits"

  25. love the pics! LOVE the feet!! :)

  26. Beautiful pictures, Nate. I know I'm a little behind, but congrats on 6 million hits - only 4 million to go until you break the counter!

  27. I am so partial to baby hands and feet. They are just so precious. I am loving watching Gwyneth grow up and into herself, one glorious day at a time. Such a miracle and so is sweet Tricia. Praying for your girls and you every day. Have a wonderful weekend.

    Love, Laurie in Ca.

  28. I agree with all the comments about baby feet, but she really does have the most beautiful little lips. So perfect.
    Hope Tricia is doing OK this weekend.

  29. Love the pictures! When you look at her now it's hard to believe that she was as small as she was at birth!

  30. Could she be any more perfect? I think not! :)

  31. Beautiful focus and depth of field. I love her feet. Just wonderful. : )

  32. WOW, what great pics, you are really talented! I love the pic of her hair!!

  33. that is the cutest shirt ever! If you dont mind me asking where did you get it? And as for the pics. Adorable.they grow up fast so you'll be glad you took so many : )

  34. I always love the top of their heads!!! Wish I could put my hand on the top of my sons' heads again (they are 22 and 24 now and probably would not appreciate it!)


  35. Beautiful, as always. Looks like she might be needing a bow for that hair pretty soon!! :)


  36. That is such a beautiful little girl you have!! I am expecting a baby in February, and seeing the precious pictures of your little one just make me so excited to see what my little person will look like! Love your updates! Your pictures always make me smile. :-)

    God Bless! I'm praying for you guys!

  37. Mmmm, I can almost smell the Baby Magic.

    Where's the red hair coming from?

  38. Beautiful... every single little part of her!!! LOve them all, and her Daddy sure does love her!


  39. AMAZINGLY BEAUTIFUL. thanks for sharing!! give tricia my love!

  40. She is BEAUTIFUL. I love that you are taking these close ups like this of her. Later on when she is a big girl you will LOVE having these. I am a huge picture freak. We have pics from when Makily was very young and sickly and it's SO AWESOME to see how far she has come now. I know you will do the same with little Gwyneth!

  41. Thanks for posting the updates of your sweet baby girl.
    How exciting it is to see her grow and fill out.

    God is good

  42. She's so beautiful. It's so good to see her look like a chunky, healthy baby! I want to eat her feet.

    God Bless

  43. Awesome pics! A baby sleeping is a precious time for Mama and Daddy! We rejoice when Malaena-Sloan naps as they are short and FEW!!! I hope Gwenyth is a good napper and sleeper for her parents. Just wondering how Tricia is feeling?! I pray that the chemo doesn't wipe her energy and spirits. God bless you and yours. Cheri in MO

  44. beautiful that is all I can say just

  45. I just got my Official Bone Marrow Donor Card in the mail today. I'm so excited to possibly be able to help someone some day. Thanks for the information and the links to make registering so easy!! I pray no matter how discouraging some people are that you are able to see the impact of what you have done by telling your stories. Even if God only shows you a glimpse for now, you have truly helped raise awareness for so many!

  46. You posted this on my daughter's 11th birthday and it took me back to those delightful days of getting to know my new baby girl. After two boys, she was a lovely "pink" surprise!! Babies are so delicious and your Gwyneth can most definitely join those ranks!!

  47. Oh what beautiful photos and it looks as if her hair is turning red! Love the little toe photos.

  48. she is beautiful! thanks so much for sharing and being so honest about you all's lifes. much love and prayers always to you all.
    Jane.Colorado Springs, CO

  49. Love the pictures!!!!! My daughter is "ooh"-ing & "ahh"-ing over Gwyneth. Praying for you guys!

    ~Sara in MD

  50. Simply gorgeous. Child and photos. What memories you have for her to look back on. She is one photographed baby. We love seeing her, anytime!
    Love, hope and prayers,
    Tricia and Family (N.VA)xoxox

  51. Aww, Love sleeping babies. I could watch mine forever. Don't you just want to kiss those tooties!!!

  52. Just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy reading your blog. You and your family are in my prayers often. That sweet little girl of yours is absolutely beautiful!

  53. I LOVE baby toes! My baby's are starting to get stinky...


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