
Tuesday, September 2, 2008

1 Year Ago Today

We found out we were pregnant. Craziest day of our life kicked off the craziest year of our life. It feels like yesterday and a lifetime at the same time. You can read more about what that day and ensuing weeks were like for us Here.

God is good.



  1. And what a year it has been! God gave the world a gift when He blessed you with such unexpected news. Thank you for remaining faithful over this past year. My family & all who know you are blessed because of it. We love you guys!

  2. Wow a year ago you only got 19 comments on that post. Am I the first today?

    Praise God for a wonderful year. Praying that the next year brings many blessings.

    Myra in Florida

  3. Is it really possible? I'm like you and feel like--how can a year have passed?...but also it's hard to remember when our church family and the world wasn't crying out to God for you, Tricia and Gwyneth Rose. Seeing you all together now, one year later,is evidence that God is truly good. Enjoy this day.

  4. I thought it was at the very beginning of September.

    I've been reading your blog since Baby Leino's mama and daddy posted about the pregnancy our their blog (so in early December). It's been quite a journey. Thanks for taking us along for part of the ride. :)

  5. Amen!!!!!! so thankful i get to pray for you all and have been able to watch the Lord do miracles in your lives! Praying, jen in al

  6. Say it again, shout it from the rooftop--GOD IS SO GOOD!!
    Thank you for sharing your lives & faith with us, what a privilege and blessing.
    Praying for you all.
    Betty Ann

  7. what an amazing year... thanks for sharing it with us!!!

  8. God is so good! What a year of miracles for all of you. Praise him for what he has done and what he is going to do!

  9. Congratulations! You three are such an inspiration!

  10. Thanks so much for sharing all the big moments with us! You have a beautiful family!

    God Is Good!

  11. God is an awesome God! And as I have said before, your family is a wonderful testimony to our gracious and mericful Lord.
    In His Love.

  12. What an unbelievable, wonderful & difficult year you have had! I think it is just amazing to watch the way all of you have stayed strong & faithful through this past year! I am so honored to get to see a little part of what God is doing in your life & I will continue to watch!
    Emily in Mississippi

  13. I know what you mean! You'll find that all of Gwyneth's years will fly by... you won't believe how soon she'll be all grown, but you will always see her just like she was the first time. My "baby" is 24, and I can still see in her face what I saw on July 10, 1984 :)

  14. when I take the time to look 1, 5, or even 10 years back & remember a day when one thing, big or small changes the course of our lives - truely amazing!

  15. i can't believe it! God is SO FAITHFUL!

  16. What a year!!! You all have blessed countless people with your story, and I'm so happy that a friend sent me a link to your blog. I've cried, laughed, prayed, and praised right along with you since before Gwyneth was born. It's been quite a ride! I'm buckled up, ready for more. :)

    Hugs from El Paso,
    Karla and family

  17. That's a cool day to celebrate today. What a long way the three of you have come together, in only a year! And what amazing gifts you have received from God!
    I continue to pray for you. Wishing you many more blessings in the years ahead...

  18. Wow...I wanna know how you crammed all of that into just ONE year?!? I am just as excited to read every new post as I was the first time I read your blog! Keep 'em coming!

  19. She truly is a miracle baby. "This is the Lord's doing, it is marvelous in our eyes." Psalm 118:23

  20. Yes, He is. Praise God for giving you the courage to trust Him, to lean deeply into your relationship with Him through these long weeks and months. It has been a blessing to me to read your posts and see the sweetness of your family!

  21. If God takes you to it, He'll take you through it!

  22. And what a year it has been. You never could have imagined the ride that the Father would take you on - the ups and downs. But what an amazingly blessed and faith building year, not just for you but for all of us outside observers. Thank you again for sharing your ride with us and allowing us to partake in the work that HE is doing in and through your lives.
    May our Father continue to bless you, Tricia and Gwyneth as you walk in HIS life.

  23. What a special day today will always be to your family. Isn't it neat to look back and see blessings God is continuously giving to us? It's been neat to watch your faithful in Christ over this last year. Thanks for sharing with so many of us!

  24. Thanks to you both for sharing this last year with us. God is Good and I thank him everyday for the miracle of Trisha and Gweneth. I hope that the next year will be filled with more joy and love than you could ever imagine!!

  25. Wow, what it year it was! You guys have been through more in a year than many of us see in a lifetime. Lord bless and keep you guys!


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