
Sunday, August 3, 2008


Tricia was feeling much better today than she had been the past several days. About mid-week, she started experiencing a lot of fatigue, and actually spent the rest of the week sleeping almost as much as she was awake. Friday was day ten, which is typically the worst day because the white blood cell count is at it's lowest.

Today, she went to church both this morning and again tonight, without taking a nap, and said she was feeling good, so it looks like we're on the upswing until her next treatment. This is a sign that the chemo (which is basically poison) is probably finally flushing out of her system.

Her next treatment will be on August 13.

Thanks for all of your encouragement and prayer over the past few weeks. Our biggest hope is that the news will be good when she's re-examined in late August.



BTW, we're at 81% of our LLS goal of $3000 as of 10pm tonight! I may have to bump my goal up a bit and add a few more incentives.


  1. I don't think I have ever had the opportunity to be the first post to one of your blogs.

    Glad to hear that Tricia is feeling better and that you are getting lots of donations.

    Looking forward to you shaving your hair. Maybe you should add shaving your legs to the contest.

  2. Praise God she is feeling better. You're both on my heart, mind and in my prayers daily.

  3. good news that Trisha is feeling better.
    Love the photo updates of baby girl Gwyneth!
    Thanks for your faithful updates.
    Praying for you three.
    Vancouver, BC

  4. Glad to hear that Tricia is starting to feel better! And at 81% of your goal already...awesome!

  5. So glad to hear Tricia is feeling less fatigued. That must be really hard with a baby but as usual Tric does everything with such grace! Or so it seems from this side! Thanks for sharing your life! =)

  6. I am so happy Trisha is feeling better. I pray that this treatment makes the cancer disappear. God works miracles and I expect nothing less these days.

    God Bless and good luck on your goal.

    Sonja - FL

  7. We continue to pray for your family. Praying that God gives Tricia the extra strength she needs right now (and you too!).

  8. I am so glad to hear she is doing okay..Whew!
    Keeping all of you in prayer.

  9. Glad Tricia is feeling better and praying that the chemo is doing a great job! Hopefully she won't have the fatigue as badly with her subsequent doses. (I don't know if it works like that or not, but I can hope and pray for it!) :)

  10. Hurrah for Tricia feeling better! God is great!! I bet Tricia as a CFer, is so much more accustomed to a different level of energy, patience and tolerance than your average chemo patient. Silver lining, and all that, right?

    Great news on being so close to your goal! (I have not been able to contribute financially yet, but I will try!). I was thinking about this very thing earlier, and maybe you should offer to shave Tricia and Gwyneth's initials in your hair for the first $3K, and walk around like that live for awhile :P Might be something funny to have in the baby book, no?

    Still praying for you all nightly! You guys are the niftiest family ever :)

  11. Please promise that when you shave your head (and we all know that you will hit that mark) that Tricia will take a photo of you and Gwyneth side by side! She looks SO much like your side of the family - with both of you "peach fuzzy" the resemblance will be hysterical!!

  12. Fantastic on both accounts! Glad to hear that Tricia is feeling better. And kudos for all the donations rolling in - folks must REALLY want to see that head of your shaven! I say eyebrows for going over your mark of $3000!!

  13. eyebrows, arm hair, arm pits, leg hair, back waxing???? Chest waxing??

    I can see the goal creeping up and up with each of these. :)

  14. How about bumping up the amount & offering to shave your legs - LOL

  15. Awesome news about Tricia! We are praying everyday for all of you.

  16. Glad she had a good day!! Love the picture of Gwyneth's feet below.

  17. I am so glad Tricia is doing so well.
    Congratuations on your success raising money for LLS. What an awesome thing you are doing!

    You are in our thoughts and prayers.
    God Bless,

  18. Continued prayers!! Can't wait to see your new DO...or lack there of!! LOL!!

  19. My sister just went through chemo. While I know your situation and health are much different, I pray that it will go as well as hers did.

    For a bit of practical advice - when/if you begin to lose your hair, its best to take it all off. She left a crewcut and it just stuck all over her in the shower and she couldn't rinse or wipe it off. fwiw.

    May this chemo "season" go swiftly!

  20. So glad to hear that Tricia is feeling better - God is good!

    Yup, I think you need to give us something more for the fundraiser.....waxed eyebrows?.......done by Tricia?

  21. So happy to hear that she is feeling good! She is just amazing.

    Lookin' forward to seeing your shiny bald head when you hit the goal! ;)

  22. Soo happy to hear Tricia is finally feeling better. Will continur to pray she feels well and that good news comes your way at her next visit.

    Gog Bless!

  23. ... and get the razor ready!! I see shaving coming your way really SOON!! LOL

  24. Glad to hear Tricia on the upswing. I remember my grandmother having chemo and it was always hard to see her become so fatigued. Prayers are coming your way.

  25. I am still praying for your wife and daughter. haven't posted in a while but check daily. what a doll Gwyneth is turning out to be.

  26. Your funny faces rival those of Mark Lowry!!

  27. Glad to hear Tricia is feeling better.... always thinking of you guys and praying for you!!


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